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Originally posted by Kirk

Is it some sort of secret? Or is it that you get your waiting for
some sort of chant in your honor before revealing it.

No secret.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

So shall we get down to it wise guy???

Get down to what? Making you look like a pompous ***?

You're doing a fine job of that on your own.


Originally posted by Cthulhu

Get down to what? Making you look like a pompous ***?

You're doing a fine job of that on your own.



OK "Mr. Humility"

Can you give us any better definition other than the extremely brief one you pulled out of you J/E Pocket dictionary? Shouldn't be so hard for you since your profile says you are Martial Arts Researcher since 1981.
Basically all you have contributed to this thread is ragging on me for ask DKI Girl a simply question that is relevant to this thread and for correcting a common language mistake.
Originally posted by Cthulhu

Get down to what? Making you look like a pompous ***?

You're doing a fine job of that on your own.



So much for intelligent, informed, educated responses...
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Can you give us any better definition other than the extremely brief one you pulled out of you J/E Pocket dictionary?

Really, don't you think that, in fairness, it's your turn?

My understanding is that atemi refers fairly generally to striking techniques used in self-defense and kyusho(-jutsu) refers to the use of pressure points in self-defense. In that regard I would say that most kyusho-jutsu is atemi (because the points are generally but not always struck to manipulate them, though I don't see atemi used to refer to kyusho-jutsu techniques), but not vice versa.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

So much for intelligent, informed, educated responses...

I agree.

Why is it that when I ask a simple question to someone on this board that is supposed to be in the know they don't/can't answer but all the "Cyber Warriors" jump in and say I am an arrogant bastard for asking.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Why is it that when I ask a simple question to someone on this board that is supposed to be in the know they don't/can't answer

I would like to point out that the board is not supposed to be "in the know"; it is, as advertised, for Friendly discussion about the Martial Arts. All parties in this discussion are encouraged to maintain a friendly atmosphere.

-MT Admin-
Homeboy in Japan needs an attitude adjustment. You are a pompous ***. If you are as in the know as you claim to be you should be a little more humble. I assume that someone was nice enough to share their knowledge with your arrogant butt. Unless ofcourse you discovered everything on your own. Why don't you just share your knowledge like and instructor is supposed to and leave the ego at home. I doubt you have all the anwsers my man. It seems obvoius that people on this forum disagree with you on this topic. Are you going to continue to bang your head against the wall or are you going to join the community and share your knowledge?
I have just sent Arnisador an email very briefly explaining the difference between atemi and kyusho.

Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt

Homeboy in Japan needs an attitude adjustment.

If I have posted somethine inaccurate prove me wrong.

Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt

Why don't you just share your knowledge like and instructor is supposed to and leave the ego at home.

And after that parage of insults you really think I would want to share anything with the likes of you? Besides I am a "pompas ***" you wouldn't want to hear what I have to say anyway.

Here's the thing someone throws out a statement I ask them a question on it and I am labeled arrogant.........

Yeah I am a real *** for asking for clarification or even correcting someones language mistakes, a language that I have used everyday for the last 14 years I might add.

Tell ya what, since soooooooo many people think I am arrogant they obviously have no interest in what I have to say. So when ever I see a GROSS inaccuracy in someone's post I will keep quite so everyone can go on perpetuating the same myths and inaccuracies.

SO back to the topic...................Naihanchi.

Did you know Naihanchi was done side to side so the peasant farmers could practice on their lunch breaks in between the rice paddies or they could practice with their backs against a wall and they use a horse stance so they could pracitce while on horseback.............
Did you know Naihanchi was done side to side so the peasant farmers could practice on their lunch breaks in between the rice paddies or they could practice with their backs against a wall and they use a horse stance so they could pracitce while on horseback.............

I had no idea! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:erg: :idunno: :erg:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

I had no idea! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:erg: :idunno: :erg:

It's true.
And the makiwara was invented so the Okinawan's could develop enough punching power to punch right through a Japanese Samurai's breast plate even while he was swinging a 3 foot long razor sharp sword...............
And Sai were actually farm tools that were used to poke holes in the mud to plant rice.............
Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt

now was that so hard?

Was what so hard? These are all fallacies of karate history...

That is why there are so many :lol:'s all over the place...

But to do it on horse-back, wouldn't you need a trained horse?
If the form takes 20 years to master as a much longer for a horse?;)

Originally posted by Yiliquan1

So much for intelligent, informed, educated responses...

yeah, you and your idol there are the only smart ones here.
Why bother coming here, start your own board and sing your
own praises to yourselves. If you're so freaking intellligent,
and the rest are so stupid .. why waste your time here ..
go away kid, you bother me
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Yeah I am a real *** for asking for clarification or even correcting someones language mistakes, a language that I have used everyday for the last 14 years I might add.

No comments like these are what make you an ***.

Maybe we should ask the resident "KO Expert"............

Maybe I just don't care for the fact that someone posts irresponsible and incorrect information and is trying to pass herself off as having an inkling of what she is talking about. (i.e. not being able to answer my original question and not knowing the difference between kyusho and atemi)

Are you going to try and answer my previous question?

Just in case you forgot my original question:

Can you give us any better definition other than the extremely brief one you pulled out of you J/E Pocket dictionary?

I'm sure your minion fanatic Yilidork while chime in for you. But
Yilidork .. I don't need a lifetime of m.a. training to recognize
arrogance and a plain old mean streak in people. Again ... all
the 2 of you seem to do is go on about how much you two know,
and no one else does. Why bother? You want some kind of
medal? Give me your address, I'll mail ya one.
Kirk -

Y'know, I thought about writing a really scathing retort to your eloquent reply to the above posts, but then realized that it wasn't worth the effort... You have already formed your opinions of people based on your vast experience in martial arts. So be it. Enjoy your training! :asian:

Et al -

I would recommend to the Mod Gods that this thread be shut down. While I admit the tone of the conversation has, at times, been unfavorable toward DKI in general and DKI Girl in specific, the end goal has been (so far as I can tell) to squeeze information out into the open...

There are obvious conflicting opinions between certain members here (no names mentioned, everyone knows who is who and where they stand) because of either their personalities, their art or their association.

Bottom line, at least from where I stand on the field, there are some folks out there with less than accurate information, and they have been called out (as much as a person can on the internet) to defend their art(s). That defense has not been forthcoming. Those who ask in the first place are labeled as instigators and agitators, and are rebuked for pursuing the answers. The ones from whom the answers are solicited are defended when they fail to reply, with attitudes of "they don't need to justify themselves to anyone," which is simply not true...

The very nature of martial arts demands that, when certain claims are made, they be defendable. Period. If a person says they can KO me in one shot by striking a vital point, fine. But I want to see it first hand. If someone then claims they can KO me without even touching me, then I begin to question the nature of reality in their universe...

Certain individuals have been questioned. Answers have not been forthcoming. Other questions have been posed, and individuals have responded in hostile and openly antagonistic ways, resorting to name calling and other equally juvenile antics.

Before the flames of this flame war go any higher, perhaps we should all back off and talk about other stuff in other places...

May the cooler heads prevail.


Originally posted by chufeng

But to do it on horse-back, wouldn't you need a trained horse?
If the form takes 20 years to master as a much longer for a horse?;)


Don't ask me I am the "pompous ***" not the "horse's ***";)
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