Multiple styles in the same dojo!


Purple Belt
Down the street from me theres a school that teaches both TKD and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, two different masters and styles sharing the same school.

good idea or bad? :asian:
Originally posted by DAC..florida
Down the street from me theres a school that teaches both TKD and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, two different masters and styles sharing the same school.

good idea or bad? :asian:

I think it's an excellent idea. It serves both instructors well because they get to share the expenses while still having a place to teach. It serves the students well because they can go to either class. And if they choose to cross-train, so much the better.

I see no negatives to it at all except when, for instanct, TKD people want to use the mat (maybe for after class training or sparring) while the BJJ class is going on. But that's a pretty minor issue.

Also, I think the atmosphere there is probably different than in a straight TKD or BJJ school and, I would guess, that it's probably a healthier atmosphere overall. People in both classes have the opportunity to see and work out with people in the other class so there is a mixing of energies and, theoretically, they should feed off of each other in a positive way and enhance both arts in the school over time.

I do a "mut" style TKD (which includes grappling), and my school also offers kali. I don't see a problem with that. I agree with pesilat. I'm going to take Kali in the near future :)
Originally posted by karatekid1975
I do a "mut" style TKD (which includes grappling), and my school also offers kali. I don't see a problem with that. I agree with pesilat. I'm going to take Kali in the near future :)

Cool. Don't want to hijack the thread, but do you know what system of Kali it is?

I teach Ed Parker's American Kenpo on Tues/Thurs/Sat, and Ray Parra teaches JKD, Kali, Penjak Silat, and Muay Thai on the other days. I like it because between the two of us, we are taking about 100 students away from the school that opened in the building next to us. Of course, the ones he teaches probably would not like the intensity at our school.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
Down the street from me theres a school that teaches both TKD and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, two different masters and styles sharing the same school.

good idea or bad? :asian:

Sharing expenses is a plus. And then theres the possibility that there are other systems under the parent affiliation that may teach under the same roof.

My brother-in-law taught Karate, Judo/Jujustu, Kobujutsu, Aikido and Kumiuchi. It was about being organized. He taught all the classes except he brought someone in to teach the Aikido and represent the federation.

It gaves all of the students a chance to experience other arts. I spent some time in all of the classes but realized that there can be too much too fast and chose 3 to train and eventually narrowed it down to 2.
I think it's good any time two instructors from differing systems can put egos and stereotypes aside and share space, and hopefully, ideas and knowledge.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
Down the street from me theres a school that teaches both TKD and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, two different masters and styles sharing the same school.

good idea or bad? :asian:

I Think it's a Great idea......