Lincoln, nebraska police officer saves life of 1 year old baby girl

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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LINCOLN, NEBRASKA POLICE OFFICER SAVES LIFE OF 1 YEAR OLD BABY GIRL: At 1830 hrs., Lincoln PD OFFICER RYAN DUNCAN responded to a medical emergency call. When he arrived at the home, he saw the mother attempting chest compressions on her baby girl. The child was limp, unconscious, and not breathing. Brother Ryan quickly assessed and, though he knew paramedics were on the way, he knew he needed to act fast ... and he did ...

Ofc. Duncan's training kicked right in and he gently took the little girl in his arm, put her head in a down position and gently but firmly administered blows to her back with an open hand. He kept this up and she began to make a sound. Our Hero Brother turned the baby's head and saw a green rubbery object that appeared to be a balloon. Ofc. Duncan was able to grab a hold of a small piece and pull it out of her mouth as the little girl began to show signs of life but was still having difficulty breathing. The Lincoln Fire & Rescue arrived, stabilized the baby and transported to the hospital where she underwent an emergency procedure to remove the remainder of the balloon. A grateful mother is thankful that her one year old baby girl is expected to make a full recovery!! Our thoughts are with this little angel and her family.

Yet another example of how it is a Police Officer who will come running, no matter where, no matter when and for no matter who, simply because it is who he/she is and was born to do. Thank you Officer Duncan for this great representation of what we are about. JOB WELL DONE RYAN!!! A special thank you also to the men and women of the Lincoln Fire & Rescue squad and to the hospital staff.
~written by Nessie for Law Enforcement Today~

(photo/info) LPD:

**helpful information related to story: Infant first-aid for choking and CPR: An illustrated guide:

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