Green Belt
I dont see why peopel are so angry at the Moo Duk Kwan.
Oh....please don't be confused. Most are not angry at the MDK...just the current leadership and some of their decisions. But you are correct in that if you are not a SBD practitioner today, then you are definitely not MDK. But that doesn't mean you 'weren't' ever MDK. I trained and tested and ranked in TSD in the MDK in Seoul in 1984. The MDK didn't officially drop TSD as it art unitl 1995. And even today they still have some TSD Hyung in their system. So many can legitimately say they have a lineage to/through the MDK. I think the majority of people who have expressed their displeasure with the MDK are thinking about some of the egotiscal and nasty letters that were mailed out to several instructors who had given their sweat, heart and soul to the MDK for many years only to be accused of bringing 'impurities' to the school and not following 'moo do' like a good little drone should. Making threats to financially ruin people with protracted legal battles is a poor demonstration of Kyum Son if you ask me. And it is ludicrous to tell people that after 20 years of practicing forms they have to suddenly either stop teaching them or start paying a royalty to the MDK. They say they are an organiztion devoted to education....but they seem to be more worried about protecting a franchise. I don't remember my University ever sending me a letter saying I have to pay them everytime I counsel someone.
The Emperor