Mixed Martial Arts Sparring

I try to remember that as a round stumpy short guy (5-10), a lot of guys have range on me. So letting them pick me off at a distance is bad mojo. If I'm going to eat a kick, I'd much rather do it before it gets to full extension anyway, and if I'm inside, then I can use my weapons as well. You've seen my sparring videos; even when I'm losing, I'm backing the guy up and often out of the ring. I'm aggressive and don't like to give ground and seldom do. I like being right in their grill.

Man, I'm a 5'8" TKD welterweight when I don't cut. Frodo has range on me so I know how you feel. I tend to go more in and out though, i like distance.

Yes, I should be down at lightweight. losing weight sucks.
And a "degree of control" is because you don't want to get hit. You SHOULD be getting hit hard in sparring. No one cares about your "control" in a self defense situation.

No, degree of control is hitting others. I will agree there is a different type of control, in a confrontation, where one avoids contact, and if they can receive it.

You're still here? Go do some hard contact with someone who can actually strike and get back to us. No idea where you're located but if you're local to me, my sparring session is Friday night. I have some thirteen year olds you can start with.

Unfortunately as a student I do not get to travel often. However, if you are ever in the D.C. area, you are welcome to join us for practice. If you would like to bring your 13 year olds, they are welcome to. But understand I wouldn't be making contact with them what soever in the sense of contact sparring.

Drop all the crap and movie-inspired BS, like flipping out when your leg is trapped, or being unsweepable because of flexibility. Stop thinking how good you are, and go back to basics. Learn how to really, effectively land a simple punch combination.

Not making contact does not mean the strikes would not have landed. When one could get past each other's defenses, the strike would have done business.

I can't assess most of your technique in the video for the simple reason that the effects make it unwatchable. I can mute the music, but the repeats and effects just make it impossible to watch. You say you made it for friends to watch; I guess it was a "look at how bad-*** we are" thing... Hell, when I was in my teens, if we'd had easily available video, I probably would've done the same damn thing. Maybe even with the silly effects. I got lucky, trained with some very good people, and lived through being a cocky kid. You likely will too. I hope you and your friends had fun with it.

The crowd I am oriented with are a very creative group. My sister, for example, is studying at Templeton and major in film editing. She has a film which will be at this year's sundance. So understand this video was less about going 'Wheee! Were awesome!' and moreso to show others who have not trained with us what we look like doing our techniques, and having fun. I had hoped to share that with people on this board, as others had enjoyed it in person.

This is just one example of a quote that indicates you don't have experience in sparring against people who really know what they're doing. Effective leg grabs do not require both hands to secure the leg. If the majority of your sparring partners are grabbing the ankle with both hands when they catch your leg, then they don't know what they're doing.

As you can see in the video section I used as an example, Alec has obtained the grab with one arm. There are different ways to grab and hold a quick, and it can differ depending on the kick. If a muai thai person throws a roundhouse, if you one arm, kiss it good-bye. Against a front kick, one arm will do. Against a karate round-kick, as well. But there are some kicks which are ungrabable. A tornado kick using a roundhouse would be an example.

There are times when I have allowed people to grab my leg specifically so I could force them to drop their hands. Usually I offer them choice leverage... the ankle and back of the shin. Even when one grabs my leg, I am still kicked. It is not hard to generate the force to continuously kick if the person retains a grip, holding your leg up for you. Different situations, different strategies, different circumstances. I hope you'll understand however that on the street I wouldn't leave my leg out long enough for them to get it. That would just be bloody crazy.

MT the site, can at times be like a full contact experience, read well and learn. Much good advice, maybe not the kind you were looking for, but honest and to the point............

I concur. There has been much valuable input.

Absolutely correct. I can only think of one circumstance where I got an opponent by the ankle with both hands and dumped him. The rest were all hooks under the calf, or I jammed the kick and lifted the thigh. And they were one-handed, usually done with the crook of my own arm.

If you look in the video at the two different instances where Alec grabbed my leg, he does so in exactly this fashion at 4:55 to a round kick, at 1:00, there is a half grab which stopped an arrow-kick to his throat. In the former instance, all that was needed was a simple pump front-kick, which allowed me to give a kick to his inner-thigh, and step down, retaining where I was. Though he forced me to give ground, both of us had to retreat at the end of that exchange. In the 1:00 exchange, his grab of the arrow kick was nullified by executing a pump round-kick, as he attempted to grab. The end result was my leg, within guard now, free, and you can see the tiny twitch to his groin. Had I moved anymore I would have actually sack-tapped him... which aint cool.

Regardless; there are some people with the thigh strength that even when you grab them, they'll keep on kicking, and it will either break free, or impact the person attempting to grab. There are some fighters grabbing the fighter will only benefit them.

In both instances where he attempted to grab, I not only broke free, but was able to strike him in a way which would have debilitated on the street. One a kick to the groin, the other the to the inner thigh, which would have broken it. It is not because Alec is fail at grabbing, it's because my goal this year is to be able to do a rotation of 100 kicks on each leg, without having to drop to either, and not repeat any same kick twice in a row. I practice for this everyday, doing as many kicks as I can in this fashion, and am now up to 30. I am not saying I'm amazing, merely that some people have the thigh strength, and control, that grabbing their leg will be inopportune. No matter how hard you grip it, their legs might actually be strong enough to just shake it off.

When someone grabs your leg, there are a LOT of ways to break the grip. The trick is to have a fast enough reaction, and know your choices, and choose the correct one. Our exchanges in the video are often happening at speeds of a tenth of a second, and we can go faster. There are multiple instances where in the span of .3 seconds, I have thrown 3 strikes, and he has reacted to each respectively, immediately. This is slow for us, like I said, half speed. But if we were to go full, with aggression, it would look much different. Our exchanges would be a lot shorter, and there'd both be one.

Now sweeping on the other hand without grabbing it... There are some awesome leg sweeps in dog style where I could throw a roundkick all I want, the dog practitioner will have already been on the ground sweeping me as my kick graced the air he had just been in.
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Do you compete in local karate/kickboxing tournaments? If you get the opportunity to travel up to Canada, I can maybe arrange for you to have a fight in a local kickboxing circuit, promoted by my friend Jean-Yves Theriault 23 times PKA world champion. Bring your buddy Alec, if he is half the deadly as you say, you guys can clean up on the circuit.
Zenjael said:
No, degree of control is hitting others. I will agree there is a different type of control, in a confrontation, where one avoids contact, and if they can receive it.

Unfortunately as a student I do not get to travel often. However, if you are ever in the D.C. area, you are welcome to join us for practice. If you would like to bring your 13 year olds, they are welcome to. But understand I wouldn't be making contact with them what soever in the sense of contact sparring.

Not making contact does not mean the strikes would not have landed. When one could get past each other's defenses, the strike would have done business.

The crowd I am oriented with are a very creative group. My sister, for example, is studying at Templeton and major in film editing. She has a film which will be at this year's sundance. So understand this video was less about going 'Wheee! Were awesome!' and moreso to show others who have not trained with us what we look like doing our techniques, and having fun. I had hoped to share that with people on this board, as others had enjoyed it in person.

As you can see in the video section I used as an example, Alec has obtained the grab with one arm. There are different ways to grab and hold a quick, and it can differ depending on the kick. If a muai thai person throws a roundhouse, if you one arm, kiss it good-bye. Against a front kick, one arm will do. Against a karate round-kick, as well. But there are some kicks which are ungrabable. A tornado kick using a roundhouse would be an example.

There are times when I have allowed people to grab my leg specifically so I could force them to drop their hands. Usually I offer them choice leverage... the ankle and back of the shin. Even when one grabs my leg, I am still kicked. It is not hard to generate the force to continuously kick if the person retains a grip, holding your leg up for you. Different situations, different strategies, different circumstances. I hope you'll understand however that on the street I wouldn't leave my leg out long enough for them to get it. That would just be bloody crazy.

I concur. There has been much valuable input.

If you look in the video at the two different instances where Alec grabbed my leg, he does so in exactly this fashion at 4:55 to a round kick, at 1:00, there is a half grab which stopped an arrow-kick to his throat. In the former instance, all that was needed was a simple pump front-kick, which allowed me to give a kick to his inner-thigh, and step down, retaining where I was. Though he forced me to give ground, both of us had to retreat at the end of that exchange. In the 1:00 exchange, his grab of the arrow kick was nullified by executing a pump round-kick, as he attempted to grab. The end result was my leg, within guard now, free, and you can see the tiny twitch to his groin. Had I moved anymore I would have actually sack-tapped him... which aint cool.

Regardless; there are some people with the thigh strength that even when you grab them, they'll keep on kicking, and it will either break free, or impact the person attempting to grab. There are some fighters grabbing the fighter will only benefit them.

In both instances where he attempted to grab, I not only broke free, but was able to strike him in a way which would have debilitated on the street. One a kick to the groin, the other the to the inner thigh, which would have broken it. It is not because Alec is fail at grabbing, it's because my goal this year is to be able to do a rotation of 100 kicks on each leg, without having to drop to either, and not repeat any same kick twice in a row. I practice for this everyday, doing as many kicks as I can in this fashion, and am now up to 30. I am not saying I'm amazing, merely that some people have the thigh strength, and control, that grabbing their leg will be inopportune. No matter how hard you grip it, their legs might actually be strong enough to just shake it off.

When someone grabs your leg, there are a LOT of ways to break the grip. The trick is to have a fast enough reaction, and know your choices, and choose the correct one. Our exchanges in the video are often happening at speeds of a tenth of a second, and we can go faster. There are multiple instances where in the span of .3 seconds, I have thrown 3 strikes, and he has reacted to each respectively, immediately. This is slow for us, like I said, half speed. But if we were to go full, with aggression, it would look much different. Our exchanges would be a lot shorter, and there'd both be one.

Now sweeping on the other hand without grabbing it... There are some awesome leg sweeps in dog style where I could throw a roundkick all I want, the dog practitioner will have already been on the ground sweeping me as my kick graced the air he had just been in.

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Originally Posted by Zenjael
There was much to respond to. There was also a lot not to. I'm assuming no one will read the full length. I wish there was a way to quote with the members name.

There is. If you're replying to just one persons post, click "Reply with quote." If you want to reply to numerous people all at the same time, right next to "Reply with quote" you'll see something that should look like this: "+ Thats the multi quote button. Click that, and you should see a check mark. Do that to each post that you want to reply to.


Do yourself and everyone else a big favor and READ the above................. This way we all can see who you are referring to.
It will show up like the top of this post from MJS.
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Can you please expalin the judo stance used to avoid a sweep, and help me locate it on the video?

From your basic grip stance, raise your leg if its a front sweep. Personally, my favorite is to hop over the sweep and use o-gurama. There are no throws in this video, but there is utilization of some judo stances, and sweeps. In 5:29 Alec steps into Kouchi-gari but because he does not have a hold he uses the leg movement to instead control the center of gravity. This is why I was also forced to move backwards. Luckily in Hapkido they teach a counter where you shift into a backstance to avoid them knocking you over. Had I remained where I was also, he certainly would have put me on the ground at 5:36. Though it is not in the video, there is an unclean shot where he grabs my shirt for a throw and it was essentially destroyed and ripped because the fabric was weak, and not made for grappling. It is why I am wearing my black sports shirt in the middle of the video. A straight ridgehand I aimed at his temple forced him to break the leg control however, and step past me to avoid getting clocked.

Part of mixing martial arts is to take the elements that work from the styles trained, and use them when able together, Additionally, one can take elements of one style, and mix it with another. at 2:28 Alec is in a raised backstance, karate, while holding his hands in . At 2:15 I switch from a bagua hand arrange to a boxing in 2:16. At 7:32 I lower into snakes sweeps grass. I have poor back posture, as it should be straight and not bent, which I am working on. My arms are held in a Tang Soo Do Knife Guard, and as I come up I use a palm strike, with the same arm using a side-elbow to block, hailing from muai thai.
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From your basic grip stance, raise your leg if its a front sweep. Personally, my favorite is to hop over the sweep and use o-gurama. There are no throws in this video, but there is utilization of some judo stances, and sweeps. In 5:29 Alec steps into Kouchi-gari but because he does not have a hold he uses the leg movement to instead control the center of gravity.

So your "stance" to avoid a sweep is to raise your leg? You do realize how much easier it is to sweep a leg that is not supporting the weight of your body? You do know what the counter to a foot sweep is, don't you? At 5.29 Alec does not step into Kouchi-gari, he does step into your centerline, but as there is no grip, no kuzushi and no sliding/stepping motion with the leg, there is not even an attempt at kouchi-gari, despite your wishful thinking. None of the elements that define kouch-gari are there, it is merely someone stepping to your centerline.
So your "stance" to avoid a sweep is to raise your leg?

It is a method. You could also turn the leg being swept downward and toward the leg striking. The torque can mitigate the direction of the strike.

Alec does not step into Kouchi-gari, he does step into your centerline, but as there is no grip, no kuzushi and no sliding/stepping motion with the leg, there is not even an attempt at kouchi-gari, despite your wishful thinking.

Many martial arts recognize centerline theory without realizing it, or having a name for the principle. As I said before, he used an element of the judo technique. However, I still give credit where it is due, and try to respect styles. You asked me to find a movement, I have. He's over, and I confirmed with him if that was what he was trying to do, and he said yes.
It is a method. You could also turn the leg being swept downward and toward the leg striking. The torque can mitigate the direction of the strike.

Many martial arts recognize centerline theory without realizing it, or having a name for the principle. As I said before, he used an element of the judo technique. However, I still give credit where it is due, and try to respect styles. You asked me to find a movement, I have. He's over, and I confirmed with him if that was what he was trying to do, and he said yes.

So because he was thinking about doing a technique, yet was missing the entry, the off balancing and the sweep as well as the push, but managed to put his leg in your centerline, it qualifies as a kouchi-gari? Wow. Nothing was attempted, his foot was in place,period.
As stated before, he used an element of the maneuver. The only other arts which employ a throw, using the thigh to control an opponent, that I am aware of is Krav Maga, Jiujitsu, and MMA. Bagua has a raising stance from snake sweeping grass which throw the opponent off balance as well, and can knock them to the ground.
So because he was thinking about doing a technique, yet was missing the entry, the off balancing and the sweep as well as the push, but managed to put his leg in your centerline, it qualifies as a kouchi-gari? Wow. Nothing was attempted, his foot was in place,period.
frank, you just don't understand! At this level it is all in the mind. :bs:
As stated before, he used an element of the maneuver. The only other arts which employ a throw, using the thigh to control an opponent, that I am aware of is Krav Maga, Jiujitsu, and MMA. Bagua has a raising stance from snake sweeping grass which throw the opponent off balance as well, and can knock them to the ground.

What does the thigh have to do with kouchi-gari? You are seriously grasping at straws to claim that stepping in qualifies as even an attempt at a throw. By your definition, any step or movement that someone makes is an element of a martial arts technique, therefore they are doing that martial art. Newsflash, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, sometimes a step is just a step.
Obviously, as an actual judoka, I am being critical of the claim that a judo technique(NO! Not an actual technique, just you know, AN ELEMENT of a technique), here is a video of the throw. Can a non-judoka compare this video with the "action" at 5.29 of Alex's video and tell me if what they see is ko-uchi?

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As stated before, he used an element of the maneuver. The only other arts which employ a throw, using the thigh to control an opponent, that I am aware of is Krav Maga, Jiujitsu, and MMA. Bagua has a raising stance from snake sweeping grass which throw the opponent off balance as well, and can knock them to the ground.

Hapkido does, as does kung fu san soo, dux-ryu, many styles of kung fu. I saw it done in Shaolin Kempo. My tai chi instructor explained something like it, and from what I understand, it shows up in a number of other arts. Then of course, there's wrestling.

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Hapkido does, as does kung fu san soo, dux-ryu, many styles of kung fu. I saw it done in Shaolin Kempo. My tai chi instructor explained something like it, and from what I understand, it shows up in a number of other arts. Then of course, there's wrestling.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk

So when you are doing Shaolin Kenpo, are you also doing Hapkido and san soo and tai chi and wrestling? Or just elements from the other arts? Or is it just a technique that appears in many arts ? I need to expand my martial arts resume, but I wouldn't want to seem over the top with my claims.
There is. If you're replying to just one persons post, click "Reply with quote." If you want to reply to numerous people all at the same time, right next to "Reply with quote" you'll see something that should look like this: "+ Thats the multi quote button. Click that, and you should see a check mark. Do that to each post that you want to reply to.
I had not figured that out... I do it a whole different, much more involved way.

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