Modern Arnis Symposium - A Different Viewpoint

Video ? OK, not my concern since I'm not on the ticket.

Now I hear there is a grading board.

That gives me a bad vibe. Sorry.

I thought this was a meating of the minds thing and now it sounds more like a camp.
I've been very quiet up to till now..
Back from Minsk to shoot videos and then I leave for Israel on Saturday..

I think a grading board is OK.. I guess if any of my students wanted to test and have a cert signed by all these different Modern Arnis guys..that's very cool.
A chance to see how others from other versions-other perspectives of Modern Arnis see what we do,,
As an Instructor the best judge of me is my students..and if those that do it a bit diffferently see my students as A-OK..well that's a cool its a good thing for my students..
Instructors they normally don't see reviweing and checking them out..
Having a test board doesn't change the symposium aim..
diffrent views from diffrent instructors and students all on the same topic. I don't see that ( a test board) as anything but an extension of a meeting of the minds..
I welcome the other instructor's views on my students..good or bad..
How else can we learn?

its still a symposium..or gogglely moggley a freaking if the title matters..( Is camp a bad word?????)

As for the video taping.???.It's of historical value.
All these Modern Arnis people together. Might happen again or never..anything could happen to any of us..
As for compansation? DR Barber has Video Quest coming up to do this.. Video Quest was just here filming for me. I caught part of the conversation..
Video Quest is filming it to Video-DVD..and absorbing up front the expenses, travel etc as well as filming & editing costs with the idea they get it off any possible future sales or distribution of the filming.

Since Video Quest is a production company, not someone's brother just filming it...its real deal..and it's not cheap.
I know..they do my Videos..( check my bank account..OUCH!)
I guess if any of you, if one or many actually hired Video Quest, paid the bills,, one could talk of compensation of some sort..
Video Quest just might make their investment back in a few years..
Do you guys know of people clamoring for these videos?
yeah right....
I already told them I'd buy a set when its done..
Did I mention its of historical value?
and I know its costing them money to do it..

Ohh by the way..George Denson of Video Quest was a private student of Professor Presas. ( yes, I teach him Arnis as well) Professor went and stayed with him..Video Quest has lots of raw footage of Professor..
George filmed seminars, camps..classes..
This is his way of giving to the us teaching..

If its talk of compensation..I guess the fact that we are all paying our own way is statement enough..
The only compensation I know of is the fact I get to see and be with others I haven't seen for a long time or a few I haven't met yet..
I get compensated by I get to be part of this little piece of Modern Arnis history...I'd want the same recording if I was @ datu Kelly's Camp..its a piece of history of Modern Arnis..
of course that's a personal point of view...

I don't do freebies.
I do this out of respect for DR Barber and to give back a bit to others in Modern Arnis to share what I know,
so my students come to see others in Modern Arnis..
but compensation..???
DR Barber and the symposium can't afford me or my rates..
This is how I make my living.. I teach seminars.
I get paid from the time I leave my door to the time I re-enter my house.
That's reality..Agency wants me..Pay me..I'm yours..Don't pay me..I stay home..

Well I'm off to Israel to teach the Commandments of Steel...
my yearly Knife-counter knife camp in Israel...

I'll see you guys when I get home ..

DR Barber..sorry if I went off on a rant...
Keith my apologies if I crossed any lines of decorum of this thread..

Mr Dan: George is getting our DVD's ready.He'll bring the old HOF Filipino martial art stuff to the symposium..

be safe
Originally posted by BRAM

Well I'm off to Israel to teach the Commandments of Steel...
my yearly Knife-counter knife camp in Israel...

be safe

You be safe as well.

Your bud, Dan
Originally posted by Tapps
Video ? OK, not my concern since I'm not on the ticket.

Now I hear there is a grading board.

That gives me a bad vibe. Sorry.

I thought this was a meating of the minds thing and now it sounds more like a camp.

You are absolutely correct, it is not your concern. If you are in attendence you will have to sign a Waiver/Release to be included in the video. If you do not sign the release then you will have to attend a session not being recoded for that particular hour. Since George Denson and I are taking on ALL of the Costs UPFRONT, no one has anything to say until we see your money in Georges hand!

Too bad about the "bad vibe". You do not know anything more than there will be an option for some people to test for rank advancement. You do not know who is going to eligible and under what conditions, do you? The reality is that I am going to listen to the people paying for the Symposium and the instructors presenting at the Symposium. ALL OTHER COMMENTS are without any merit until after July 14, 2003!

The Symposium is an opportunity for people to work together, exchange ideas, talk about the art as they do it, and to see as full a range of options within Modern Arnis as has ever been presented outside of the Philippines since Professor first arrived in and began teaching in the USA, Canada and Europe.

Those persons in attendence will be the evaluators of the people presenting. If you (collective usage) are not there then your opinions are not as valid as those who attend and see it for themselves. The formal evaluation document is ready and every person will revceive one for every session that they attend.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by BRAM

I think a grading board is OK.. I guess if any of my students wanted to test and have a cert signed by all these different Modern Arnis guys..that's very cool.
A chance to see how others from other versions-other perspectives of Modern Arnis see what we do,,
As an Instructor the best judge of me is my students..and if those that do it a bit diffferently see my students as A-OK..well that's a cool its a good thing for my students..
Instructors they normally don't see reviweing and checking them out..
Having a test board doesn't change the symposium aim..
diffrent views from diffrent instructors and students all on the same topic. I don't see that ( a test board) as anything but an extension of a meeting of the minds..
I welcome the other instructor's views on my students..good or bad..
How else can we learn?

its still a symposium..or gogglely moggley a freaking if the title matters..( Is camp a bad word?????)

As for the video taping.???.It's of historical value.
All these Modern Arnis people together. Might happen again or never..anything could happen to any of us..
As for compansation? DR Barber has Video Quest coming up to do this.. Video Quest was just here filming for me. I caught part of the conversation..
Video Quest is filming it to Video-DVD..and absorbing up front the expenses, travel etc as well as filming & editing costs with the idea they get it off any possible future sales or distribution of the filming.

Since Video Quest is a production company, not someone's brother just filming it...its real deal..and it's not cheap.
I know..they do my Videos..( check my bank account..OUCH!)
I guess if any of you, if one or many actually hired Video Quest, paid the bills,, one could talk of compensation of some sort..
Video Quest just might make their investment back in a few years..
Do you guys know of people clamoring for these videos?
yeah right....
I already told them I'd buy a set when its done..
Did I mention its of historical value?
and I know its costing them money to do it..

If its talk of compensation..I guess the fact that we are all paying our own way is statement enough..
The only compensation I know of is the fact I get to see and be with others I haven't seen for a long time or a few I haven't met yet..
I get compensated by I get to be part of this little piece of Modern Arnis history...I'd want the same recording if I was @ datu Kelly's Camp..its a piece of history of Modern Arnis..
of course that's a personal point of view...

I don't do freebies.
I do this out of respect for DR Barber and to give back a bit to others in Modern Arnis to share what I know,
so my students come to see others in Modern Arnis..
but compensation..???
DR Barber and the symposium can't afford me or my rates..
This is how I make my living.. I teach seminars.
I get paid from the time I leave my door to the time I re-enter my house.
That's reality..Agency wants me..Pay me..I'm yours..Don't pay me..I stay home..

DR Barber..sorry if I went off on a rant...
Keith my apologies if I crossed any lines of decorum of this thread..


Thanks for the Support and comments Bram. No need for me to repeat all of the things here that I have said on two other threads this morning. Your comments have supported my positions, so I can keep this one short.

The Symposium is open to everyone who wants to attend. There are people who can not attend. One of those people asked if there was going to be a recoding of the event. I answered in the affirmative because that was in the plans, but would be dealt with as a later part of the project. The time was right to make that move.

There will be a waiver required for everyone to sign. The compensation factor is 0/zero/nothing. If any instructor would prefer not to be documented at the event that is ok by me. It is not and never has been a requirement for inclusion.

The testing/promotions board thing is consistant with the Symposium role model of the GOE2. Some of the very same problems are apparent as well. Not unexpected and clearly surmountable.

Talk to you later. Have a safe trip to and from Isreal.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Ladies and Gents,

I find it interesting that as the Symposium gets nearer and nearer, more and more shots are being fired. First it was the "put up or shut up" topic. then it was the "kingmaker" issue (btw - I declared myself king so that locks that issue up tight). Now it's the "ranking issue" and everybody is getting fired up about the "rightness/wrongness" of it all.

Come on! The next thing someone will find wrong with the Symposium is that Lamont owes me three beers and I have the gall to collect!!!

When the Professor (Remy, not me) died, I knew we weren't going to all get together and do a group hug. I knew that we were going to go our own way and others who weren't with "us" (i.e. WMAA troups with the WMAA, IMAF troups with the IMAF and so on), weren't going to agree. Big deal. There is so much historical precedent regarding that and that's all fine.

This is like children on the playground fighting over the soccer ball and who is changing the rules mid-game! (Yes, Kaith - it's time for me to chill as well but not quite yet.)

All the controversy over the Symposium is stupid!

A group of instructors organized by a non-affiliated instructor is putting on a weekend event and it is giong to be video taped. Some of the senior instructors agreed to act as a promotion board for those students who no longer have instructors or organizational affiliations. This is going to be a one-time event. It is as simple as that.
Frothingly yours,
Dan Anderson
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Ladies and Gents,

I find it interesting that as the Symposium gets nearer and nearer, more and more shots are being fired. First it was the "put up or shut up" topic. then it was the "kingmaker" issue (btw - I declared myself king so that locks that issue up tight). Now it's the "ranking issue" and everybody is getting fired up about the "rightness/wrongness" of it all.

{deleted some paragraphs}

All the controversy over the Symposium is stupid!

A group of instructors organized by a non-affiliated instructor is putting on a weekend event and it is giong to be video taped. Some of the senior instructors agreed to act as a promotion board for those students who no longer have instructors or organizational affiliations. This is going to be a one-time event. It is as simple as that.
Frothingly yours,
Dan Anderson

Thanks, Dan. Well stated and very concise. There is an element of "stand and deliever" (my phrase) however that is always the case whenever ANYONE takes the floor to lead the instruction. Each of us is only as good as our last performance regardless of what is being done.

There is also the over-riding issue of cooperation and exploration within the art. THAT is what the various instructors are going to be focusing on at the Symposium. They have agreed to be there because they are curious about what others are doing and they want to be part of the event. The dooms-dayers will stay at home so the coast is clear for the rest of us to have some fun.

The Symposium Testing Board will be available, IF we need it. It is like the Symposium itself, a one time event unless someone else decides to offer another edition. You can rest assured that I WILL NOT BE THAT PERSON.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Work has rescheduled my vacation plans for me, and I have to take a week at their leisure, yet, I still will keep my plans to be at the symposium.

I have pre-registered, and plan on meeting and training with as many people as possible.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Work has rescheduled my vacation plans for me, and I have to take a week at their leisure, yet, I still will keep my plans to be at the symposium.

I have pre-registered, and plan on meeting and training with as many people as possible.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Rich.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by Renegade

Have you made a teaching schedule yet?

The tentative schedule will up by Friday of this week.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by Renegade

Almost there! I have a couple of conflict to work out with the same people being paired together twice. I really want to avoid that so the instructors have a chance to see everyone at least once and the participants do not have to make the same choices twice. I want everyone to have a minimum of 2 teaching sessions. That was one of the primary goals that I first set when the Symposium was being being discussed. So Friday is still good for the tentative schedule being released. The time frames will run 1:15 each. I had been trying to make it 1:30 per session but that needs more work to insure that I get everyone on and no one does two session in a row.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
2003 Modern Arnis International Symposium 1
Instructor Schedule Ā– Tentative as of June 13, 2003

Friday, July 11, 2003:
6 Ā– 7 pm Opening of Symposium and Introductions

7 Ā– 8:30 Training Session #1:
Guro Bruce Chiu; Senior Master Rocky Paswik; Open Session

Saturday, July 12, 2003:

9 Ā– 10:15 am Training Session #2
Datu Dieter Knuttel; Guro David Ng; Senior Master Richard Roy

10:15 Ā– 11:30 am Training Session #3
Guro Dawud Muhammad; SM Rocky Paswik; Guro Peter Vargas

11:30 am Ā– 12:45 pm Training Session #4
Punong Guro Tom Bolden; Senior Master Bram Frank; Open Session

12:45 Ā– 2:00 pm Training Session #5
Senior Master Dan Anderson, Datu Dieter Knuttel; Datu Tim Hartman

2:00 Ā– 3:15 pm Training Session #6
Guro Peter Vargas; SM Richard Roy; SM Bram Frank

3:15 Ā– 4:30 pm Training Session #7
Guro David Ng, Guro Dawud Muhammad; Datu Tim Hartman

4:30 Ā– 5:45 pm Training Session #8
PG Tom Bolden, SM Dan Anderson; Guro Bruce Chiu

5:45 Ā– 6:00 Reserved Session & Discussion

Sunday, July 13, 2003

9 Ā– 10:15 am Open Sessions with Guest Instructors

10:15 Ā– 11:30am Open Sessions - Third Presentations/ Guests

11:30 am Ā– 12:45 pm Open Sessions - Third Presentations/ Guests

12:45 Ā– 1:00 pm Closing the Symposium / Certificates


The schedule is tentative and there may be revisions based on need and re-vamping of the time frames.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
The schedule is tentative and there may be revisions based on need and re-vamping of the time frames.

I bet.

As I have said before, you took on a handful putting this thing togther; it looks like it is shaping up nicely.

Well Done!

(you sure you won't make it an annual event???? :rofl: )

Originally posted by
I bet.

As I have said before, you took on a handful putting this thing togther; it looks like it is shaping up nicely.

Well Done!

(you sure you won't make it an annual event???? :rofl: )


Absolutely Not!

Given all of the barking, snarling and bitching that has gone on and the fact that some instructors and their students are very reluctant to participate, why would I want that headache, annually? :confused:

The people who do attend and participate are going to have a great tme. The instructors have all indicated by e-mail, posts or phone calls that they are ready and looking forward to being here. There are a couple of non-Modern Arnis instructors and their students planning on attending. These folks have indicated that they like this event because it gives them a chance to see a number of the leading Modern Arnis Instructors at a single event.

I am really looking forward to the Symposium because it will allow me to meet and train with several people whom I have not had the opportunity work with in the past. A lot of good things will come out of this event and I expect that there will be a few surprises as always at a major event of this kind. The people always make the event worthwhile.

If there is a Symposium 2, I will be on the program to teach, not organize and host. There is and always will only be one, first time event and as far as the Modern Arnis Symposium is concerned, I have the honor of hosting it. Others may well do better in the future but I am still the host of the first of its kind!

My next venture will be entirely different.

I'd love to see you at this one, because I can guarentee you that there are some things and people who are unique in terms of their Modern Arnis approaches.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by DoctorB
The people who do attend and participate are going to have a great tme.

I am really looking forward to the Symposium because it will allow me to meet and train with several people whom I have not had the opportunity work with in the past. A lot of good things will come out of this event and I expect that there will be a few surprises as always at a major event of this kind. The people always make the event worthwhile.

I'd love to see you at this one, because I can guarentee you that there are some things and people who are unique in terms of their Modern Arnis approaches.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


Tick tick tick.

Dan Anderson
Ok..I'm home from teaching in Minsk and my annual 2 week teaching tour of Israel..Had a good time teaching security and others..

I know DR Barber said originally that the symposium was to showcase what we know not what we are alledgedly certified to do...or to celebrate our rank....I thought that was cool. I saw posted somewhere a response to Dr Barber's intent and it said rank, titles etc were as important..That we , those teaching are basically nobodies ..that we neeed to respect the rank of others..( boy is THAT rank!)
Maybe by osmosis I too could absorb another's culture and use that absorbtion to mock others as well..hmmmmmm ( sarcasm !)

I've seen Guro Dan ( Inosanto) tell us and bring for us to learn from, those that he felt were in possession of knowledge that needed to be learned.. He was first in line to learn from them.. He said its cool to put on a whitebelt attitude and go learn from those no matter their age or rank that have got a piece of the truth...

I feel this is the overall intent of the symposium..To offer us a chance to train and share with others regardless of rank or certification seek out and share that knowlege and to add it to our own..
To find the Modern Arnis within our art even if its already modern Arnis.. The Art within the art..
Something very dear to Professor himself...
As he said..he was always learning...

Time is getting closer..
I look forward to learning from the symposium...

be safe

Originally posted by BRAM
Ok..I'm home from teaching in Minsk and my annual 2 week teaching tour of Israel..Had a good time teaching security and others..


Good and reassuring to hear. Welcome back and see you in Buffalo!
