Checking in and asking my TKD brothers for help


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Hello and it has been a long time, I come on here and there when I can but really I am here now asking for a little help.

I was diagnose with stage three lung cancer about two months ago, started chemo and have 20 session still to go and hopefully that is all. My request is simple one of my friends and my boys set up a go fund me account to help raise money for there trip to chicago for USAT Nationals. If you can find it in your hearts and have a few extra dollars I am sure they will raise enough. I hate asking for anything from anybody and believe me this ordeal is very expensive and a burden on my family. Me and my wife are not asking for help with us but only for my boys so they can get back to USAT and do what they do best and fight.

The website is My sons Zachary, Caleb and Michael will appreciate anything they can get, so even $10.00 or $20.00 means alot to them.

I never look for pity or handouts from anybody but if me boys can swallow there pride so can I.

Terry Stoker
Words fail me, Terry :(. It'll be no surprise to you that you have a hard fight ahead, mate. What sort of chemo sessions are you having? Any radio-therapy along with it? Either way you'll be taking a kicking from the side-effects.

Are overseas donations possible for your fund?
Yes sir go fund me goes everywhere, right now I am doing intervenis chemo and yes it is kicking my backside and everything taste bad afterwards even water has that after taste but I will prevail. I am too stupid to understand the words fail. Thank you.
Just a bump to see if anyone can or would help my boys make Nationals, also I do appreciate those that sent checks to me because they did not want to give to go fund me because they take a percentage. I really do appreciate all of you that has helped. Theyare only short about $600.00 now and have a month to finish raising it and it has been a blessing from the TKD community for all the help.

One month, and a goal that is in sight. I think that this community can get you there. I hope everyone who can, donates whatever they can spare. This is one part of your battle that doesn't have to be shouldered without help. Please give.
Just another bump, My boys are only $375.00 short. Between doing two car washes and a garage sale they are real close. If you can please help, I know alot of yoou have already and I hate coming on here and asking but I want them to have a worry free Nationals so they can focus on nothing but training. Thank you all for being so understanding and helping out.

Zachary, Caleb and Michael
Just one more bump, my boys are only $180.00 away from there goal. This forum and the folks out there have really come though. We are very lucky to have good friends both in person and by multi media to help them. I wish I could do something for all of you that have helped but all I can do is say Thank you for your support.

The last thing is if you can help them finish there goal it is appreciated.

The Stoker family
With one week to go the boys are still the $180.00 short, I and my boys wanted to say thank you to all those that have helped them this year. We as a family appreciate everything this board has done to help. Hopefully they will goout and do you all proud. We don't measure success by a meer match but by overall performance, so has we all would like to see a winand them up on the Podium itis about them being able to go and compete against what the best is in the USA.

Stoker family