New BJJ guy needs advice

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Welcome to Martial Talk, BullfrogJay.

It gets easier as you go more. You’ll lose weight and get in shape, it’s kind of hard not to.

Best thing you can do, in my opinion, is stay as relaxed as you can when rolling.
Not necessarily and not in BJJ.

NO in BJJ you will tire out smaller guys lol.
Bigger guys tire the smaller guys out in grappling.
In striking, it can be the reverse unless the guy is in good shape
BJJ is the Physics of Martial Arts.
I have decided to lower my goals in BJJ by 50 percent.
Just be a great White level guy or low level Blue is enough for me.

BJJ is not enough if that is your only martial arts. You need a striking art to combine and BJJ sucks in take downs
BJJ combines well with MT
Boxing combines well with Wrestling.
I do them all but at a low level
BJJ is the Physics of Martial Arts.
I have decided to lower my goals in BJJ by 50 percent.
Just be a great White level guy or low level Blue is enough for me.

BJJ is not enough if that is your only martial arts. You need a striking art to combine and BJJ sucks in take downs
So you want to be a blue belt but wearing a gi is beneath you?....but not a belt huh figures
NO in BJJ you will tire out smaller guys lol.
Bigger guys tire the smaller guys out in grappling.
In striking, it can be the reverse unless the guy is in good shape
Just stop you're embarrassing yourself now
BJJ is the Physics of Martial Arts.
I have decided to lower my goals in BJJ by 50 percent.
Just be a great White level guy or low level Blue is enough for me.

BJJ is not enough if that is your only martial arts. You need a striking art to combine and BJJ sucks in take downs

Or just have as your goal: to learn. That way there are no limits or endpoints placed on it, leaves it open, regardless of level or belt. Ranks come along the way as a by-product to support and nurture your learning.

And why is BJJ not enough? For who? If you enjoy BJJ (which the OP does), you don't "need" anything else. Not everyone has the same intention or purpose for training.
Or just have as your goal: to learn. That way there are no limits or endpoints placed on it, leaves it open, regardless of level or belt. Ranks come along the way as a by-product to support and nurture your learning.

And why is BJJ not enough? For who? If you enjoy BJJ (which the OP does), you don't "need" anything else. Not everyone has the same intention or purpose for training.

I have only do bJJ for maybe 20 months and only twice a week and its hard. It's so damn hard because you never get reps in and you may not see the move again for 6 months or never. Very hard to improve when you dont get the muscle memory .
NO in BJJ you will tire out smaller guys lol.
Bigger guys tire the smaller guys out in grappling.
In striking, it can be the reverse unless the guy is in good shape

Really? who told you all this? and you believed it? :D:D:D:D:D
BJJ sucks in take downs

What you are actually saying is you can't do them. there are some wicked take downs in BJJ, how do you think two opponents start standing and get to the floor, did you think they shake hands and sit down?

BJJ combines well with MT
Boxing combines well with Wrestling

Basically stand up goes with a ground style is what you are trying to say.

I have only do bJJ for maybe 20 months

You wondered why I called you a beginner, 20 months in and you have made some astounding assertions consistent with you not knowing very much about either stand up or ground work.
What you are actually saying is you can't do them. there are some wicked take downs in BJJ, how do you think two opponents start standing and get to the floor, did you think they shake hands and sit down?

Basically stand up goes with a ground style is what you are trying to say.

You wondered why I called you a beginner, 20 months in and you have made some astounding assertions consistent with you not knowing very much about either stand up or ground work.

I know way more than you will ever know !!!
I would just keep BJJ at the basics and that is it !!
Trying to learn the hundreds of insane submissions and 50 different guard positions and 200 sweeps is impossible for most.

Stick to the MMA positions : Guard, Half Guard, Side Mount, Mount and Rear Mount and yes the Turtle lol

In GI they have so many other positions that its counter productive unless you want to compete in BJJ
I would just keep BJJ at the basics and that is it !!
Trying to learn the hundreds of insane submissions and 50 different guard positions and 200 sweeps is impossible for most.

Stick to the MMA positions : Guard, Half Guard, Side Mount, Mount and Rear Mount and yes the Turtle lol

In GI they have so many other positions that its counter productive unless you want to compete in BJJ
You keep talking about how complicated it is. Oddly, nobody I know who trains BJJ seems to feel it's so painfully complex. I wonder what it is you know that none of those couple dozen people knows.

Or might it be the other way around?
You keep talking about how complicated it is. Oddly, nobody I know who trains BJJ seems to feel it's so painfully complex. I wonder what it is you know that none of those couple dozen people knows.

Or might it be the other way around?

if you give me a structured program and I can do well
If you just throw tons of stuff at me every class with zero repetition from previous stuff than I sink
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