New BJJ guy needs advice

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What, exactly, does your height and slender frame have to do with it?

I don’t absorb the strain on my body and I am depleted and drained for 2 days .
Technically I finish 2/3 of the class lol
If the class was an hour I would finish it !!!
I need to recover as the next day I have another class
Yes limited sparing will slow down my Progress but my goal is health !!
I noticed guys who started several months after me have been given blue belts but I will be the best white belt ever lol
I am being honest !!!
I also like the beginners MMA class as we do tons of wrestling and the MT class is 90 min but I finish it as it’s low intensity .
I like eveything

last night I was working on my knife defense on the ground and learned some new things from a few European Krav guys . On ytube !!
I did knife to throat and stabbing knife and had to think of the German guy in saving private Ryan lol
I do 5 classes a week and I pray to god my mma coach will keep training us for the rest of the year
I actually thought I was learning good wrestling from my private coach but now I can see I was wasting my time but I did learn some good movement and Def
@quasar44 this question is in no way meant to be offensive, but some of your posts have lead me to this question and it might change how some of us respond to you. Do you have some sort of processing/developmental/memory/attention disorder?
I don’t absorb the strain on my body and I am depleted and drained for 2 days .
Technically I finish 2/3 of the class lol
If the class was an hour I would finish it !!!
I need to recover as the next day I have another class
Yes limited sparing will slow down my Progress but my goal is health !!
I noticed guys who started several months after me have been given blue belts but I will be the best white belt ever lol
It sounds like the intensity and length of the rolling isn't the issue. You've bitten off more than you can chew, and rather than give yourself some time to adapt, you're just charging ahead with what you say your body can't handle, and skimping on the learning, instead.

And, no, neither your height nor your weight is an issue insofar as the numbers you keep sharing are concerned, so you can stop repeating them. You're a slender guy, we get it. I am, too (and was more so in the past). If your body can't take the activity, it's another issue, other than height and weight.
I do 5 classes a week and I pray to god my mma coach will keep training us for the rest of the year
I actually thought I was learning good wrestling from my private coach but now I can see I was wasting my time but I did learn some good movement and Def
If you learned good movement and defense (I assume that's what "Def" is - you seem to like to inject nonstandard jargon), then you weren't wasting your time. It can't be both.
If you learned good movement and defense (I assume that's what "Def" is - you seem to like to inject nonstandard jargon), then you weren't wasting your time. It can't be both.

I feel age and time are a factor !!
So yes I am bitting off a very large chunk .
I don’t know if I will be able to keep this pace up in 3 yrs but I like doing everything
Funny thing was in High School I was a big 185 pound kid
Once I left home : that good cooking vanished
I feel age and time are a factor !!
So yes I am bitting off a very large chunk .
I don’t know if I will be able to keep this pace up in 3 yrs but I like doing everything
Age is a factor in recovery, no doubt. I'm 50, and don't recover as quickly as I did at 40 (to say nothing of 30). But I can still go hard if I do it right. Stepping out of the thing your body seems to need to work on the most isn't probably going to be your best path to improvement. A major learning point in any art is learning how to keep going when you start to gas. In grappling, that's mostly learning to slow down and go soft, even if it means you get submitted more often. Which it will for a while. But working that extra bit is how you make progress on both conditioning and skill. There's a surprising amount you can learn when you're losing while rolling.
Not when you work full time and cross train in MT and wrestling and you’re 44 and 155 pounds with a history of lower back issues
Boo hoo...stop making dumb excuses for your poor performance
How often will you do BJJ and with GI or no
Gi is 80 percent of the classes

You should read my response again, I do not train BJJ, I have only had the occasional play, with a collegue that has trained in BJJ who currently holds a blue belt I beleive.
I like eveything

Well your missing a trick if you dont train in the following
Karate any style
Kung fu any style
Jiu jutsu
Tang soo do
I could of gone on, or put it over 30 posts to try and be top poster, damn you going to be busy.
Well your missing a trick if you dont train in the following
Karate any style
Kung fu any style
Jiu jutsu
Tang soo do
I could of gone on, or put it over 30 posts to try and be top poster, damn you going to be busy.

I get striking from Muay Thai and Krav
Ground from BJJ
Take downs from wrestling

Krav uses many of the Ancient asian hand strikes such as hammer , Palm, ridge and knife hand
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