Brandon Meek’s Favorite quotation “ I'd rather be despised for my character, rather than be liked for my lack of it.”
That pretty much sums up Mr. Meek!
Brandon is a Coach and mentor for athletes, He also is a volunteer for At-Risk Youth. His interest are Taekwondo, Motivational Speaking, Volunteering. Brandon also recognized the need for positive change with the USAT and is running for the position of Coach Director in the 2010 Elections. Seems to be plenty of chatter that the USAT is once again trying to manipulate the bylaws, control the election and circumvent the N&G and hoodwink itÂ’s members.
I was given permission to share this letter with you the members. This just goes to show what a stand up guy Mr. Meek is that he has now put his own money up to protect your rights as a member, the basic right to have and hold an election that gives you the members the right to elect those you feel would represent and hold your best interest as a member and the true mission of this organization.
I personally would like to thank Mr. Meek for his passion, concern, dedication and commitment he has showed with this sport we all love and want to see grow and prosper in the best interest of our athletes.
Brandon Meek’s Favorite quotation “ I'd rather be despised for my character, rather than be liked for my lack of it.”
That pretty much sums up Mr. Meek!
Brandon is a Coach and mentor for athletes, He also is a volunteer for At-Risk Youth. His interest are Taekwondo, Motivational Speaking, Volunteering. Brandon also recognized the need for positive change with the USAT and is running for the position of Coach Director in the 2010 Elections. Seems to be plenty of chatter that the USAT is once again trying to manipulate the bylaws, control the election and circumvent the N&G and hoodwink itÂ’s members.
I was given permission to share this letter with you the members. This just goes to show what a stand up guy Mr. Meek is that he has now put his own money up to protect your rights as a member, the basic right to have and hold an election that gives you the members the right to elect those you feel would represent and hold your best interest as a member and the true mission of this organization.
I personally would like to thank Mr. Meek for his passion, concern, dedication and commitment he has showed with this sport we all love and want to see grow and prosper in the best interest of our athletes.
From: Howard Jacobs <>
Date: January 5, 2011 4:07:18 PM PST
Cc: Brandon Meek <>, John Ruger <>,, Gary Johansen <>
Subject: USAT elections, Board of Directors
Dear Mr. Askinas,
Please be advised that I have been retained by Brandon Meek in connection with his potential nomination to the USA Tae Kwon Do (hereinafter "USAT") Board of Directors. Please forward to me at your earliest convenience, a complete list of the candidates selected by USAT's Nominating and Governance Committee for the Board position of "coach director" [see USAT Bylaws 7.5 and 7.6(c)]. Please also provide me with an outline of the process by which the USAT member coaches will elect the "coach member" of the USAT Board, pursuant to USAT Bylaw 7.6(c); and the estimated date on which the election will be conducted.
Thank you for your anticipated professional courtesy and cooperation.
Best regards,
Howard Jacobs