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now I turned 17 last month, height is 6'2, weigh is 135-140...
Still skinny aas you can see my weigh..
waht should I do?
Originally posted by CrushingFist
now I turned 17 last month, height is 6'2, weigh is 135-140...
Still skinny aas you can see my weigh..
waht should I do?

Talk to a dietician. It may cost some money, but they are quite beneficial in these situations. At 6'2" you should be eating close to 3000-3500 calories a day to gain weight. It sounds like a lot, but it will help.

Like everyone is saying, you are young and your body will eventually pack on the weight. If you want to gain though, you need to lift heavy weight (heavy for you), stay away from the intense cardio work i.e. basketball and running and eat a balanced diet. You should be working out 6 days a week if you want to see gains. There is no quick way to do it. You need to stay disciplined. Eat a lot of ice cream and peanuts. Be sure to lift though.
I have always been "skinny" "scrawny" "boney" a "peanut" "twiggy" etc.

From about age 10 it really bothered me and I never filled out, until I started training. I weighed 100 lbs when I got married at age 24. I weighed about 105 from age 25 to 28. I strated training in Kenpo and didn't change my diet much, and managed to gain another few pounds, to about 114. If I got sick, I would drop about 5-8 pounds in a single day, and work for weeks to put it back on!

I consulted with a dietician, and found out I needed 3000 calories a day to maintain weight, and 3400 to gain a pound a week. I started weightlifting reguarly. In the past year I have put on quite a bit, now I weigh 122 and it's all healthy weight, mostly muscle, some "other". Age definitely has something to do with it, I'm about to turn 34. But I attribute most of it to training.

High calorie snacks like ice cream, Ensure Plus pudding and drinks, Gatorade, and frequent helpings of meat and carbs. I take multivitamins daily with minerals (iron especially).

Now I feel better than ever- I just have to be sure to keep the weight but not keep packing on fat. Time to step up the cardio and the ab/butt work!

I know the aggravation you are going through, believe me. It gets better- especially if you try to go hi-cal and work toward muscle mass. Don't give up the b-ball, just add lifting. Instead of a candy bar, have an Ensure Plus pudding cup- in fact, have two.
Avoid caffeine and nicotine- both will keep your weight down, and the caffeine is dehydrating as well.

Last thing- get as much rest as you can. If you sleep best 9pm-5am, make your schedule fit that. If 11pm-7am, do that, religiously. This will let your body stay healthy. You don't need to tell me how much weight you drop when you get sick- I already know it.

Keep us posted! Jill
Bro, your not actually that skinny! Unfortuantly most tall people (Excluding NBA players before you say anything :p) tend to be kinda skinny......just the way it goes I guess. But seriously...your not actually that skinny. Only problem your gonna have following all this advice is the amount of Basketball you play. I play Basketball too and I went from 12 stone to 10 in 2 months (Not bothered to change measurements) so no matter how much you eat and stuff from my experiance it might be kinda hard to put that weight on :asian:

Good luck ps........What position do you play in Basketball? :D
Yes, stick with a program instead of giving up if you don't see quick results.

I used to be very thin....then when I hit 35, my metabolism stopped! Now I have to train hard to lose weight!
Originally posted by silencethehero
Talk to a dietician. It may cost some money, but they are quite beneficial in these situations. At 6'2" you should be eating close to 3000-3500 calories a day to gain weight. It sounds like a lot, but it will help.

Like everyone is saying, you are young and your body will eventually pack on the weight. If you want to gain though, you need to lift heavy weight (heavy for you), stay away from the intense cardio work i.e. basketball and running and eat a balanced diet. You should be working out 6 days a week if you want to see gains. There is no quick way to do it. You need to stay disciplined. Eat a lot of ice cream and peanuts. Be sure to lift though.

Thanks so much for taking your time and reading this thread... Well, I'm looking for a job so I can afford going to a martial arts school & a gym... I also need to depend on myself and not my parents, even though I get hungry a lot of time & I dont have any money to eat... I just weighed myself in boxers and I'm 142lb now :) ... I'm just doing pushups, and I fill up a lil tank of water & I pull it up like if it was weights lol... Will Pull ups help? sit ups? all kinds of exercise? so you sayin i should eat foods that have a lot of calories? so that means junk food ?you said to stay awy from Basketball/ Running ? why ? I play basketball thats my sport.
Originally posted by Jill666
I have always been "skinny" "scrawny" "boney" a "peanut" "twiggy" etc.

From about age 10 it really bothered me and I never filled out, until I started training. I weighed 100 lbs when I got married at age 24. I weighed about 105 from age 25 to 28. I strated training in Kenpo and didn't change my diet much, and managed to gain another few pounds, to about 114. If I got sick, I would drop about 5-8 pounds in a single day, and work for weeks to put it back on!

I consulted with a dietician, and found out I needed 3000 calories a day to maintain weight, and 3400 to gain a pound a week. I started weightlifting reguarly. In the past year I have put on quite a bit, now I weigh 122 and it's all healthy weight, mostly muscle, some "other". Age definitely has something to do with it, I'm about to turn 34. But I attribute most of it to training.

High calorie snacks like ice cream, Ensure Plus pudding and drinks, Gatorade, and frequent helpings of meat and carbs. I take multivitamins daily with minerals (iron especially).

Now I feel better than ever- I just have to be sure to keep the weight but not keep packing on fat. Time to step up the cardio and the ab/butt work!

I know the aggravation you are going through, believe me. It gets better- especially if you try to go hi-cal and work toward muscle mass. Don't give up the b-ball, just add lifting. Instead of a candy bar, have an Ensure Plus pudding cup- in fact, have two.
Avoid caffeine and nicotine- both will keep your weight down, and the caffeine is dehydrating as well.

Last thing- get as much rest as you can. If you sleep best 9pm-5am, make your schedule fit that. If 11pm-7am, do that, religiously. This will let your body stay healthy. You don't need to tell me how much weight you drop when you get sick- I already know it.

Keep us posted! Jill

hehe thanks so much ...
but how tall are you?
well I'm skinny but im healthy, i eat healthy, and the doctors told me too... i always been a healthy skinny boy, people might think im weak but im not...
i use to drink Ensure, Ensure Plus milk, never heard of the puddin cup, anyways... the milk was nothin lol, i only see myself gainin weigh in my belly, so I keep doin sittups whenever i can, and yes i gotta make myself a schedule... thanks again
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Bro, your not actually that skinny! Unfortuantly most tall people (Excluding NBA players before you say anything :p) tend to be kinda skinny......just the way it goes I guess. But seriously...your not actually that skinny. Only problem your gonna have following all this advice is the amount of Basketball you play. I play Basketball too and I went from 12 stone to 10 in 2 months (Not bothered to change measurements) so no matter how much you eat and stuff from my experiance it might be kinda hard to put that weight on :asian:

Good luck ps........What position do you play in Basketball? :D

thanks. well I was seeing a chart of the future NCAA players being drafted, 6'1 = 175, 6'2=185lb. thats how I saw it.
I'm 6'2 & 142lb., I play basketball and need to play even more basketball, otherwise wont make it... I play any position they put me to play, I have played all the positions, Point Guard, Shooting, Small F, Power F, and Center... I'm usually a Foward/Center, but when the teams needs help, I become everything.
Like the fella's said, give it a few years and you'll wish for it to slow down. Enjoy your youth and enjoy being slim, as long as your healthy.. thats all that matters.
You are a true ectomorph probably.

What you have to do is eat. Eat plenty. At least 4000 calories of clean food such as complex carbs, monounsaturated fats, proteins from a variety of sources, get all your vitamins, but eat eat eat. Probably add weight training (bodybuilding style) and you should gain something.

But people with your body type, it's pretty hard to gain weight like that.

What's your LBM? BF%? A lot of NCAA players are around 10-15%, and in the pros, it's typically the same although there are a lot of people around 6-8%. Last time I remember, Shaq is a little over 20%.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
You are a true ectomorph probably.

What you have to do is eat. Eat plenty. At least 4000 calories of clean food such as complex carbs, monounsaturated fats, proteins from a variety of sources, get all your vitamins, but eat eat eat. Probably add weight training (bodybuilding style) and you should gain something.

But people with your body type, it's pretty hard to gain weight like that.

What's your LBM? BF%? A lot of NCAA players are around 10-15%, and in the pros, it's typically the same although there are a lot of people around 6-8%. Last time I remember, Shaq is a little over 20%.
I dont know my LBM or my BF,,,
Last time i heard Shaq was only 4% BF :eek:
Originally posted by CrushingFist
Thanks so much for taking your time and reading this thread... Well, I'm looking for a job so I can afford going to a martial arts school & a gym... I also need to depend on myself and not my parents, even though I get hungry a lot of time & I dont have any money to eat... I just weighed myself in boxers and I'm 142lb now :) ... I'm just doing pushups, and I fill up a lil tank of water & I pull it up like if it was weights lol... Will Pull ups help? sit ups? all kinds of exercise? so you sayin i should eat foods that have a lot of calories? so that means junk food ?you said to stay awy from Basketball/ Running ? why ? I play basketball thats my sport.

No problem with the help. People here like to pass on their knowledge. That's what is great about Martial Artists.

Keep playing basketball if that's your sport. If you want to gain weight though, you need to lay off the the cardio work. Some people may disagree with me. I guess you'll have to trust a stranger.

Continually eat!!! The better the food you eat, the better gains you'll see. Stay away from the junkfood. I know it's difficult, but if you wanna make changes you have to be willing to change aspects within your daily routine.

As for saving up money for a dojo, I would approach an instructor and tell him/her your level of desire to learn, but you don't have a lot of money. If they're worth it, they'll work out a deal with you. If they turn you away because you can't afford it, they are teaching for the wrong reasons. Show him/her that you want to be there. Volunteer to help out around the dojo to knock off tuition fees. It is important that you do what you say you are going to do in a case like this.

Look online for workouts by Navy SEALS and other Special Forces Teams. Their training is always intense and they don't use weights. You can purchase a pull-up bar at any sporting goods store for very little money. If you do pull-ups, push-ups and sit-ups everyday you're sure to see gains. Don't expect it to happen overnight. It will take you about 3 months before you notice the changes yourself. Within a few months, others will notice.

Listen to the people on the board. Enough of us want to help you. Keep us posted with your development.
Originally posted by silencethehero
No problem with the help. People here like to pass on their knowledge. That's what is great about Martial Artists.

Keep playing basketball if that's your sport. If you want to gain weight though, you need to lay off the the cardio work. Some people may disagree with me. I guess you'll have to trust a stranger.

Continually eat!!! The better the food you eat, the better gains you'll see. Stay away from the junkfood. I know it's difficult, but if you wanna make changes you have to be willing to change aspects within your daily routine.

As for saving up money for a dojo, I would approach an instructor and tell him/her your level of desire to learn, but you don't have a lot of money. If they're worth it, they'll work out a deal with you. If they turn you away because you can't afford it, they are teaching for the wrong reasons. Show him/her that you want to be there. Volunteer to help out around the dojo to knock off tuition fees. It is important that you do what you say you are going to do in a case like this.

Look online for workouts by Navy SEALS and other Special Forces Teams. Their training is always intense and they don't use weights. You can purchase a pull-up bar at any sporting goods store for very little money. If you do pull-ups, push-ups and sit-ups everyday you're sure to see gains. Don't expect it to happen overnight. It will take you about 3 months before you notice the changes yourself. Within a few months, others will notice.

Listen to the people on the board. Enough of us want to help you. Keep us posted with your development.
hehe thanks... to start off

i dont eat junk food at all, the only junk food i chew is gum, thast about it... im very hard to be buyin candy nowadays especially is not 50cents, is 60 and 65cents now... i may eat junk food 1x per 3months or something, like i can eat candy once a month maybe, other junk food like cookies 1x per week

second... yea i have found 1 instructor now that teaches and is a student of Hung Fut Kung-Fu i am very happy... i will be checkin him out in about 2 weeks... he understood me, and will accept me. hmm my interest are mainly Chinese & Ninjutsu of course into the Bujinkan..

well i will keep exercising... i cant do nothin without a job
but thanks all of you