Choice Between Two Styles

Well I have chosen and I've had my first class.

I have chosen Choy Lay Fut. I like Wing Chun alot, but CLF seems to be for me. I love the techniques, the striking, the principles, and most of all... the power. The power is incredible. And it's such a well rounded style. I'm quite happy with my decision.
I have heard many good things about the Ng family school. From what I can see they are the only public kung fu school in Chinatown. A big sign on the top floor. They are also the only Choy Lay fut in the Chicago area. All the other schools stem from them. I Would choose CLF first. You get a good foundation, Full range body power, various stances different fists, flexible steps more weapons, joint locks and claws. Also the conditioning. When you get a good foundation try WC. See if you get appreciation of the compact movements, upright stances their way of redirecting power, sticky hands, short power etc... Im not saying one is better. All Im saying is that going WC to CLF might be harder. These 2 styles are the most popular fighting styles in Hong Kong. They a have a history of fighting each other and its kinda cool to have them both in the same roof.

One Time back in the day I was trying to find the school and was literally right across the street from it. I asked this muscular old Chinese man if he knew about the school. He was like "There's no kung fu in Chinatown." Nice one... I turned and looked up and saw the school gave him a slight smurk and said thank you.
Basically the decision between these two styles comes down to what you are more comfortable with. This may be an aspect of your body type which makes one preferable to the other, or it may have something to do with the way a style just "clicks" in your head and you find it easy to understand. Either way this choice is between a good art and a good art. Good luck.

Couldnt' have said it any better, so just piggybacking on Steel Tiger %-} I have background in Jimmy H Woo's Choy Li Fut Hung Ga, which finally became known as Kung Fu San Soo. Excellent art, although it can be tough on the body (injuries, etc.). Seems to share a lot with CLF as I've seen it and heard it described. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for fairly hardcore training (which it sounds like you are, given asprations for san shou fighting). Best of luck, and keep us in the loop.
Ah thank ou. What's great, is that I'm my sifu's 2nd student, meaning that he only teaches me and another student. I'm getting so much attention, it's great. I learned Kum and Na so far, as well as basic stances.

Congratulations on your choice (just saw your post after I made my last one--oops). And I also studied Hapkido before Kung Fu San Soo. They will enrich each other.

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