Misc Stories


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sometimes we get the bad guys without any effort because they are STUPID..Got called for a lockout in the township..Arrived at the house and was met by a very pretty girl who pointed out the vehicle and said it was her boyfriend's, and he'd be right out..So I run the plate for owners info and BINGO, Felony Warrant..He comes out and gets arrested..
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Sometimes we get the bad guys without any effort because they are STUPID..Got called for a lockout in the township..Arrived at the house and was met by a very pretty girl who pointed out the vehicle and said it was her boyfriend's, and he's be right out..So I run the plate for owners info and BINGO, Felony Warrant..He comes out and gets arrested..

It is amazing how that happens!
Did he look at you in disbelief that he got caught? :lol2:
Darwin Award time for that guy! :lol:
You mean like the kids who tagged up some playground equipment... Pissed the rec department head off majorly, so it became a priority case.

Didn't take long to solve, either.

They signed their own names!
Hope that first young man remembered to thank his girlfriend for calling LOL

AAHH yes, tagging with your own name or initials … not always the brightest thing to do
Did he look at you in disbelief that he got caught? :lol2:

A little..His girlfriends Father was a little more upset that the..Telling me that it was eronious information...I told him that eronious or not the PC says take him and that's that...In case anyone asks, yes I opened the cars as originaly reqested..
You mean like the kids who tagged up some playground equipment... Pissed the rec department head off majorly, so it became a priority case.

Didn't take long to solve, either.

They signed their own names!

Jeeze, real bright people..
Did he look at you in disbelief that he got caught? :lol2:
A little..His girlfriends Father was a little more upset that the..Telling me that it was erroneous information...I told him that erroneous or not the PC says take him and that's that...In case anyone asks, yes I opened the cars as originally requested..

I'd think he'd be upset at his girlfriend calling the cops. A locksmith maybe but not the cops. Either she wasn't thinking or she didn't KNOW that he had a felony warrant.
We in LE will always have work because of the mentality of the criminals...Now, if you know your not payiing child support and you never showed up in court for your last ticket and you know your license expired..Why would you get in your car and fire up your ground shaker sound system with some God awful rap music and go joy riding??? Don't they know that's a " Come and Get Me" invite???
LOL. Next time, join AAA. They'll unlock your car for you without all that pesky background checking. ;)
Back in my security days a drunken woman came into the ER and was basically screaming about how bad the service was and how she needed help. When they asked her to fill out the forms she realized she left all of her info on the table in her house and she decided to go back and get it but had no car and no money for the cab (she got there via a drop off that left). A deputy was in the ER and offered to take her back to her house and retrieve the info. He came back MUCH later without her.

Apparently all the way to her house she was telling the Deputy about the pot she grew in her kitchen to which he repeatedly told her “You don’t want to tell me about this” eventually she got the hint and stopped. When they arrived at the house she invited him in to which he said “you really do not want me in your house” she insisted, he went in and sitting on the kitchen table directly in front of him were several potted marijuana plants.

She was arrested.

One more and I will stop

A car parked in the front parking lot of the hospital (at 2:00 am) I was working at it was not running but there was a guy in it drinking beer and he had a multitude of empties all around the inside of the car.

A State Police Officer happened to be in the ER decided to go take a look the guy got out and repeated the mantra “You can’t arrest me, I’m not driving” to every single question he was asked except one. The SP asked how did you get here to which the guy responded "I drove" to which the SP said “You’re under arrest”
LOL. Next time, join AAA. They'll unlock your car for you without all that pesky background checking. ;)

Yes if ya wanna wait for an hour of more, most agencies that still do lockouts response time is 5-10 minutes...I now carry my lockout kit in my POV and have helped out many that were till waiting for AAA once they agree that I am not responsible for damages...
One of my favorite quotes is "stupidity should be painfull." I can't tell you how many times in 21 + years of law enforcement I have run into stupid people but it is in the thousands and maybe tens of thousands. I have arrested at least 3 people who came to pick up a drunk driver from our Sheriff's Dept who needed a sober adult and were told they would be tested before they could take responsibility for that person. So you're drunk and you drove to the Law Enforcement Center to pick up a drunk driver already arrested for DWI and you were told you would be tested before you could take responsibility for them? Then you admit you drove your car even? Wow-stupidity should be painful. Now you both need a sober adult to take responsibility for you! sadly, thats just the start of the stories.
AAHH yes, tagging with your own name or initials … not always the brightest thing to do
Well! How else are they going to prove to their friends that they did it? Huh? HUH?

Yeah thought so.


Dumb criminals do make reading fun.

Same with that bunch of kids trashing a series of vending machines and cars in an underground parking lot... they got busted... well of COURSE they got busted... they videoed themselves doing it!
Sometimes we get the bad guys without any effort because they are STUPID..Got called for a lockout in the township..Arrived at the house and was met by a very pretty girl who pointed out the vehicle and said it was her boyfriend's, and he'd be right out..So I run the plate for owners info and BINGO, Felony Warrant..He comes out and gets arrested..

I saw somthing like this once... We were standing at the edge of a parade route waiting for the parade to start, and a guy in a car pulls up to a cop standing there and asked where he could park... the cop looked in the window, and said somthing to the effect of, "right here because you are going to jail"... He recognized the guy as someone with a suspended licence.
I saw somthing like this once... We were standing at the edge of a parade route waiting for the parade to start, and a guy in a car pulls up to a cop standing there and asked where he could park... the cop looked in the window, and said somthing to the effect of, "right here because you are going to jail"... He recognized the guy as someone with a suspended licence.

Yep, it happens...We responded to a fire alarm once cause we here in the vicinity and to help direct traffic..Sure enough my partner spots a female that had numerous warrants as she is standing there watching the firefighters...
I'll steal a story from a colleague...

Seems he comes across this driver one day who was absolutely convinced that the FBI was following her, marking her tires, and monitoring her movements.

Uh... Yeah, actually they were! She was wanted for a string of bank robberies!
I'll steal a story from a colleague...

Seems he comes across this driver one day who was absolutely convinced that the FBI was following her, marking her tires, and monitoring her movements.

Uh... Yeah, actually they were! She was wanted for a string of bank robberies!

Now THAT'S funny....
Here is one from my pre-LEO days but its worth retelling...I applied for a job driving the Wells-Fargo Armored Trucks..The branch manager told us that when checking the backrounds on the applicants one came up with a hit by the FBI for bank robbery...He contacted the field office and they said to call him back for a 2nd interview..When he showed up the Feds snatched him, his comment was " I didnt think you'd find out"...