
2nd Black Belt
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
I think one of the most popular questions asked during the Olympics was "Just what is Michael Phelps listening to before he swims?"

He was basically a swimming iPod commercial.

What music do you listen to either during your training sessions or just before you compete?

My daughter likes to listen to Meatloaf - "Alive" & "The Monster Is Loose" just before she competes. (Her nickname since birth has been "Monster Baby")

During workouts she likes to listen to KISS and Guns-N-Roses

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The Karate Kid soundtrack
The Mortal Kombat soundtrack
Pretty much anything from Andrew Lloyd Webber, through 80's pop all the way to punk. On the way through my list Rolf Harris and George Formby show up too along with Gary Glitter and Abba.
What music do you listen to either during your training sessions or just before you compete?

My daughter likes to listen to Meatloaf - "Alive" & "The Monster Is Loose" just before she competes. (Her nickname since birth has been "Monster Baby")

During workouts she likes to listen to KISS and Guns-N-Roses

First, I LOVE your daughter's taste in music!

I have yet to compete(I'm either too busy with school or I get distracted by something shiny. :p), so-I don't listen before I compete. When I train, I listen to: KISS; 80's music; hair bands; classic rock; metal; the RENT soundtrack; the Rocky Horror Show soundtrack(the revival); Queen; Judas Priest; Charlie Daniels Band; and ABBA.
None. Music is very special to me but is a distraction when I practice. I leave the music behind when it's training time.
Sorry to revive such an old thread but I am still working on the perfect CD. I am torn between my GNR and Nelly and Rocky..

Just looking for suggestions of things. I may not have thought of.
Go with Guns and Roses they simply are the best for working out.
Right now Disturbed and System of a Down, they have a song called Revenga thats great. I change albums every few weeks so anything heavy gets me in the mood.
chinese democracy sucked epic levels of suck

before doing kata, I would listen to Kid Rocks "Cowboy"

before fighting, sometimes i listen to american baddass, or rock and roll all night, or let there be rock, different things
First off...The new Guns N' Roses sucks...not really Guns,'s Axl's new junk...really not new, either. Anyway, it sucks. Sucks.

As far as training music goes, I prefer anything metal...but it needs to be good metal. Bullet For My Valentine, Trivium, Lamb Of God, early Metallica...etc...or, I'll take a good classical piece, like Moonlight Sonata, if the mood's right. Or, I like anything from the Best of the Best soundtrack, Mortal Kombat soundtrack, or the Bloodsport soundtrack...

I wonder how many like to listen to techno to get pumped...
I'm a purist...

You shouldn't hear music if you are concentrating on your work, so why play it? (a rhetorical question of course)
I'm a purist...

You shouldn't hear music if you are concentrating on your work, so why play it? (a rhetorical question of course)

I guess I didn't phrase my response right, either, and I misread the OP...

I agree...I don't like to listen to music while in class, during practice...on my own time, however, especially when doing bag work, is when I like to listen to music.

Form practice, however, should be quiet.
I guess I didn't phrase my response right, either, and I misread the OP...

I agree...I don't like to listen to music while in class, during practice...on my own time, however, especially when doing bag work, is when I like to listen to music.

Form practice, however, should be quiet.

If doing form practice, if you wanted to be able to do the form without thinking, wouldn't music help. I agree, though, I was wondering about music while doing bag practice, running, or rope jumping. not during class.
If doing form practice, if you wanted to be able to do the form without thinking, wouldn't music help. I agree, though, I was wondering about music while doing bag practice, running, or rope jumping. not during class.

Well, everyone's different. I, myself, prefer silence when concentrating on forms...but then, there are others who use music for creative forms and stuff...

For me, it's like meditating with doesn't work for me. When I'm doing a form, unless it's a new form, I'm in a "zone", and I wouldn't hear the music anyway.

But when working out outside of class, I like to have the music to take my mind off of the pain.
Well, everyone's different. I, myself, prefer silence when concentrating on forms...but then, there are others who use music for creative forms and stuff...

For me, it's like meditating with doesn't work for me. When I'm doing a form, unless it's a new form, I'm in a "zone", and I wouldn't hear the music anyway.

But when working out outside of class, I like to have the music to take my mind off of the pain.

I was trying to "separate mind from body" and sing a song while doing my form. DIdn't go so well, I almost punched my son in the noggin and stubbed my toe on the weight bench.