- Anyone Belong?

Finally gave in... just setting up, so it's rather bare.

I no longer belong. My account came up as being deleted and when I tried to contact their expert told me to log in with safe mode. (* Admin option only *) Nice of him to not recognize that. They told me they could reset my HTML code as that was what was wrong. I asked if they could send it to me for me to correct and if not then to reset it. It has not been done.

I recently heard through another person that those that post images to your comments pages have software to allow backdoors into your website. So, set your security settings to approve everything, and only approve those your know.

Good Luck as I am not sure I will ever spend time to rebuild an account there, as I am not happy with the site or how the dealt with me.
I don't know HTML (unlike my computer genius 15-year-old daughter) I used a website where you can set up a page and it gives you the whole code to copy and paste. I'll send you the site link if you're interested. (c'mon Rich..pimp that page!) lol
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me that link.


Your Brother (Who just requested to be added to your site)
I'm on there. I go by "Silverback."

The best part about is that I get a whole bunch of really gorgeous and well endowed women asking to be my friend...isn't that nice? Why, I get a request every other day. Daphne, Terri, Tanya, Raquel...

I must have some quality about me they find irresistable.


I got on and searched "Silverback" and it came up with several.
Tried to find ya so I could addja.....
but can't.

Your Brother
You guys are so cute. :D Okay, I'm pretty sure I added Drac (at least I tried) and I'll add you Bro John later today.

Not added yet..I tried to add you and it said I must enter your last name or email addy
Yes Maam....

You DO know me. ;)

Your Brother

real name: John Haag

I'm not able to access MySpace from work, but I'll add you this evening provided I get my computer reassembled. My basement flooded on Saturday, and I've spent the weekend bailing out.