Most embarrassing moment in MA


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
I love this "America's Funniest Home Video" MA blooper reel.

My most embarrasing MA moments were along time ago.....until tonight. I was teaching hand techniques while having students do line drills. Nothing fancy, just the same basics we do every night. Next thing I know I'm on my butt from slipping on the floor.

Ok, what are your's?
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Yea those are funny. mine was falling on my *** during a breaking demo. There was about three thousand people there and they all laughed what else can you do but laugh with them.
during a seminar with my shihan i was learning advanced knunchuck techniques and you're supposed to do it fast in order to do it properly but instead i did it slowly and it flew out of my hand and hit my shihan in the face! lol when he opened his eyes and made a retarded knock out face before he smiled at me and shook his head lol. talk about embarassing!
Mine was a few years ago I was visiting a school and almost fainted during their opening warmups. (I hadn't eaten lunch)
Three weeks ago, I was helping my Sifu teach the junior's class. He was teaching the kids about why a good kiai is important, he had one of the other Brown Belts off to one side, and me right in front of him. He explained to the kids that the other Brown Belt was going to count to three at which point I would punch him in the stomach and he would kiai. So, naturally, he over explained... he had me measure the distance, then said: "Mr Simpson (That's me, btw)is going to punch me in the stomach, HARD, Miss Z (the other Brown Belt) will say 'one, two, three...' at which point, I nailed him...
Well, the kids thought it was funny... but, my action changed the lesson, next, she counted and he hit ME, a nice solid straight punch, right in the gut.
I was doing groundwork, felt kinda "off". I felt a little rumbling in the stomach, but I figured it was nothing, either hunger from not eating much that day, or fatigue from the work, but pay it no mind. I kept working..

What with all the struggling and contorting, all I hear is this ripping sound, and my partner makes this really horrid face, then it dawns on me...

Do any of you know how damned embarrassing it is to pass gas when passing the guard??:duh:

Worst thing ever...
I managed to whack myself with my own bo in the forehead doing a routine kata. Managed to keep on my feet...but it left a lovely bump on my forehead for about 6 months.
Here is one that would be very embarassing...

It didn't happen to me, but I was in a class working with some new students and a visiting blackbelt was working with the instructor. The instructor did a takedown type move and then bent over to help up the visitor. The visitor attempting to "roll up" onto his feet and cranked off a loud fart. All he could say was "Oh God, I'm sooo sorry". I did everything I could to not laugh.
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i was sparring one night and me and another kid performed the very advance double crotch kick....we'll never forget our cups again :D

I still havent figured out how that happened cause we are supposed to aim there...hahaha

Shortly after earning my black belt in Aikido, I was visiting another dojo and everyone was kneeling is seiza. As I stood up, I somehow stood on the back of my hakama and threw myself backwards into the wall. It was the one and only time I'm ever knocked myself out. I came to surrounded by about 20 people laughing their butts off. Believe me, they were not laughing with me.
During a test I was doing one step sparring. I blocked the other fellows punch with a inside sweep kick, then executed a spinning heal kick. I knocked him out right there in front of the class.


Shortly after earning my black belt in Aikido, I was visiting another dojo and everyone was kneeling is seiza. As I stood up, I somehow stood on the back of my hakama and threw myself backwards into the wall. It was the one and only time I'm ever knocked myself out. I came to surrounded by about 20 people laughing their butts off. Believe me, they were not laughing with me.[/quote]

But they were laughing NEAR you.
mine was not in class, but when my wife and i first moved into an appartment together. she thought it would be funny to jump out at me one night in a dark appartment when i did not know she was home. i stopped my foot about an inch from her nose.
I was playing Chi Sau with my Sifu while in college and this really nice looking girl walked into class and was looking at me. I met eyes with her and dropped my guard for a minute, then I got pasted by my Sifu right in front of her and the entire class. Needless to say, I remained single that day.
Along time ago in a CMA school far far awayÂ….

Shaolin staff form demo.. during classÂ…. and at one point you swing the staff underneath and jump it as it flys under youÂ….. lets just say the ER was well decorated and I did learn how to balance on my crutches and throw a kick during my time in the cast.

However being a crazy CMA guy, I did not leave class right after the staff incidentÂ… I stayed for 2 more classesÂ….but that is stuff of another postÂ… some of the Dumbest things you ever did in MA

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