I turned fifty this month and I am more excited about Gung-Fu than I ever was. I have a teacher who is in his 70's and he puts me through my paces. he and his friend,also in his seventies play with each other pretty rough and tumble, and still throw each other around. Every once in awhile when he's making me do my form repeatedly (the only word he knows in English seems to be, "Again!"-I'm gonna shoot the bastid who taught him English) I find myself saying,"I'm gettin too old fer this ****" and then I look at him, and I feel embarrassed.
My SPM Sifu is a few years older than me, and moves like lightning, and HIS Sifu is older still and blazes. My SPM "Uncle" is also in his 70's and strikes like lightning, and his iron palm hurts like hell.
"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and vigour"