National Prayer Day....

rmcrobertson said:
And you've never had a Republican lie to you? Really? Dick Nixon ring a bell? "Read my lips: NO NEW TAXES?" Iran/Contra, with the secretary of State getting off a plane in Iran with a Bible and a birthday cake, cutting a deal to sell missile and jet parts to a loonbox Islamic government, so they could illegally finance death squads in Central America? WMDs? And on and on and on...

Hey man, I'm a little young to Bring Nixon up.

Actually, that was my point exactly... I was saying JUST BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED TO ME PERSONALLY, (If you read my previous statement, I never said a Republican never lied to me, I said none ever WALKED UP TO ME AND LIED) doesnt mean it doesnt happen. My point was, just because YOU personally have never been the subject of threats by Gays, doesnt mean they dont occur. You forget, Gay people, you see, are People first and foremost, that means that there are Good ones, Bad ones, Timid ones, Violent ones, Law Abiding ones, Criminal ones... the whole gambit of human emotions run thru a person regardless of their sexual preference...

If you think NO GAYS ever treid to PUSH their lifestyle in your face, I challenge you to listen to to morning talk radio on Q101 in chicago. There is often a Gay caller who calls in RANTING that all men are gay we just wont admit it, that women are sick and gross and should be banned from society because sex with women is unnatural... and everyone should be made to have sex with a same sex partner... etc etc...

There. I have provided you a source you can verify, to prove it happens... quit saying I refuse to do so.
Robertson, I wasn't working on that gay issue, I was just pointing out that its a big todo and I don't care what they do with the gay issue, I don't care. I don't like the homo lifestyle, though you do. I don't think it appropriate, you do. So, unless I get face to face with you, there is no real reason to argue on here about it because all we do is state our "facts", nothing else other than swap insults, be it they are covered. But Gays do push their stuff in your face on the radio and on TV. Try and Get around it but its true.

And another thing Robertson, you love to take people's words and twist them around. You sounds like a politician. Man, I can't believe how much you sound like one. And I don't care about race or gender, just natural fact. Simulations and reality are two completely different things. homo and hetero. Pure science can show that. Of course, people like to warp science, as always.

Anyways, yes, National Day of Prayer COULD be considered an observance day for nonchristians. But to me, it's a day when Christians from all over come together. So, to nonbelievers, what skin is it off your back that a certain day that means nothing to you has a name on it? I mean, do you actually celebrate George Washington's B-day?! LOL. My point. So, how does it bother you that there is a National Prayer day when it comes and goes like the wind for you? How does it affect you? Physically and Mentally. Don't tell me that you sit there all day thinking that a bunch of people are going to gather and pray at a designated area and Now your going to brude until they break up?!?!? That's ludicrous and you sound like a nutcase. Unless it impedes on your day, say stops you from getting work done, don't complain.

Amazing it's been 4 days since NPD ended...and we still argue over it's existence. Yet, it hasn't ended. It is everyday, though people don't recogniz it. We just have a day specified so that everyone can come together and know that there are others out there too and have the same goal.


P.S. I know Prayer day does not automatically mean Christian. I think it is, because that's what I believe and know to be true, but I guess that's my OPINION. There are other people out there praying to who knows what. Air, and idols.
Oh, lemme see if I've got this straight, you should pardon the expression. One loonbox calls in to a radio station, and that demonstrates a giant, oppressive gay regime looking to take our Precious Bodily Fluids. Am I reading that right? That's your proof? Pat Robertson gets on nationwide TV and tells several million donors that 9/11 happened because of gays, liberals, the ACLU--no problem.

One idiot gets on talkradio--which he does not host, mind you--and that's the evidence of conspiracy. I must be missing the big-time "gay shows," on all the major networks. Hey, was that what, "Friends," was really all about?

And ya have nothin against gay people. You write sentences like, "I don't like the homo lifestyle, though you do," for some other reason. Hey, how precisely do you know I'm gay? And much more importantly--what, precisely, is "THE," "homo lifestyle?" And I'm curious--where exactly do you live, that, "homo," isn't offensive?

But hey, thanks for providing evidence.
I removed this and the previous post because I don't want anyone to get a negitive opinion of me.The post was a lash at rmcrobertson.I am sorry for originally posting it here for anyone who read it.I would like to address him privately,but what do ya know,he doesn't accept PM'S

good for you. I have put Robertson on my ignore list because I have found his comments useless to me and in no way contributory to any conversations. It really has made my experiences here better.
So, if I spend National Prayer Day praying to get rid of National Prayer Day... does that make me a hypocrite?? Or just sane??

It amazes me the number of people that can't see this is an obvious violation of the separation of Church and State.

I wonder how all such individuals would feel if there was a National Meditation Day?? A National Atheism Day?? A National Voo-doo day?? A National 'Open Your Chakras' Day??

People should really try taking the viewpoint of the other every now and then. Might open you up a little...
Tgace said:
Lighten up! Lets all calm down and have a moment of prayer.
I agree.:uhyeah:
OK seriously now does prayer day harm you? Maybe it harms you and for that you should et up in arms. If it doesn't then don't let it matter to you. It may well harm you I don't know because I don't pay it any attention. I'm apathetic to somethings and probably shouldn't be but I just don't seem to care. :uhyeah:

oh and a couple of thoughts
1. "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."[jn 8:7
2.who are you to judge your neighbor?
[jas 4:12].
Take those how ever you want to. The apply to alot for christians beacause I know there are some very vehemnt christains here and I know I can't change there minds on some issues but maybe the will do this.
All wrongdoing is sin...[Jn 5:16] surely judging others is wrong (see #2)
As to why I do this read Mt 18:15. Of course to do this I have to judge peoples actions to some extent but eh *walks away humming some random tune.
Bill of Rights
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

someguy said:
oh and a couple of thoughts
1. "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."[jn 8:7
2.who are you to judge your neighbor?
[jas 4:12].
Take those how ever you want to. The apply to alot for christians beacause I know there are some very vehemnt christains here and I know I can't change there minds on some issues but maybe the will do this.
All wrongdoing is sin...[Jn 5:16] surely judging others is wrong (see #2)
As to why I do this read Mt 18:15. Of course to do this I have to judge peoples actions to some extent but eh *walks away humming some random tune.
Well, not to be nit picky, but Jas? Mt? Jn?

It's usually written James, Matt., and John

Just a side note

heretic888 said:
So, if I spend National Prayer Day praying to get rid of National Prayer Day... does that make me a hypocrite?? Or just sane??

It amazes me the number of people that can't see this is an obvious violation of the separation of Church and State.

I wonder how all such individuals would feel if there was a National Meditation Day?? A National Atheism Day?? A National Voo-doo day?? A National 'Open Your Chakras' Day??

People should really try taking the viewpoint of the other every now and then. Might open you up a little...

Actually... I dont see whats wrong with any of those... although I would think many of them would be covered by a "National Prayer Day"... Voodoo Mumou's for example pray as part of their ritualsm as do Wiccans, Satanists, etc...

I don't think it ever stated it was National "Pray to the Fundamentalist Christain Gods" day...

And there are National days of recognition to a lot of individual groups... which nobody ever beefs about... why is one day of recognition for "setting aside time for prayer" any different? I mean, Government offices are closed on Martin Luther King day, but I am not African-american, so should I fight to have it removed as a recognized "holiday" because it is too specific and doesnt "apply" to my "group?" Isn't that a bit silly?

And, as best as I can tell, separation of Church and State is a myth... the only thing I have seen that comes close to being that is the passge posted above that I read to say the government cannot tell you how to worship.
To some extent there is seperation of church and state but to some extent there isn't nor can there be.
Lets take a religion that practices sacraficing a animal or human. This would offend another person outsidee of that religion. Now then some one has to win whn the government gets involved right. So the government will back one of the sides. Which side wins? Probably the one oopposed to sacraficing the animal. Why? Because there religion is differnt than the norm.
Our laws are also based on religion to a large extene. Bigomy is banned.
I don't have time to go into either right now so I'll try to clarify this later if you guys want.
Peace :asian:
Just FYI, Christianity has a tradition of animal (see the Old Testament) and human ("for God so loved the world that he gave...") sacrifice. Moreover, Chirstians who take communion in any of its forms are engaged in an act of quasi-literal (if you're Catholic) or symbolic (if you're Protestant) cannibalism. And then too, any Christian who accepts the sacrament of baptism is engaged in a magical rite in which one's sins are washed away by water, with the aid of a shaman who intervenes with God and has a special power to make the rite efficacious.

It's largely a question of what we're used to. "Other," religions (and Christianity's entaglement with "other," religions is a whole 'nother story) appear heathen, for the same reason that Homer Simpson laughs at the news from abroad: "They're funny. They wear different clothes than us."

As for the question of why the "godless," among us find this National Prayer Day crap kinda annoying, well: a) it is disingenuous to claim that this does not mean Christian prayer; b) the people pushing this stuff never seem to be anybody else BUT fundamentalist Christians (notice that, say, the Catholic bishops and the national Council of Churches never seem to support this stuff any more); c) it's busybodyism, with a group of people who just cannot sleep at nights for fear somebody hasn't gotten The Word often enough wasting the time, energy and money of the rest of us, as though we weren't old enough to figure things out for themselves; d) it's largely a political issue anyway (like all this nonsense about the Pledge), pushed so right-wingers can turn to the rest of us any say, "See! We KNEW you were godless barbarians who don't deserve to live!!" e) it belongs to a distressing history of religious bigotry in this country; f) it should be none of the government's business to so much as hint to anybody who they should be praying to, or how, or when.

And by the way, kids, there are such things as Christians whose doctrine is that saying the name of God aloud, praying in public, and followwing government commands to pray, is deeply offensive.

Now let's all go read Robert A. Heinlein, "Revolt in 2100."
rmcrobertson said:
Just FYI, Christianity has a tradition of animal (see the Old Testament) and human ("for God so loved the world that he gave...") sacrifice. Moreover, Chirstians who take communion in any of its forms are engaged in an act of quasi-literal (if you're Catholic) or symbolic (if you're Protestant) cannibalism. And then too, any Christian who accepts the sacrament of baptism is engaged in a magical rite in which one's sins are washed away by water, with the aid of a shaman who intervenes with God and has a special power to make the rite efficacious.

It's largely a question of what we're used to. "Other," religions (and Christianity's entaglement with "other," religions is a whole 'nother story) appear heathen, for the same reason that Homer Simpson laughs at the news from abroad: "They're funny. They wear different clothes than us."

As for the question of why the "godless," among us find this National Prayer Day crap kinda annoying, well: a) it is disingenuous to claim that this does not mean Christian prayer; b) the people pushing this stuff never seem to be anybody else BUT fundamentalist Christians (notice that, say, the Catholic bishops and the national Council of Churches never seem to support this stuff any more); c) it's busybodyism, with a group of people who just cannot sleep at nights for fear somebody hasn't gotten The Word often enough wasting the time, energy and money of the rest of us, as though we weren't old enough to figure things out for themselves; d) it's largely a political issue anyway (like all this nonsense about the Pledge), pushed so right-wingers can turn to the rest of us any say, "See! We KNEW you were godless barbarians who don't deserve to live!!" e) it belongs to a distressing history of religious bigotry in this country; f) it should be none of the government's business to so much as hint to anybody who they should be praying to, or how, or when.

And by the way, kids, there are such things as Christians whose doctrine is that saying the name of God aloud, praying in public, and followwing government commands to pray, is deeply offensive.

Now let's all go read Robert A. Heinlein, "Revolt in 2100."
Ok that was babble if I ever heard it...LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! Sorry, I just had to laugh at so many holes. Wow, do you ever miss alot. Maybe your looking at all this religion thing with the viewpoint of hatred. Your only looking at it from the outside and thus misinterpreting things BIG TIME.

First off, you are WRONG on the baptism thing and the communion thing. Baptism does only symbolize that your sins are washed away. It actually symbolizes that you publicly profess to put away your own sinful self, "washing" it away. It does not mean to wash your sins away. Only God can wash your sins away, forgiving them. And where are you getting your information? I say this because there is no such thing as a Shaman in Christian religion, just a Pastor who performs the act of Baptism. And there is no Magic to Baptism, just a public confession and symbolism of your Faith in Christ Jesus.

Christianity does not have to do with the sacrifice of animals or Humans. First off, the believers of the Old Testament sacrificed animals to God as a way of repentance, only through the blood. They were not called Christiansl; Christ was not around them, thus they were Jews. The term Christian only came up in the New Testament books.

Christ was the Final Sacrifice for our sins, the Ultimate Atonement. Christians never sacrificed human beings. That is called murder and also God would have us sacrifice a human who could possibly turn to Him and become a Christian. Christian tradition has never involved blood sacrifices. The Jews killed Christ, not the Christians. Yes, there is a big difference there, though you obviously think otherwise. It was a one time Human sacrifice, but God sent his son for us to die for our sins and thus open a gateway to Heaven for Gentiles and Jews alike. No longer was there need for blood sacrifices, though the Jews kind of missed the whole Messiah coming.

The Communion comment was totally off base. Protestant communion is not considered symbolic Cannibalism. Christ said "Do this in rememberance of me," so I don't think a God who is Loving would tell us to use symbolic Cannibalism in Church. I mean that might be a shot in the dark, but cannibalism is a bit, well, maybe this is another shot in the dark, a bit different than love. I mean, I'm probably totally wrong that cannibalism is love and I just don't understand the whole eating people thing. I guess you kill and eat humans to show love?:rolleyes: Hmmm, maybe I'm just so wrong. BAH!

Anyways, You make no sense. Your ideas for National Prayer day are messed up. You still have not provided a valid excuse for why NPD is a thing that bothers you and could make you cringe when it rolls around. The only thing that can apply there are political issues, those which you stated. We all have political issues, so get over them!!!! Remember, Church and State?:rolleyes:

Your pointless banter is just like a one hundred fleas trying to ram a brick wall down. SQUASH!


P.S. When did the Government say that NPD was a Christian day?! I think you have totally missed every post in this thread other than your own! How can you argue your point when you haven't read anyone else's other than your own?

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