Need help!


White Belt
Hello everyone, i am brand new to martial talk. i have a few questions that any help would be greatly appreciated on. first let me explain my situation. my grandmaster recently had his second stroke and its not looking good. four of his black belts(including myself) have come together in an effort to keep the school going however we do not have a 4th Dan among us. if i am not mistaken, without a 4th dan, we can not certify any black belt promotions correct? also, for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Dan, do we need more than one master to sign off on the promotion? if so, how many do we need? how can i find out how much is the bare minimum we have to pay in order to get ourselves promoted to each of these Dans? a little information about our school... we are out of Miami Florida, we've been running since 1996, i believe our grandmaster is 6th or 7th dan. any help is good, thank you.
Sorry to hear about your GM. I lost mine in 1997. If you are a Kukkiwon certified school and have someone there with a KKW 4th dan then that person can certify up to 3rd dan. Without a KKW certified 4th dan you can not promote anyone to poom or Dan level through them. If you belong to a non affiliate school then you can promote anyone to any level but their rank will not be recognized by the KKW or any school under the WTF.
You can always find another school owner or GM to do the certification for you but it will be expensive.
we are KKW recognized. i figured that getting another GM to do the certification would be costly. do you know if we need more than one master to do the certifications for higher than 1st dan? we do not have anyone 4th dan under KKW. thanks for your help and my regards go out to your lost GM. I am hoping mine can bounce back, but its not looking like he will be making an even close to full recovery.
As I understand it, all you need is one person KKw certified (and current) 4th dan or higher to sign of on the cert for KKW approval. Anythign beyond that is school specific.

Sorry to hear of your GM's illness.

As MSmith said, you only need a 4th dan KKW to do the applications for up to 3rd dan/poom through the KKW. No need for more than 1 person to do the applications.

Good luck, tell us how your GM does!
I'm sure whoever wishes to test for rank you are not qualified to test for would be more than welcome to test at another school that's apart of your organization. Or on testing days you ask a guest tester to come oversee.
thank you all, this has been extremely helpful. we still have alot to work out but i have recieved some valuable information. I am truely glad i joined this forum. thanks again.
There are a few ways you can continue on and be successfull.

Be warned, not everyone you approach will be willing or generous to help you out. There are alot of people who will offer but they will want something in return.

Some will string you along, some will ty to skim off your school. some will require you to be a member and do things THEIR way and have them sit on the testing board and they will collect the fees.

Be cautious of who you choose to go through. But there are people out there who will help. Its just gonna be difficult to realize who they are.

What is the highest rank you have? how long have they been that rank?

I ask, because your best bet would be to have that person continue progressing til he/she can do it alone. It may have its hardships, but eventually when they reach 4th Dan, they can begin promoting their own students through KKW.

Also know that we are strickly speaking KKW here. If you were to be non dependant on anyone, then many school across the U.S operate successful schools issuing their own DAN certificates and turning out grade "A" students. In the end, the teaching they recieve and the skills they perform is the true proof, not the peice of paper.

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