Modern Arnis Symposium Testing Board

  • Thread starter Thread starter DoctorB
  • Start date Start date
Good luck to you and the rest of the board Mr. Knüttel! Indeed, it's hard for everyone in these post-Professor times!
Good luck to you and the rest of the board Mr. Knüttel! Indeed, it's hard for everyone in these post-Professor times!
Yes and thank you arnisador, this is what we need: a positive attitude. We all want to make this symposium a very positive weekend.
We can all make it a blast (is this correct?).

We made it last year during the FMA-Festival in Germany with 18 different instructors from different FMA styles with 450 participants: all worked together for the better of the FMA. And now in Buffaloo for the better of Modern Arnis.

I am very seriously looking for fun, fun, fun during this weekend. With all of the participates and I am sure, we will have lots. :D

BTW, I will arrive already on wednesday afternoon in Buffalo with my assistant Michael Naber. Is there any Modern Arnis school we can have a look at in the region? We will have a car. Jerome, do you have a gym that we can visite? Or any other Modern Arnis or FMA group?

Please let me know

Till then

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Originally posted by Dieter

We can all make it a blast (is this correct?).
Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis

Dieter, Correct use of idiom AND yes, were going to have a blast!!!

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by JMP
Hello everyone
I was just wanted to know about this testing board in Modern Arnis.
I do not doctor b, is there a new org. starting where did all these requirments come from.
Thank you in advance

Jim Power
Flint MI.

(* I moved this post from the Filipino section and the Arnis is dying thread. I moved this post at the request of the poster.

Rich Parsons
MT Moderator *)

Hello Mr. Power,

The Symposium Testing Board is going to exist for the duration of the Symposium, from July 11 - 13, 2003, then fade gracefully into the past. The idea is consistant with what was done at the Kenpo Gathering of Eagles in 2001. Senior Members of the Modern Arnis Instructional Group who will be in attendence have agreed to serve on a testing board for the purpose of giving "orphaned" Lakan holders an opportunity to test for higher rank. A number of people have not joined any of the new Modern Arnis groups that have developed since Professor Presas died, therefore they do not have a legitimate means by which they can be tested and if successful, be promoted to a higher rank. This is an attempt to redress the problem and avoid some others that could arise.

All of the board members have extensive martial background and several are recoginzed as the legitimate leaders of organizations/systems, plus one member is a Modern Arnis Datu who was recently promoted to 7th degree in the Philippines. Another founded his organization in 1994, was recognized as a legitimate Senior Master and inheritor of his instructor's system by a GM Board of 10 members, so the credentials are quite exemplary. Everyone on the Symposium Testing Board is ranked at 5th degree or higher in a Filipino Martial Arts System or Style besides having trained with professor Presas.


12 Angles of Attack & Defense
12 Empty Hand Translations of the 12 Angles
12 Block-check-counter and redonda applications for self defense
12 Basic Disarms with stick and empty hands

Associated Stick Striking Patterns - Figure 8, Rompidia, Up & Down, Banda y Banda, Abaniko (corto, largo, hirada & double action), flow, single, double and reverse sinawali; all of the above with stick and empty hand translations

Palis-Palis and Crossada Patterns as drills and with single stick, double stick, espada y daga and empty hand applications

Basic 6 Count Drill
6 Count Counter for Counter with added thrusts
Tapi-Tapi Drills (right to right, left to right & left to left)
Counters and disarms off of Tapi-Tapi

Empty Hand Anyo 1 - 8
Stick Anyo 1 - 4

The testee must be able to demonstrate the ability to use the "flow concepts" and innovative responses in self defense applications. Joint-locks, throws, take-downs and the like are expected, but will not be specificly asked for or called out in an individual manner as is the accepted procedure in underbelt testing.

The Modern Arnis Testing Board reserves the right to use all of the items mentioned above. The testing is designed to have the testee demonstrate mastery and skill in terms of drills and applications. The testee will be expected to demonsrate fluidity of motion, body shifting and in-depth technical knowledge of Modern Arnis. We expect to see the testee demonstrate correct usage of of body mechanics, energy and intent in order to ensure a successful completeion of the testing program.

We are not going to guarentee anyone that merely signing on to be tested will result in gaining a rank advancement. All promotions will be based on demonstrated skills and execution of movements.

We are very well aware of the long history and changing attributes of Modern Arnis as taught in the USA, Canada and Europe over the course of Professor's 25 year teaching career. Therefore we will be flexible in determining what is to be tested with regard to to each individual. However, in the end and regardless of the time period that someone studied the art, the ability to execute the techniques with skill and precision is not any different from one era to the next. In the final analysis the test is about still about Skills.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Aha! Specifics! That says it in the hat! Now it's countdown time for the Symposium. Thanks, DocB, for the answer. In the words of Dieter Knuettel, "We're going to have a blast!"

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by arnisador
Good luck to you and the rest of the board Mr. Knüttel! Indeed, it's hard for everyone in these post-Professor times!

It's only as hard as some people want to make it for others.
The testing idea is a very good one. I like the idea of testing in front of a widely difussed board membership. In an time like thiswhen so many people are "guarding their territory" a promotion by a board of seniors with very different backgrounds is a plus. There will not be an cries of "fix" because this Board does not have to worry about trying to keep people in the fold to get them to the next test and tesing fee payment.

I like this idea.

What?!? I'm not getting brib...oops, paid for being on the test board? I never agreed to fair about anything. I'm trying to build an empire here!

Dictatorishly Yours,
Dan Anderson