David Askinas Slaps Members in Face - Again


Blue Belt
Here is a letter I sent to the USOC this am regarding the most recent slap in USAT member faces:

eric.parthen@usoc.org, rachel.issacs@usoc.org

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dear All,

As you are aware, the USAT BOD was to have a board meeting yesterday. As you are also aware, the membership was refused their right to "observe" the meeting (Section 7.23 of the USAT Bylaws). Today's transgression is a slap in the face of all USAT members. The BOD had a brief meeting where they decided to postpone their phone call until August 5th to allow members the right to "observe". Here is how the USAT is allowing members their right to observe BOD meetings. It says a lot about the attitude of the USAT leadership towards the rank and file:

The USAT Board of Directors' teleconference meeting originally scheduled for July 29, 2010, has been postponed until Thursday, August 5, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time.
Members are welcome to attend the teleconference at the new USAT offices at the Olympic Sport House on Cimino Drive in Colorado Springs. Building tours will be available and staff will be available to meet with any interested USAT members who have questions about USAT or need more information at the conclusion of the Board call."

USOC has a vested interest in the success of its NGB's. Can you look any member in the eye and tell them that the USOC is ok with USAT and more specifically David Askinas telling members that they can attend a BOD meeting being held via phone call ONLY if they buy a plane ticket and fly to Colorado Springs on 1 week's notice and attend in person - when the BOD isn't even there? Do you believe that this will encourage members to renew memberships and participate when this is a blatant attempt to circumvent the USAT bylaws and Colorado Non Profit Corporate Law? Did I mention the board members I asked about this this morning knew nothing of this situation?

Do Mr. Benz and Mr. Schiller the members of the illegally appointed Task Force on Membership (I can give you chapter and verse as to how this appointment was illegal. USAT bylaws again) realize that their efforts are fruitless in the face of actions such as these?

I would really like to hear the thoughts of the USOC on this matter. I would also like to hear the thoughts of the USOC on the fact that the USAT has not yet completed its annual audit of 2009 finances. There are only two reasons that the audit is still not competed 6 months later - 1) the CEO is hiding something 2) The CEO is incompetent and the office is not running properly or the materials would have been available and correct and the audit finished by April as it has always been done in the past. And yes I have expressed this point of view to the BOD members and to the USAT membership via my website.


Ronda J. Sweet
USAT Lifetime Member

Rhonda do I have to say this again the USAT only care for the few, what they claim to be the future. Members have no right and never have had any, David is one of the biggest pricks in the world and he can look you in the eye and lie like no other man I know. What would a person ever believe the USAT would do anything right and why should they the USOC let them get away with everything in the first place.
Rhonda do I have to say this again the USAT only care for the few, what they claim to be the future. Members have no right and never have had any, David is one of the biggest pricks in the world and he can look you in the eye and lie like no other man I know. What would a person ever believe the USAT would do anything right and why should they the USOC let them get away with everything in the first place.

I usually don't comment on USAT matters on a public BSS. The actions of the USAT have been very poor over the Last 4 years.

Thanks for speaking out.

I usually don't comment on USAT matters on a public BSS. The actions of the USAT have been very poor over the Last 4 years.

Thanks for speaking out.


Tal I am and will support them simply because they are the only game for some athletes that have that dream, but that does not mean I approve what they do. I have had lunch with very top notch fighters and coaches that I will not name and they are true and true USAT all the way, I am trying my best to stay out of the politecs but will always speak my mind about what is right and wrong inmy eyes. Zachary hates it when I make comments but like I explain to him he is one of those trying to get thier one day and he has enough top coaches out thier willing to help himout where he does not need me so I can voice my opinions. In closing I would like to say the USAT has what is calle dthe upper card or the nutts in poker so we can complain and everything but that is not going to change anything only a commitment to be a vote and hopefully one day the tables will turn in the favor of all athletes whether they are Olympic hopefuls or just recreation type of fighters.

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