Need your support as well


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
First off I would like to thank ATC for this ideal, if not for him I did not know what I was going to do. As all of you know my boys are heading to florida for the AAU Nationals in July plus they are competing here in Dallas for USAT. They are trying to raise enough to be able to due both. Here is a link to the gofundme page if you can spare anything if would be appreciated both my sons Caleb and Michael should qualify for the AAU team this year came close last year. Those of you that have had the pleasure of meeting and training with them know they are A students and have never ever been in any trouble. I would normanally be helping others but the past year has put a financial hold on my family with all my medical expenses. If you could find it in your hearts to help I promise it will come back ten times later in your life. Caleb is 15 and Michael is 13 and they have a lemonade stand on the weekend and holding garage sales as well, they simply understand the position we are in but they will not give up trying. I know GOD will find a way for them to go and compete he always does and I know the TKD community is very giving even with all the brickering we do. Once a TKD person always. Yes my school is still there and we are moving very slowly trying to rebuild but it is and will be a long rode but one we will get back to.

P.S Zachary will not be doing AAU because they no longer have an adult team anymore so he is staying with USAT this year and every other.

Terry L. Stoker
Zachary,Caleb and Michael
Just wanted to say here to those that have help it is appreciated and Thank you all.

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