Opinions about the different orgs.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I would like to get people official opinion about the different orgs, not what we need to go to the Olympics or for S.D but just for the benefit of belonging. I will start the USAT is the only org for my son Zachary even though wwe do alot with AAU we need the USAT right now if he really wants to try and compete at the Olympics one day. The other option is try out for the Puerto Rico Team. For more traditional TKD we have the ITF and the new and improved USTC or so they say, I really have had no dealings with them so I will not make comments.

It seems to me little orgs like Texas TKD and such is great for getting together for some local competition. What about for us semi retired still like tocompete but at slower pace, is there anything out there for us?

Lets try and remember to be civil and respect those opinions that are forth coming.
You mean point sparring, Terry? Surely, you've heard of the AOK since you're in Texas. http://www.theaok.org/ Not my cup of tea, but I understand they throw a lot of tournaments around the state. Some famous Texas TKD guys like Tim Kirby fought in their circuit in the eighties.

As for just all-around improving your skills, I'd suggest just making friends with some local martial artists outside of TKD. You'll be invited to seminars on a variety of topics with some really outstanding martial artists from all the world. Some of the top silat and stick fighting people visit Texas every year as just one example. If you want to stay truer to TKD's roots, I'd follow the karate seminar circuit. Kiyohide Shinjo of Uechi-ryu karate fame visited Austin last year...There's lots of opportunities to learn if you're willing to do something a little different.
Yes we do AOK but it is about very light contact and that is not for me. You are right but we seem to have the same people sparring every other week, it is getting boring.
Yes we do AOK but it is about very light contact and that is not for me. You are right but we seem to have the same people sparring every other week, it is getting boring.

Well you have to admit the audience for open tournaments seems to be small. You Olympic-qualifying guys have your own circuit. Of course, the infamous ATA, of which my niece and nephew are members, holds their own tournaments. Same with the ITA.

Do you get the feeling that tournament participation is on the wane? Everyone is watching their dollars these days. I know the turn out at some ATA tournaments has been relatively disappointing.
Do you get the feeling that tournament participation is on the wane? Everyone is watching their dollars these days. I know the turn out at some ATA tournaments has been relatively disappointing.
I would not say so. This is an off year for the WTF circuit as there is no World Championships this year. They are every 2 years and with that being the case there is no real reason for seniors to qualify as they would not make the Sr. National team this year anyways, the team is already set for this year, so many see it as a waste of time and money as there is no real incentive.

Also, most color belts only do local tournaments as they are cheaper and those seem to have the same number of turnouts. Many top black belt competitors tend to use local tournaments as tune ups or as a training tool for National events.

These are my obersvations of the tournaments that we attend. As for other orgs I could not tell you.
Well I will say that I am no fan of Benkos ITA. After looking through his requirements for membership it seems like pure money grubbing to me. Even more disturbing is that on his website he uses the death of General Choi to try to build his enrollment.
I would not say so. This is an off year for the WTF circuit as there is no World Championships this year.

Uhhhh, October 14-18 2009 in Copenhagen Denmark will be the 19th WTF World Championships. Hardly an "Off year". True that the USAT team for Worlds was already chosen a few weeks ago at the Team Trial in Austin TX and therefore Nationals this year may have a low turnout. Though I would imagine that a top 4 finish at Nationals this year might get you into a team trial for another event next year, such as Pan Ams.
Uhhhh, October 14-18 2009 in Copenhagen Denmark will be the 19th WTF World Championships. Hardly an "Off year". True that the USAT team for Worlds was already chosen a few weeks ago at the Team Trial in Austin TX and therefore Nationals this year may have a low turnout. Though I would imagine that a top 4 finish at Nationals this year might get you into a team trial for another event next year, such as Pan Ams.

Sorry Mango.man finishing in the topr four in your division when there may only be four at best will not qualify you for trails for any team next year. There will have to be a fight off to determine the top athletes.
Sorry Mango.man finishing in the topr four in your division when there may only be four at best will not qualify you for trails for any team next year. There will have to be a fight off to determine the top athletes.

USAT Website said:
2010 Senior Selection procedures are not complete. Once these procedures are complete they will be posted at [URL="http://www.usa-taekwondo.us/."]http://www.usa-taekwondo.us/.[/URL]

There is no telling yet how next year's team will be determined. Still, I would bet that placing at Nationals this year would be advantagous to the process, even if it just means a slightly higher seeding over someone that does not go to Nationals be it in a team trial, invition only fight off or an open fight off.
There is no telling yet how next year's team will be determined. Still, I would bet that placing at Nationals this year would be advantagous to the process, even if it just means a slightly higher seeding over someone that does not go to Nationals be it in a team trial, invition only fight off or an open fight off.

Yes you are right but a good friend and instructor is already getting his folks ready for a fight off next year because that is what the inside scoop is, now my son Zachary is one of them so I try and keep up with every little thing for his sake. Maybe we will see each other in Colorado Springs next year and have a cold one.
I would like to get people official opinion about the different orgs, not what we need to go to the Olympics or for S.D but just for the benefit of belonging. I will start the USAT is the only org for my son Zachary even though wwe do alot with AAU we need the USAT right now if he really wants to try and compete at the Olympics one day. The other option is try out for the Puerto Rico Team. For more traditional TKD we have the ITF and the new and improved USTC or so they say, I really have had no dealings with them so I will not make comments.

It seems to me little orgs like Texas TKD and such is great for getting together for some local competition. What about for us semi retired still like tocompete but at slower pace, is there anything out there for us?

Lets try and remember to be civil and respect those opinions that are forth coming.
I think that a lot depends on what you want out of an org. Your son is very involved in competition, as is Mangoman's daughter. Organizational affiliation with USAT (for US residents) is very helpful, particularly if one has dreams of olympic gold.

Competition is unimportant to me, but as an aspiring school owner, I do see the value of being certified by someone else besides just myself.

A self contained org, be it a biggie like the Kukkiwon or a small independent (like the orgs that I hold my hapkido grades and kendo grades through), provides a level legitimacy in the eyes of the customer, most of whom do not know one org from another.

Orgs that are layers are another story. The USTC that you mentioned, does not provide me with anything that I cannot get as a straight KKW member, aside from a newsletter and networking. They do not do their own gradings, so for that I am still linked to the Kukkiwon. I see USAT in a similar light, but USAT does a lot for members who are involved in active competition. Not racking on the USTC, mind you. It just seems redundant, though I do like what they are trying to represent.

Personally, I find that there are enough frauds and phoneys who have organizational affilation that such affiliation is meaningless in determining how good a school is. Customers just do not know better and they take all of those stickers in the window to mean more than they really do.

For me, organizations serve their purpose but are not the end all be all of any style.


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