Master Black Belt
These conversatios are good varied experiences and perceptions. I think that we can all agree that bigotry is bad no matter what place it is coming from! My daughter and her friend were confronted with it at school with a confederate flag waving idiot. The school dealt with it in a very good manner the police became involved and it was squelched. My daughter handled it perfectly reported to the school told us and we made sure that it was handled to its proper conclusion. I was very impressed with how the school handled it. My daughter I am always proud of.
Taekwondo in the Olympic movement can make great inroads to breaking down prejudice and racism in our own communities as well as in the world, and has done so many times.
Everyone is prejudice and racist to one degree or another. It is built in to culture, language, politics, social structure, nationalism and a great many things.
Who makes the difference are not the people who complain about prejudice and racism, it’s the people who take action, in the face of their own prejudice and racist leanings. I don’t mean taking action in a combative or confrontational way. To do so is really just acting out in favor of our own prejudice and racist tendencies. I mean taking action in a tangible and engaging way. If we feel there is a problem with prejudice and racism, then we have to interact across cultural and racial barriers, work to slowly change minds, especially our own.
The Olympic movement, and especially Taekwondo within the Olympic movement goes a long way toward improving cross cultural and cross racial understanding, and finally acceptance. Taekwondo in the Olympic movement is a powerful tool. You can use it in your own community to introduce kids from different cultures to each other, using Taekwondo and Korean culture as the common medium of interest.
I think to really accomplish something great though, we have to go right into the lion’s den of prejudice and racism. That is where the engagement needs to take place, and Taekwondo is the perfect vehicle to do so, especially in the USA and many other non-Asian nations, because we are coming together in the interest of a third part culture that is usually not the culture of either party.
It has been greatly successful and this has been my experience for many years.