- Anyone Belong? I like having a page. You will find that your students check it nearly every day. I like being able to see who your mutual friends are. You should know that blog entries, and bulletins are indexed by myspace and google. My page is public and I check the comments as they come in. I also have a Facebook page but MySpace is more interesting.
I just put a Myspace page together. Feel free to friend me. I still haven't figured out how to do invites yet (or much of anything else for that matter) so I'll take any tips I can get.

I just put a Myspace page together. Feel free to friend me. I still haven't figured out how to do invites yet (or much of anything else for that matter) so I'll take any tips I can get.


Just sent a friend request. One tip would be to make the text color different from the background color. Otherwise, it's difficult to make out the content.
They have a beta version of an editor that I used earlier tonight that puts a background block around your text. It also, unfortunately, blocks out your background photo to a good extent. I've tried to pull up the editor again and can't get it to do it. Ah, well. I'll keep plugging away.
Ya still have to be real careful when you download those pictures to post on peoples sites...Picked up a nasty virus in my PC...The reciever never gets it only the one doing the cut and paste...