That One Guy
Yellow Belt
So, I've been wanting to quit smoking cigarettes for years now. Recently I believe I've come to a point in my life that is very appropriate for this undertaking. I graduated from college for massage therapy a couple weeks ago, and I started taking martial arts classes about 3 months ago. I'm 24 years old and I've been smoking for over ten years.
Its time to stop.
I know this.
So, its been 16 days since my last cigarette, and I have to say, I thought the cravings would have lessened by now.
The worst part about it is that I still don't feel any better........I mean, I was never a very stinky smoker. Even friends and family would notice that I never really smelled like a smoker so its not like I can say "now I don't smell gross anymore". My lung capacity doesn't feel any greater. I still have approximately the same stamina level. I smoked rolling tobacco so it wasnt very expensive......
When am I going to experience some benefits to not smoking anymore?
Right now all I am experiencing is really nasty mood swings and horrible, horrible cravings.....(I've replaced cigarettes with push ups, v-ups and squats, so my tone has improved over the last couple weeks, thats for sure.)
Please help....any advice from martial artists who have quit smoking because they thought it was getting in the way of their training would be especially helpful.
Its time to stop.
I know this.
So, its been 16 days since my last cigarette, and I have to say, I thought the cravings would have lessened by now.
The worst part about it is that I still don't feel any better........I mean, I was never a very stinky smoker. Even friends and family would notice that I never really smelled like a smoker so its not like I can say "now I don't smell gross anymore". My lung capacity doesn't feel any greater. I still have approximately the same stamina level. I smoked rolling tobacco so it wasnt very expensive......
When am I going to experience some benefits to not smoking anymore?
Right now all I am experiencing is really nasty mood swings and horrible, horrible cravings.....(I've replaced cigarettes with push ups, v-ups and squats, so my tone has improved over the last couple weeks, thats for sure.)
Please help....any advice from martial artists who have quit smoking because they thought it was getting in the way of their training would be especially helpful.