More bad news for my son


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
As alot of you know Zachary was at AAU National a few weeks ago and got a dislocated shoulder or so we thought. It turns out to be a A.C. rip of the left shoulder and will need 4-6 weeks of healing time, he is in a thing that does not allow his arm and shoulders to move so no more dmage will be done. They are hoping no surgery will be needed. He is such a good kid and looks at this as a way for him to become better mentally.
Sorry about the injury. He has the right attitude though and that comes from good coaching and parenting...good job. Just don't let him jump back in too quick and do more damage. He has a whole life time ahead of him to compete and pursue TKD.
Sorry about the injury. He has the right attitude though and that comes from good coaching and parenting...good job. Just don't let him jump back in too quick and do more damage. He has a whole life time ahead of him to compete and pursue TKD.

Yes he will need 12-16 weeks off for it to heal properly said the doctor, if he need surgery it will be a little longer. Will not know until next week about sergury.
sorry to hear that. Good thing is he's young, so a few week vacation to heal wont set him back terribly.

Best wishes and get well soon.
Sorry to hear that. I know it is frustrating for him. I hope he heals quickly. Many blessings to him for fast recovery.
I feel your pain Master Terry. He will be OK. My daughter goes in for surgery on her foot today. She broke it a few week before Nationals but continued to train and even participated with it broken. Now she has to have a pin put in and will be out some time. Her hope is to be back for the US Open. Tell Zach to just hang in there and that he still has time and that he does not have to rush back. It is good to be young.
He is better than I was at that age. I would have kept trying to train and making it worse.

For him :asian:

I wish him a speedy recovery and a healthy return to training TKD when the time is right
Hey Terry,

Follow the doctors orders and hope he does not need surgery.

On a side note: you might want to try super heating the shoulder area with ben gay patches or the like to increase blood flow to the area for the bodies repair. When I tore the labrum in my shoulder I was informed by two surgeons who were my friends that surgery was the only alternative due to lack of blood flow to that area. So I super heated the shoulder sixteen hours a day and five years later no surgery and full range of movement just like I used to have! It took about three months to heal.
I feel your pain Master Terry. He will be OK. My daughter goes in for surgery on her foot today. She broke it a few week before Nationals but continued to train and even participated with it broken. Now she has to have a pin put in and will be out some time. Her hope is to be back for the US Open. Tell Zach to just hang in there and that he still has time and that he does not have to rush back. It is good to be young.

Sorry to hear about your daughter, hopefully she will be stronger.
To both parents above, good on your kids. Nice that they like TKD so much they can't wait to get back to training. But as has already been said, let them know that although they won't live forever (as most kids think), but God willing, they will have a long life and should give a little time to heal properly so they can more enjoy the life they have ahead of them.
I'm sorry to hear that Zachary's injury is worse that was thought - I hope he heals well and completely, and without the need for surgery.
All the best wishes to him (and to you) in his healing. It sounds like he has a great attitude about the situation, good for him, that's important.
I hope the best wishes for your son T-man. I know he will bounce back stronger and even better than before (how can he not? He's your son :smile: )!!!