Multiple Attackers

What tradockrat said.

Fighting more than one person is and should be an exercise in chaos not to mention aerobic fitness for the guy who's taking his or her turn in the barrel. Of course you start slow and simple and ramp up. There are teaching progressions for this sort of thing. But the goal should be continuous free-form attacks. Fighting two is different than fighting one. Fighting three is different than fighting two. You can't learn the later parts by fighting one person at a time three times.
My method of dealing with this would be to grab one around the neck and threaten to kill him if anyone moves. Then use him as a human sheild to get to the nearest phone and dial 911. Just make sure you're willing to acctully kill someone, you might have to.
I think maybe we need to give a lil thought to what should be considered a 'loss' or a 'victory' in this kind of situation. To get 'your butt kicked' but still manage to get out of the situation and home in (more or less) one piece is a victory in my opinion.

I've been outnumbered before.

It wasn't pretty and it took a while but in the end I declared myself the winner simply because when it was over I was still standing and they weren't.

Hello, Good points. Just want to share one more thing. We all practice in a safe enviroment, we do not hit for real with full power and speed, with the intend of stopping the other persons. (Safety).

If you ever get a chance to walk someplace all alone (dark) at night....imagine if a bunch of guys come walking up to you? Please experience the walk part in a dark place at night by yourself? feels very different from the training halls. (training halls you can do it again and again and also rest.)

If a group attacks you...there is NO rules for them...they will use weapons,fist,kicks, stomping and everythings else to get you down and out! The odds are in there flavor!

Training in a hall is very different than the streets...better know this NOW! ..even for one on one! (you may not understand this? ..but one day you will?).................Aloha
Hello, Good points. Just want to share one more thing...

Thanks, but just to clarify, I wasn't talking about practice.
The scenerio I described was a real situation and I've been in several. This isn't new territory for me.

How do you fight multiple attackers? The same way you eat an elephant:
"One bite at a time."

I think maybe we need to give a lil thought to what should be considered a 'loss' or a 'victory' in this kind of situation. To get 'your butt kicked' but still manage to get out of the situation and home in (more or less) one piece is a victory in my opinion.

For sure.

I've been outnumbered before.

It wasn't pretty and it took a while but in the end I declared myself the winner simply because when it was over I was still standing and they weren't.


How do you fight multiple attackers? The same way you eat an elephant:
"One bite at a time."
Keep eating. :)
I am a student of shaolin kempo, and in our dojo, when we test for the next belt, we have to fend off 3 attackers (who don't have weapons). there job is to make you submit, and your job is to stay away. They all come at you at one time. some go for the legs, some the arms. I stayed away for over 5 minutes. That's a long time in a small space, but it shows me that you can find ways to escape. I would hope that I could even the odds if I had to fight several attackers by getting distance. The attackers would be semi spread out and I could hopefully make others think when they see what I have done to their friends. I would rather just run away and call it a night, but you sometimes you can't. I'd hope that they would lose intrest in me and go about their business