New Martial Talk Belt ranks - need your input

Moderation gents. Don't hang out on the site, pop in for 15-20 minutes a day, on a break, don't spend 2-3 hrs arguing over minutia. I'm rarely on here for more than 10 minutes at a time any more, though I pop in hourly some days, twice a day on others, occasionally I even skip a day.

I think Farmville on Facebook's more a time killer though....gotta get those craps, err crops in before the great oat famine of 4 minutes from now hits. LOL :D
Simple fun way to keep score that fits the 'theme'. My sci-fi board used ranks from Star Wars, and my photography board uses humorous terms for photographers skill levels.
Posts = participation.

*shrug* Like the rep system, it's just there for fun.
I dunno....I was thinking maybe "Jock Washer", "Floor Scrubber" or maybe "Fresh Meat"? ;D

You know, if I were to start another martial arts forum, I'd probably go the smart-*** humor route.
I'd also get my head examined, and need a divorce lawyer I think. LOL
I may have to dip into my "Bag of Smartassedness" for those.

I mean what's higher than "Grandmaster"?

Great Grandmaster?

Super-Great Grandmaster

Really Super Duper Great Grandmaster?

Giga-Grand Master?

Tera-Grand Master?

Supreme Grandmaster

Supreme High Exulted Grandmaster

I Need A Life Master!

I may have to dip into my "Bag of Smartassedness" for those.

I mean what's higher than "Grandmaster"?

Great Grandmaster?

Super-Great Grandmaster

Really Super Duper Great Grandmaster?

Giga-Grand Master?

Tera-Grand Master?

Supreme Grandmaster

Supreme High Exulted Grandmaster

I Need A Life Master!


This has my vote.......... :asian:
you can borrow from electronics. milli micro nano pico....
those are going down in size no? to go up in magnitudes and positive indices need kilo-master mega-master giga-master and what is after that? I do not know.. though these sound like weight loss or bodybuild equipiment I think ha..

My vote goes to there being *no* ranks and handshakes and backpats visible in a profile (only visible to each member privately for theirselves) then anyone can only be judged by how useful is your last post not by what kind of fancy clever rep is established.. to say I am just here so I know nothing or I am here a long time so I know everything neither is correct :) x

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