I really f-in hope Juliani doesn't run for Vice President. THat would be my worse nightmare. I am hoping that this election the american people will realize that the emporer isn't wearing any clothes. With Juliani on the Vice President ticket, I am afraid that too many americans will become intoxicated on patriotism, impairing their judgement, making them the logical equivelents of Haitian zombies. Everyone will be flag waving and yelling cool catch phrases that have little to do with any canidate, like "Support our troops" and "remember 9-11" as they swagger into the booth like drunken frat boys to punch their chads for "Bush/Juliani," only to wake up the next morning screaming and trying to escape the motel with their pants around there ankles. The american people would wake up the next morning like the Frat boy finding out that not only did he sleep with the fat chick last night, but the chick was actually a man, and he got married to him, and he/she won't sign the divorce papers for at least 4 years, and insists on spending all the money, running up debt, trashing the house, making him lose his job, and getting him into fights with his neightbors in the mean time.
Bottom line: Juliani has a media presence. Hell, I even like the guy when he gets on TV. His pressence gives me temporary abnesia to the fact that he supported Bush and mayor Bloomberg of NYC. The sad thing is, however, if you ask ANYONE if they think Juliani would make a good president or VP, most will say "Yes!" Then if you ask them why, you get to first watch them stumble over their own words, trying to reach for a reason, when the only thing they will come up with is, "I like the way he handled 9-11." Then you get to ask some critical questions like, "What did he do to handle 9-11? What did he do to benefit the City while he was mayor? .....Really, you say Crime went down while he was in office; what policies was he responsable for that helped crime to go down?" etc. etc. etc. 9 out of 10 people (7 of 10 if they live in New York) who think he'd be a wonderful President or VP won't know answers to critical questions, and the only justification they'll be able to give is that they liked his media pressence after 9-11. Well, hey... Beyonce's Media Presence 'makes me so crazy in love', but I don't think she'd make a good President.
And...you know what!? My long rant is not even a crack on Juliani. It's a crack on our fat, lazy, egotistical, media driven society. Here's a good idea America, if someone asks you a question that you don't know the answer too, try simply saying, "Gee...I don't know....maybe I'll look into that!" So, when someone says "Do you think Juliani would make a good President?" and you don't really know anything about him outside his "Media Pressence", try answering it with honesty..., "I am not sure, I'd have to see what his plans are if he were to get elected, and I'd have to learn more about his past history."
There....no was that so hard. :soapbox: