Orange Belt
I'm new here. Hello. Enough of that....
Here's the easy one: According to Wikipedia: """He joined the United States Air Force as an Air Policeman (AP) in 1958 and was sent to Osan Air Base, South Korea. It was there that Norris acquired the nickname Chuck and began his training in Tang Soo Do (tangsudo)...."""
1) Does the vintage of Norris's beginning in TSD training indicate which flavor or school of TSD he was training in, or does anyone just know?
I've read the threads here and a fair bit elsewhere about the history of TSD, the split, etc., and after a while I find it hard to recall who's who, never mind who's on first. From Wikipedia: """Despite this unification effort, the kwans continued to teach their individual styles. Hwang Kee and a large constituent of the Moo Duk Kwan continued to develop a version of Tang Soo Do that eventually became what is now known as "Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan". This modified version of Tang Soo Do incorporates more fluid "soft" movements reminiscent of certain traditional Chinese martial arts. The World Tang Soo Do Association and the International Tang Soo Do Federation teach systems of Tang Soo Do that existed before the Taekwondo "merger" and before the development of modern Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan. These versions of Tang Soo Do are heavily influenced by Korean culture and also appear to be related to Okinawan Karate as initially taught in Japan by Gichin Funakoshi.""""
2) Is it now the case that (a) The World Tang Soo Do Association, The International Tang Soo Do Federation, and Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan, are all outside The Big TKD Merger?
I am also interested to know which schools/styles are more martial and less sportish.
Thanks very much for any wisdom.
Here's the easy one: According to Wikipedia: """He joined the United States Air Force as an Air Policeman (AP) in 1958 and was sent to Osan Air Base, South Korea. It was there that Norris acquired the nickname Chuck and began his training in Tang Soo Do (tangsudo)...."""
1) Does the vintage of Norris's beginning in TSD training indicate which flavor or school of TSD he was training in, or does anyone just know?
I've read the threads here and a fair bit elsewhere about the history of TSD, the split, etc., and after a while I find it hard to recall who's who, never mind who's on first. From Wikipedia: """Despite this unification effort, the kwans continued to teach their individual styles. Hwang Kee and a large constituent of the Moo Duk Kwan continued to develop a version of Tang Soo Do that eventually became what is now known as "Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan". This modified version of Tang Soo Do incorporates more fluid "soft" movements reminiscent of certain traditional Chinese martial arts. The World Tang Soo Do Association and the International Tang Soo Do Federation teach systems of Tang Soo Do that existed before the Taekwondo "merger" and before the development of modern Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan. These versions of Tang Soo Do are heavily influenced by Korean culture and also appear to be related to Okinawan Karate as initially taught in Japan by Gichin Funakoshi.""""
2) Is it now the case that (a) The World Tang Soo Do Association, The International Tang Soo Do Federation, and Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan, are all outside The Big TKD Merger?
I am also interested to know which schools/styles are more martial and less sportish.
Thanks very much for any wisdom.