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Alot of the views of DKI you have expressed in your statement about points....whatever we want to call it....atemi, kyusho, point striking.....many words for the same thing.

There are always points that we are told by our instructors not to "play" with....and there are others that we work on quite frequently.....we always try to encourage our students to work on the basics that we teach (arm points) and work outward from there.

We also use different Levels of point work.....Stunned, Disabling, and Killing.....very similar to your own style.

Thank you for the polite responses and questions!!

dki girl
Originally posted by DKI Girl

Alot of the views of DKI you have expressed in your statement about points....whatever we want to call it....atemi, kyusho, point striking.....many words for the same thing.

Actually atemi and kyusho are not the same thing. Hence the different names for them in Japanese........look at the kanji and you can see they have different meaning.
Are you going to try and answer my previous question?
I am really interested in hearing you answer.......
I've heard people say that in addition to "nerve points" (kyusho) there are "blood points/blood knockouts" and "muscle points" and that these are three completely different categories. I do not understand the concept of blood points.
DKI Girl,

Just in case you forgot my original question:

DKI Girl,

In your videos when you and your pals are whacking people on the neck which "kyusho" point (actually they aren't kyusho points) do you think is responsible for knocking them out or what ever it is that happens to them in your video.
To put it in terms you can relate to.................Is it LI-18, ST-5,9, or 10, TH-16?
After hitting the said point are there any long term ill effects? If so what and how would you correct such a problem?

I hope my low level of skill & knowledge rate a response from you........
Originally posted by arnisador

I've heard people say that in addition to "nerve points" (kyusho) there are "blood points/blood knockouts" and "muscle points" and that these are three completely different categories. I do not understand the concept of blood points.

Kyusho, as I understand the term, refers to acupuncture points that are struck to cause various types of responses... Unlike the constant KOs of DKI, the stuff I have studied varies (at least in the acu-point striking) from pain, paralysis, unconsciousness and even death... sometimes they are instant results, sometimes they take time to work (allegedly) due to the gradual degradation of the meridian's flow of qi.

As for blood points, muscle points, etc... Blood points cause a temporary drop in blood pressure that results in the body going unconscious... I suppose to allow for equilibrium to be regained. Muscle points are points that directly affect either tendon insertions or the belly of a muscle causing pain, spasm, "charlie horses" from hell, etc. Bone points are usually to break the bone, either dramatically or just a small fracture.

Different points are used to cause different effects.

The point on the supraorbital ridge, lateral aspect (in English that'd be the outside part of your eyebrow :D) is a horrendously painful one, but useful for little else than that. When struck with a knuckle strike (like knocking on a door, or a backfist), the eye on that side will water profusely and the opponent will be temporarily "stunned" due to the pain... Good setup for dealing with an annoying drunk that means you little real harm.

Striking the middle of the bicep muscle (especially when the arm is already bent as in drinking or reaching for the face) causes the muscle to contract strongly. This causes a great degree of pain, and when done at a particular angle, nausea and loss of strength in that side of the body result. Another good setup for other things, especially chin na or shuai chiao...

These are really simple examples. I won't go into discussion in a public forum on points that will do any real lasting damage, or cause unconsciousness or something similarly un-neighborly. That is for individuals to pursue with their instructors in a supervised class setting...

You forgot to mention the point that causes loss of bowel control !
A point reserved for those who "earn" public humiliation for lack of courtesy...intentional disrespect to an elder (real soke) ...or one who thinks his kaka has no odor... ;)

Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Actually atemi and kyusho are not the same thing. Hence the different names for them in Japanese........look at the kanji and you can see they have different meaning.

Ok, I'll byte. Whats the difference? I cant find either in my dictionaries.
I'll take a stab at it. Might be wrong. Atemi is striking in general. Like a front kick, elbow, Jab, etc. Kyusho is the art of striking nerve points, pressure points.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

I'll take a stab at it. Might be wrong. Atemi is striking in general. Like a front kick, elbow, Jab, etc. Kyusho is the art of striking nerve points, pressure points.
Bob :asian:

Sorry, that is incorrect.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Ok, I'll byte. Whats the difference? I cant find either in my dictionaries.

Last time I corrected someone's language mistake and posted it on this forum I caught all kinds s***t for it from people that couldn't even speak the language.
Maybe we should ask the resident "KO Expert"............
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Last time I corrected someone's language mistake and posted it on this forum I caught all kinds s***t for it from people that couldn't even speak the language.

No one is asking you to correct anyone else's mistake.

The question is, will you define your terms? You've stated numerous times that atemi and kyusho(-jutsu) differ. What's the difference as you use these terms?

Maybe we should ask the resident "KO Expert"............

I do not recall anyone claiming that mantle.
Originally posted by Cthulhu

RyuShiKan is making a rather pathetic snipe at DKI Girl.


And why not..........

Maybe I just don't care for the fact that someone posts irresponsible and incorrect information and is trying to pass herself off as having an inkling of what she is talking about. (i.e. not being able to answer my original question and not knowing the difference between kyusho and atemi)
Originally posted by Cthulhu

atemi=strike or blow


Close but can you expand on that or is that all your dictionary had to offer?
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

(i.e. not being able to answer my original question and not knowing the difference between kyusho and atemi)

Do YOU know? Many have asked, and you've yet to respond.
*tsk tsk tsk*

Not answering your question doesn't not mean not having the ability to do so.

Maybe, just maybe, DKI Girl has something better to do with her time than to respond to some pompous know-it-all's condescending remarks?

I, on the other hand, have plenty of time.


Originally posted by Kirk

Do YOU know? Many have asked, and you've yet to respond.

As a matter of fact I do.

I have practiced those arts for about as long as DKI Chick as been able to stand and a few more years longer than her teacher Dillman........not to mention I am licensed in TCM here in Japan.
Originally posted by Cthulhu

*tsk tsk tsk*

Not answering your question doesn't not mean not having the ability to do so.

Maybe, just maybe, DKI Girl has something better to do with her time than to respond to some pompous know-it-all's condescending remarks?

I, on the other hand, have plenty of time.



So shall we get down to it wise guy???
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

As a matter of fact I do.

I have practiced those arts for about as long as DKI Chick as been able to stand and a few more years longer than her teacher Dillman........not to mention I am licensed in TCM here in Japan.

Is it some sort of secret? Or is it that you get your waiting for
some sort of chant in your honor before revealing it.
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