need Info on Krav Maga


White Belt
I was training in Silat for about 2 months but had to move. I thought about changing and going into Krav Maga this is the website let me know what your thoughts are
My stature is 5 '3 130 would that be alright?

i also have Scoliosis in my neck Silat was fine for me and was just wondering how different krav maga would be. Thank you for your time Scott
I am not sure where you are located in the metro Denver area. However I would recommend looking into if possible. I have trained in the American KMAA/KMW and have received “Expert Level” Instructor status. I have been involved with the IKMF in Israel, as well as received government KAPAP training due to my nature of work. All politics aside, Darren has produced some excellent instructors and fighters and I am sure that the organization you are seeking info on will provide quality training. However, being able to train in KAPAP would be good investment, and in the long run you will be more proficient at self defense. Both locations are certified under KMW. Looking into Chet Barnett’s location is my recommendation.

I thought that I should add that scoliosis should not be a problem in your training. I have a stiff neck and have received my fare share of injuries in the past. I know that injuries are not the same as scoliosis. However, I know that a good teacher will make necessary accommodations if you were to inform him/her. Additionally, Krav Maga has been designed for soldiers (and civilians) of all shapes and sizes. I know in my USMC career and now my Israeli career some of the best Krav Maga practitioners and instructors are not much larger than you. Like I said KM was designed for everybody and does not rely on size or strength.

Also as a Filipino Martial Arts instructor I can say that you will see differences in some techniques and some familiarity in others. The emphasis is different. Check it out and let us all know (the Martial Talk community) how your experience was once you look into the training programs at which ever location you look into.


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