One more thing regarding style mixing...
Some styles and arts blend realy well, while others don't. Some styles encourage the the learning of other systems such as JKD or Modern Arnis; While others don't.
If someone told me they teach Traditional Gung Fu, like a long fist form based style, along with BJJ, Peketi Tersia, Silat, and Karate, I would be like Huh?
Particularly because many traditional form based styles are ment to not be mixed with other systems (in the old days, your teacher would not let you study another system until you mastered his).
If someone told me they teach Inosanto System along with JKD, Peketi Tersia, Penjak Silat, and Submission Grappling, that might be more believable because of the blend. Inosanto incourages training in other styles along with his, as does JKD, and "submission grappling" is nonspecific to a particular style.
So, a lot of times, it depends on the blend. I still say to claim to teach over 4 styles by yourself could be a little much, but then again it depends on what styles.
Some styles and arts blend realy well, while others don't. Some styles encourage the the learning of other systems such as JKD or Modern Arnis; While others don't.
If someone told me they teach Traditional Gung Fu, like a long fist form based style, along with BJJ, Peketi Tersia, Silat, and Karate, I would be like Huh?

If someone told me they teach Inosanto System along with JKD, Peketi Tersia, Penjak Silat, and Submission Grappling, that might be more believable because of the blend. Inosanto incourages training in other styles along with his, as does JKD, and "submission grappling" is nonspecific to a particular style.
So, a lot of times, it depends on the blend. I still say to claim to teach over 4 styles by yourself could be a little much, but then again it depends on what styles.