However I think that Ron Chapel epitimizes this dichotomy, and has intentionally contrasted "motion" Kenpo to his SL-4. To Mr. Parker, it was all Kenpo. Some was possibly less sophisticated, due to the time of it's inception, and students from that era perpetuating what they had learned then.
I am not implying this is good ... or bad. It just is, and I think Dr. Chapel has benefited greatly by marketing his SL-4 as something he and Mr. Parker were working on that the rest of his Senior students were not privy to. Once again, not good ... not bad to me. I was not there, so I don't have all the facts, nor do I expect that I ever will. But none-the-less, the issue that originated on this thread was "What's the difference?" Not whether there is any such animal. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it ain't no horse. (Folksy humor inserted here!)
I know what I have heard from the good Doctor himself, I know what his peers, and those close to Mr. Parker say, and it is clear that Kenpo can go in numerous directions and still be the System brought into being by Mr. Parker. He was and is, THE SOURCE. Just because the extensions you study are not the ones I use, (your contact manipulation focus), that does not make it one bit less true Kenpo. MOTION SMOTION - I find a "commercial" Kenpo vs. a non-commercial version much more palatable and easier to refer to. I know "motion" was used to deliniate between what we now call Tracy Kenpo, and what Mr. Parker systematically organized through the '70's into the '80's, focusing on Principles, Concepts, and Theories.
Anyhow I am getting off the :soapbox: now and heading for bed. I have almost wound down from teaching 3 classes and several privates, and still have to get to work in the morning.
Yall have a great Kenpo Day,