need help with a school in Joliet


White Belt
hey I had just found a Great Choy Lay fut school in Chicago and am really happy there(except for the 45 minute drive) but I have a problem. My problem is I was attending a kung fu school by my house and was happy there except for what they were teaching. It seemed to me they were teaching a mix of Tae kwon do and karate with a few kung fu hand techniques. My 1st form I learned looked close to one of my old Tae kwon do forms with double down X blocks andfront stances. It seems like they do more chinese forms later at purple sash along with a tiger form and a long fist form but I joined this school to learn kung fu not Tae kwon do. The reason why I ask this question is I feel bad for leaving without asking the instructors about this because they were fantastic at teaching and they always helped at everything. Has anyone heard of John Tsai. He was their instructor. Does anyone have an opinion about John Tsai. By the way this is the son not the father. Another thing is they spar with Tae knon do sparring gear and I don't think that is how CMA students spar. They also teach MMA with boxing techniques. Also what kills me in the class is it is only 45min. If anyone can help me and give me their opinion I would greatly appreciate it. If anything I'll have to keep driving 45 min to an hour to Choy Lay Fut because the school is fantastic. I have learned the most in 2 weeks like the 10 elements and ten lines of attack and I am learning the 1st form the 5 stance wheel set. That was more for Sean since he recommended the school to me. Thanks.
Ng Lun Ma (5 Wheel Horse) will build your horses. It'll make you cry if you do it right... ;)

The seeds & angles & all will become second nature quick because outside of those basic techniques, there's not much else left to see. At this point, it becomes practice to "master" those basics. Once those are down, you start learning to tie them together with the horses taught in Ng Lun Ma & CLF will open up for you quick.