- Anyone Belong?

I'm on there. I go by "Silverback."

The best part about is that I get a whole bunch of really gorgeous and well endowed women asking to be my friend...isn't that nice? Why, I get a request every other day. Daphne, Terri, Tanya, Raquel...

I must have some quality about me they find irresistable.


link urs i not sure if this is allowed if not sorry i am thinking it is ok cause i search mt for myspace and seen some post about it
link urs i not sure if this is allowed if not sorry i am thinking it is ok cause i search mt for myspace and seen some post about it

Moderator Note:

Posts moved to this existing thread.

Lisa Deneka
MartialTalk Super Moderator
Same request here...please let me know that you are from MT if you want to add me to your friends list. I don't add anyone I don't know.
I thought I had posted in this thread already, but apprently not. I don't have a personal MySpace page, but my band uses it:
The musician pages are a great tool for hooking up with other local bands, fans, studios, etc.
There are still more than one of these threads running about.

You can get my address from my profile, should you be interested.
My myspace is As with all things in life, there is good and bad. I have been successful in regaining contact with old classmates (beats the hell out of for free and it has also kept me in touch with my family. We are not "the call each other on the phone" type of people.

This is the digital age...everyone is connected in one way or another.
I dropped my account some time ago... now I feel left out... but I've got MT which is good enough I suppose.
I dropped my account some time ago... now I feel left out... but I've got MT which is good enough I suppose.

Since I started this thread sometime last year, I have since dropped my account as well. Too many porn sites asking me to be their "friend"....