To quote from William Shakespeare's ROMEO and JULIET (1597)
(Act II, Scene II) Juliet:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
... and my personal disclaimer before I end in my Rant
"Lighten up Francis" 
from the Movie STRIPES (1981) as Warren Oates playing Sgt. Hulka slaps down "Psycho".
At the first level within teacher-student communications - especially in terms of a concept versus something more distinct as a specific technique - is the ability to impart the underlying knowledge/idea so the students understand and comprehend. So what's in a name Francis?
But I have noticed through my years that the mixing of cross-cultural terminology may be a RED FLAG regarding the school (instructor) knowledge and legitimacy. The whole thing behind using Oriental terminology to give the school an added aura of validity - but then to mix and improperly use Oriental terms and mismash MA history - it IMHO may warn of a bigger problem.
Using some common sense benchmarks - walk into Ernie's American Karate does it matter? - but if there is a selling point of learning a thousand-year tradition and lineage to the round-eyed Soke Grandmaster - well we may have "
When the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" moment.