My way of teaching


Senior Master
Hellow everyone, last night class only two beginers came so as you may know the class was about basics, apkubi+are makki, apkubi+ogul makki, ap kubi+are makki+ paro momtong chirugi, ap kubi + ogul makki+ paro chirugi and then proced to kicking to the shield using pet cahguis and yop chaguis to finish doing kicho-chodan.

The two students are a young couple and both take (monday-wensday-friday) class with my sambonim and (tuesday-thursday) with me. I payed attention to this couple and saw some interesting things. The man is good about kicking but not cordinated to execute the blocks and blocks+counterpunch, in the other hand the woman is very coordinate executing stances,blocks and counterpunches but not as good in kicking.

We chat for almost an hour finishing the class and got some good insight, the man practices with the advanced teens and this class is all about kicking drills and some poomsae and lots of play with the kids so that's why his lacking on the others tech aspects of tkd, his wife likes a lot my class because she thinks its more balaced.

I told this couple that keep woprking with sambonim cause they will improve in kicking and tkd is ALMOST (NOT ALL) about kicking BUT also recomend them to keep going with me because my class centers in other fileds, like basics,poomsae,light sparring (in the begining) and self defense and offcourse even kicks is not the core of my class we practiced them too in a more balanced way and most of the timed aimed to self defense and yes sparring too.
