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<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Does anybody here follow the USAT election, who should really represent us for the grass root director, Lou Giamo, Ronda Sweet, Eui Lee. What does each of these people bring for us. I really believe we need a direction for all athletes so they can be developed for the sport of TKD. Ronda has done alot but his her intention true for the atrhletes or to just certain one's, can lou really bring the grass root program to a level that really includes all that would like to go that route. Mr. Lee I do not know much about so I will listen to others on his views.

How can the USAT really make a difference in our athletes in the future if we cannot become one for the betterment of the USA.
Like you I only know a bit about Sweet and Giamo. If you like things as they have been than go with Sweet. I know Giamo has posted his platforms on a couple of other TKD forums for all to see and ask questions. You can also gain some perspective about him by reading his previous posts from the post couple of years on those same forums. I know nothing of Lee. Good luck
There is a lot of discussion on this on the I'm not really affected by it simply because I don't belong to the USAT, however, it seems that Lee would be the best suited. From what I understand, Giamo left several years ago to be with the AAU and now wants to come back after having no involvement with USAT. Sweet, from reports I have heard has done nothing but help run it into the ground since her tenure. Lee has been a club owner for many years and he and his father have been involved since it was USTU. Again this is just what I have read and I really don't care either way.
I know Master Giamo from our school's invovlement in local tournamnets. He's a good guy...however I can' really speak to his organizational/leadership skills. He did distance hismelf from USAT a few years back in an effort to strengthen the local state level TKD organization. I can only assume that he was not able to get was he was looking for from AAU. From what I can tell his big push has been to get rid of/rise above some of the shadier aspects of TKD sports organization and have a more tranparent fairer system (at least locally...if not nationally).

I know nothing about the other two.


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