My own MA...

Okay, others have covered most of this well, but I'm grumpy, so I'll answer this myself as well.

Well sorry but you guys seem to have no clue about developing MA.

Son, you may have that backwards there. So far you have shown a lot of fantasy dreaming with no understanding whatsoever of what a martial art is, how it is developed, why it is developed, what makes it up, and far more.

- Telling me "it is not as easy as you think!" over and over again while you have no idea what I think nor what my level and skills are.

There are no comments about your skills, it's your understanding and knowledge that is being questioned. And frankly, that is coming across in everything you're posting here.

- Making weird lists with points like "1: What is the power source your art uses?

Okay, this is what I meant when I said you are revealing your knowledge and understanding with every post here. This is a brilliant case in point. If you can't see what the power source is for a martial art, then you have absolutely no business calling yourself a martial artist, let alone claiming to have created one.

2: What is the primary angle used?

See above.

3: How is your art classed (striking, grappling, generalist)?"

And ditto. These are very basic questions, and a mid-kyu grade student in any art should be able to answer them (ask them if they're training in a weapon system, a grappling one, or a striking art, and they will be able to tell you. If not, there are some very serious questions that need answering about the training...)

I think you confuse developing a MA with creating a super powered cartoon hero.

I think you're having some issues with reality here, frankly....

Please take a look at the things you plan to write before you actually do so, you are not doing anyone a favor with this fantasy stuff.

Once again, you might be aiming that barb in the wrong direction there....

I will post a link once I got the first video done but I won't reply anymore since this topic has turned into some sort of hocus-pocus direction.

That would not be our doing, son.

1: What is the power source your art uses? - Gun Powder and then I would have to say one or both of the follow:

2: What is the primary angle used? 180 Down the sites?

3: How is your art classed (striking, grappling, generalist)? Sensitive, You sens the danger you sense the trigger and you sense the feedback or report of the firearm.

4: What is the environment your art is designed for?
Current surroundings, yet must be aware of not hitting non targets

5: What weaponry concepts are in your art, if any?
Two center mass?

6: What is the primary rhythm, or what are the primary rhythms of your art?
1-2, ... 1

7: What are the main postures of your art, and how do they reflect the primary strategies of your art?
Conceal, stable platforms

8: What are the primary tactics of your art, as well as the primary strategy?


Seriously, Chris I like your questions, and was going to create a separate thread just to ask the questions of what people think about their own arts, but I see your point of waiting and seeing what type of reply you get first. So please excuse my poor attempt and serious, but humor for my replies.


Ha, nice answers!

Personally, I don't think we'll get much sense out of Fenglong, so feel free to start the thread!

Chris, now that fenglong has replied could you explain a bit what you mean by rythm? I was looking at koto ryu kata and still am not quite sure what I should be looking for exactly. Perhaps I am thinking in different terms than you are?

Rhythms within martial arts can relate to a number of things; the intervals used between strikes (Koto Ryu's habit of striking between the steps of an opponent, Gyokko's Ken Kudaki strikes to interrupt the opponents attacking rhythm, and so on), or established rhythms of movements (Koto Ryu has the same rhythm for almost all it's strike defences of "block - kick, hand strike", and for it's grab defences it's "block - hand strike, kick". Others include striking high then low, or the reverse of that). Another version of a rhythm is the collection of movements in the arts' techniques (for example, some arts will teach a rhythm of multiple responces to single attacks, others will teach only one or two "answers" to an attack), and then you have attacking rhythms as well. I left it open to see what way Fenglong would take it, unfortunately we seem to have gotten the answer....
Thanks for that clairification Chris. It was sort of what I was thinking about, but not to that degree. I see now what you meant.
I'd say we've indulged your fantasy long enough.

Yes I admit, there is "fantasy" within all this.
Imagination is crucial for working with arts, even with martial arts, and who says a person who got a crazy imagination can't be down to earth enough to create something rather realistic..?

The lists here help nobody. They may be of use if someone plans to be going to creat a simple martial art style, but that's about it. Such lists only limit your imagination and your creative freedom, they don't even provide a solid base for the creation process but only a solid base for categorizing.
When you face a fight on the streets, they don't give a bleep about any of your points on this list, all that counts is whether it works.

When you train a punch for some months and feel you should change it to get more force into it, to be able to execute it faster, with less prep time, then thats what you should do. Based on your own criteria, expectation and experience.
That is how a MA is created, not by a checklist.

Cheers for your concerns but I am already past the "is that gonna work?"-process with my MA and this default rating and judging you keep doing won't help you understand my MA, nor will it help me in any way.
Yes I admit, there is "fantasy" within all this.
Imagination is crucial for working with arts, even with martial arts, and who says a person who got a crazy imagination can't be down to earth enough to create something rather realistic..?

You can't create anything remotely realistic without a logical thought process. Forgive me but yours seems to be tangent upon tangent.

The lists here help nobody. They may be of use if someone plans to be going to create a simple martial art style, but that's about it.

Explain to me please what you would term a "simple" MA. If you think any MA is simple then you do not understand it.

Such lists only limit your imagination and your creative freedom, they don't even provide a solid base for the creation process but only a solid base for categorizing.

Read this again then double check your thought process. Are you under the impression that MA are uncategorised mashes of abstract concepts? If so you are sorely mistaken.

When you face a fight on the streets, they don't give a bleep about any of your points on this list, all that counts is whether it works.

Ok. Here we go. When is a MA used on the streets (successfully)? Again and again it has been posted here and elsewhere that there is a massive difference between a Martial Art and Self Defence.

If you are interested in something that works on today's streets you are interested in self defence. It is gross motor, adrenalin responding defences which have little to do with a theme (your storm idea for one) and more with developing muscle memory.

When you train a punch for some months and feel you should change it to get more force into it, to be able to execute it faster, with less prep time, then that's what you should do. Based on your own criteria, expectation and experience.
That is how a MA is created, not by a checklist.

See above. You are describing SD. Not MA.

Cheers for your concerns but I am already past the "is that gonna work?"-process with my MA and this default rating and judging you keep doing won't help you understand my MA, nor will it help me in any way.

It is pointless continuing to argue with you. You are walled into your fantasy and will not take the advice of people who have been training longer and deeper. I will levy one piece of advice.

Slow down and organise your thought process. As I said, you are going from one tangent to another in a bid to justify your fantasy under the guise of asking for (unwanted) advice. Re-evaluate and try again.
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You seem really frustrated, seems I touched a weak point.

MAs are created on ideas/needs/inspirations as earlier mentioned, the categorizing happens afterwards. If someone has the wish to specifically create a new style of a certain category, that's another story.
As for my case, I had passions and ideas for a long while before slowly I noticed how well my concepts work, which is why nothing can change my.

There may be certain MAs and MA styles that were created under different criteria such as entertainment or competition under a certain set of rules, but after all they are all more or less based on the same thing, combat.
Now theoreticly every MA can be used as self-defense. But certain MAs are way better for that purpose than others, for several reasons.

If you think martial arts and self-defense are 2 completely different things, I think you don't know what you are talking about.
Why not, I'm bored.

You seem really frustrated, seems I touched a weak point.

Actually I'm laughing quite hard at your thought process.

MAs are created on ideas/needs/inspirations as earlier mentioned, the categorizing happens afterwards.

But wait?!
...- Making weird lists with points like "1: What is the power source your art uses?...
Such lists only limit your imagination and your creative freedom, they don't even provide a solid base for the creation process but only a solid base for categorizing...

How does catergorising come later when weird lists limit your imagination? Nice contradiction... Again Tangent to tangent.

If someone has the wish to specifically create a new style of a certain category, that's another story.

Then you need to answer the listed questions from Chris Parker. If you cannot, you have not got an art. You have coreography. At best a style of self defence (depending on your actal skill).

As for my case, I had passions and ideas for a long while before slowly I noticed how well my concepts work, which is why nothing can change my.

work in what sense? as a MA? on the street against a thug with a knife?

There may be certain MAs and MA styles that were created under different criteria such as entertainment or competition under a certain set of rules, but after all they are all more or less based on the same thing, combat.

I may be wrong here (someone will correct me if so), but technically the Japanese Tea ceremony can be considared a MA. That is not combat based.

The point is, you have been asked where your art lies. Is it Grapling combat, Striking combat, Kicking combat, Ground fighting, is there weapons involved? ...etc

Now theoreticly every MA can be used as self-defense. But certain MAs are way better for that purpose than others, for several reasons.

Yes and no. You can use them for SD. Whether it works or not is a different story.

If you think martial arts and self-defense are 2 completely different things, I think you don't know what you are talking about.

As Chris Parker says, you might be aiming that barb in the wrong direction there....
Fenglong. Son, you have no idea whatsoever about martial arts. Every post here confirms that.

A martial art needs a single definable power source. To try to put a range of power sources into a single art results in nothing viable at all. Same for all the rest. Really, if you can't see this you have no chance of coming up with anything viable whatsoever.

Answer the questions or accept that you have no credibity at all. I'm a little tired of playing nice.
Sorry but I think getting you to understand simple things would already consume more of my time than I'm willing to give.
You are not making much sense.
I guess your MA is about running into people with your forehead or something....
Son, you're really talking to the wrong person about such things here. Trust me when I say that my understanding of complex and simple things, most above and beyond all martial arts, somewhat dwarfs yours based on the way you're presenting yourself here. You're not doing yourself any favours by arguing this way.
Fenglong. Son, you have no idea whatsoever about martial arts. Every post here confirms that.

A martial art needs a single definable power source. To try to put a range of power sources into a single art results in nothing viable at all. Same for all the rest. Really, if you can't see this you have no chance of coming up with anything viable whatsoever.

Answer the questions or accept that you have no credibity at all. I'm a little tired of playing nice.

So I have the choice between answering your questions and accepting to have no clue?
Good one....

I don't know why you say there must be 1 single power source my MA relies on.
I have no idea what definition of power source you are talking about, whether it is the kinetic power concept, the bio-chemic and bio-electric process inside the body, or some weird stuff you made up.
With your attitude it is hard for me to even pay attention to you, sorry.

But to still answer you that question, if possible...
My wind concept aims for a minimized tonicity and maximized blood flow/oxygen supply.
My lightning concept aims for maximizing muscle pulse and leverage efficiency.
I use grounding and certain balance and contraction concepts for weight transfer and maximized kinetic efficiency.

It is a conplex system with all sorts of techniques, from biological and mental training to leverage, weight transfer and perception concepts.
Oh dear lord....

If you claim to have any understanding of martial arts and don't what a power source refers to, then you have no understanding of martial arts. It's really that simple. And your concept of "energising blood" etc is really nothing to do with anything.

I'll see how simple I can make this for you.

What method (physical) does your art utilise to generate power for it's strikes, throws, grapples, weapon use, or whatever it is your system does? How to you transfer power into the opponent? Do you get this yet? This really is about as simple as a martial art gets, you know.....
Son, you're really talking to the wrong person about such things here. Trust me when I say that my understanding of complex and simple things, most above and beyond all martial arts, somewhat dwarfs yours based on the way you're presenting yourself here. You're not doing yourself any favours by arguing this way.

That was actually directed to Rayban but thanks for another demonstration of your insane modesty.
That is me being modest. Oh, and Rayban has far greater understanding of all of these things as well, so you know. Again, trust me on this.
I have no idea what definition of power source you are talking about, whether it is the kinetic power concept, the bio-chemic and bio-electric process inside the body, or some weird stuff you made up.

This has been explained a number of times. Re-evaluate and go back over the thread.

My wind concept aims for a minimized tonicity and maximized blood flow/oxygen supply.

This is not a power source. Neither is

My lightning concept aims for maximizing muscle pulse and leverage efficiency.

Does the are utilise a rotating force, forward and back...etc You can't have a seperate power source for different limbs. Your body must work in unison. Do you understand this or do you use a "cloudy concept" for absorbing inforamtion seperate to your lightning and wind concepts?

I use grounding and certain balance and contraction concepts for weight transfer and maximized kinetic efficiency.

All arts do. This is a requirement

It is a conplex system with all sorts of techniques, from biological and mental training to leverage, weight transfer and perception concepts.

What is a biological technique? There is definately no form of mental training that you have put forth through your responses.

Again... Tangent to tangent. look it up and understand this concept. Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards solving it.
I did have a problem, listening to trolls like you whose attack lights flash when they see someone who seems to be more successful in any way.
But since I fixed this problem I am progressing really well.

To everyone reading this, don't listen to such trolls when it is about your personal dreams, they aren't with it.
Okay, I'm a little tired of this.

Fenglong, you came here with a claim of a new martial art that you are developing. Since then you have consistently avoided answering basic questions about it, shown absolutely no understanding, insight, or knowledge of martial arts at all, started another thread with a whole bunch of disparate videos with no rhyme or reason, ignored all requests for reasons for the videos to be viewed, and now are calling others trolls?

Son, grow up.

EDIT: Oh, and out of interest, just how are you showing any form of success whatsoever?
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Before this thread gets any further out of hand, let me address a few things.

1) The discussion of 'creating your own art' have been discussed endlessly on here. 9 times out of 10, people aren't creating anything new, just repackaging stuff from other arts. Why anyone would want to craft their 'own' art when there are many others already in existance, is beyond me.

2) Please take a few minutes to read thru the forum rules that everyone agreed to upon joining, specifically the part on trolling.

3) If people are here to have a serious discussion, fine. If people are here to stir the pot and do nothing but troll, you'll find your time here will be cut very short.

4) If you're having an issue with a member, their post, etc., dont fire back at the person, use the RTM feature, which is the red triangle in the upper right hand corner of each post. It'll generate a report for the forum mods to look at and deal with, if any action is deemed necessary.

That being said, lets keep the thread civil please.

MT Asst. Admin

For the purposes of illustration could you answer your own questions? Perhaps it is just the wording that makes things difficult. For example, I was not entirely sure what you meant by rythm earlier until you clairified it and when you talk about a power source, I'm thinking of the "tanden" and moving from the hips which may not be what you are talking about.

To be honest, this is more for my sake than for Fenglong's at this point.