Midwest Seminar/ Get together


I like it!

Sounds good to me all of it.

Thanks for hosting

As per our conversation in the chat room I would like to submit myself as a potential instructor at your event. I would like to teach knife techniques, but I am open to suggestions.

The following link is to my resume: http://www.wmarnis.com/resume.html

If you have any question feel free to contact me.

Respectfully yours,
Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.

Dr. Jeffery Leader.:asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Here is what I have as of July 7th Seminar in Effingham, IL October 24-26, 2003. People who have email me or confirmed they will be here to teach. If any of the info is wrong please let me know, I am going by what you have sent to or what is on your profile or web sites.

Mike Casto-Arts Ranked in Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. Plans on teaching locking and disarms with and without weapons. Trapping hands and flexible weapons.

Rich Parsons- Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis. Plans on showning techniques for the single cane.

Jerome Barber-6th Degree in both Escrima and Kenpo. Will teach the Filipino palm stick and Kobutan key chain and the relationship to some empty hand self defense applications.

Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.

Bob Thomas (Host) 4th Degree in Kempo-Jujutsu. Plans on teaching takedowns/sweeps/throws and grappling techniques both sport and combative.

Friday nite 6:00 to ? Martial Talk get together . For MT people only to meet, have dinner and maybe show techniques to each other.

Saturday Day Open Seminar Start at 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is 7 hours to play with. Each person may teach for 1 hour each. that is 5hours then 1 hour for cater lunch, which will leave 1 hour left. Maybe have a question and answer for 1 hour? Later that nite another MT get together. say 6:30 to ?

Sunday I am not sure what we want to do. Maybe small seminar from 10:00 to 1 or 2. let me know. I don't have to travel you guys do. I don't know when you want to get home?

Cost for both days $100.00 which includes a cater lunch for both days.
Sat only $80.00
Sun only $40.00
( for the public only) What do you think?

Also any of you who have video tapes, t-shirts that want to sell them I don't have a problem with it does any one else?



It seems everyone wants to attend this First MT Seminar. Have just added two more instructors

Tim Hartman-Personal student of Grand master Remy Pesas for oveer 16 yrs. Laken Pito 7th Degree Black Belt in World Modern Arnis. Will Teach Knife

Mike Eschenbrenner- 5th degree Black Belt in Shito Ryu Karate. Plans on teaching combinations of karate and jujutsu., ie karate blocks,kicks, strikes coupled with locks chokes and throws.

Again if any thing here is wrong or needs to be added to please email/PM me or just add it to the tread.

Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)

See here.

Thanks for the great work so far! I think that Sunday has the risk of being a travel issue for some--not me as I'm in Terre Haute but for others.
For any and all people who wish to instruct in the first Martial Talk Seminar. Your Deadline is July 10 after that I do not plan on taken any more people on for instructors. I am trying on getting a outline of how the event will be ran. Every day someone else is wanting to help teach. For the event to run smoothly and for all the instructors to get some time on the floor I must have a deadline. We are planning on a two day event with 7 different instructors right now and have 11 hours to fill. That is about an hour or so for each teacher. There will be some after hours get toether to run ideas, techniques, theories by each other on Friday and Saturday Night. For those interested in instructing please email/PM me ASAP.
Thanks to all hope this is one of the best events of the year!
Bob Thomas:asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
For any and all people who wish to instruct in the first Martial Talk Seminar. Your Deadline is July 10 after that I do not plan on taken any more people on for instructors. I am trying on getting a outline of how the event will be ran. Every day someone else is wanting to help teach. For the event to run smoothly and for all the instructors to get some time on the floor I must have a deadline. We are planning on a two day event with 7 different instructors right now and have 11 hours to fill. That is about an hour or so for each teacher. There will be some after hours get toether to run ideas, techniques, theories by each other on Friday and Saturday Night. For those interested in instructing please email/PM me ASAP.
Thanks to all hope this is one of the best events of the year!
Bob Thomas:asian:

If you end up with a boatload of instructors, you could have 2 instructors teach simultaneously (at two different "stations" - if you've got the room to set 2 training areas up) and have each instructor teach 2 hours, then lay out the schedule so that people can see each instructor at least once. I've seen a couple of others run this way and it seems to work OK.

So, for instance, with 6 instructors (a, b, c, d, e, f):
a & b teach the 1st hour
c & d teach 2nd hour
e & f teach 3rd hour
a & c teach the 4th hour
b & f teach the 5th hour
d & e teach the 6th hour

Just something to consider if you end up with too many instructors.

Originally posted by pesilat
Just something to consider if you end up with too many instructors.

I can back out in deference to my instructor Tim Hartman if this becomes a problem.
Some of the best seminars I have been to are where you have a choice, so Pesilat's idea is really appealing, floor space permitting. And regarding adequate floor space, I have an old grainy video of Ueshiba teaching Aikido in a tiny room packed with students like sardines. Small spaces can work out just fine.

One thing that really makes this work is to have an initial session where each instructor demos their ideas up front, quickly (5 minutes per instructor), and then the students have some idea of what they will be learning. For this to work well, I recommend all students getting a paper schedule right up front, so they can record what they like, and then take some time to plan which they would attend when.

I have three issues that should be considered. First, there are some who want to do some takedowns, and mats would be helpful. So you might want to consider the logistics of this as well (mats vs. wood floor).

Second, it might be wise to take a poll of what out-of-town visitors can attend on Sunday. Unfortunately I can't since I have to travel nearly 24 hours each way on a Greyhound, so I am limited to Saturday only.

Finally, for those considering weapons, please make sure you bring enough for us novices. Thanks.
I'd prefer not to see it go to two instructors at a time. For one thing, recall that the event is in a rural area--attendance may not be high enough to justify it.
I have several options we can choose. People who can't make it on Sunday will teach on Saturday. If we have a butt load of instructors I will bow out myself. I may have too many irons in the fire already. Would like to be able to show case some of my stuff.

Option 1 has already been mention. Have 2 instructors teach at the same time. Have a rotating schedual.

Option 2 Instructors divided by # of hours we have= time per instructors

Option 3 Pick a drill, technique, or self defense and get different ideas from each instructor.

I will know more after thursday when the deadline is past for the instructors to sign up.

Bob :asian:
Some of you guys are teaching weapons and or disarms with or against weapons. Should students byow thats short for bring your own weapon. I figure the answer is yes but wanted to make sure.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Some of you guys are teaching weapons and or disarms with or against weapons. Should students byow thats short for bring your own weapon. I figure the answer is yes but wanted to make sure.
Bob :asian:

This usually is the case.

If someone had some Rattan or training knives to seel I am sure they could bring them and them the students could use these.

Just what I have seen previously. :D

I am trying to get Instructors asigned to times. Currently we have 7 people interested in teaching. Please let me know ASAP. Your time is running out.
Bob :asian:
I am no longer taken request for Instructors to teach at the Martial Talk Seminar. If you are planning on attending as a guest you may start sending me your name. Trying to get a feel of how many people may attend. Oct 24-26 is wwhen it is plan for.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Here is what I have as of July 7th Seminar in Effingham, IL October 24-26, 2003. People who have email me or confirmed they will be here to teach. If any of the info is wrong please let me know, I am going by what you have sent to or what is on your profile or web sites.

Mike Casto-Arts Ranked in Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. Plans on teaching locking and disarms with and without weapons. Trapping hands and flexible weapons.

Rich Parsons- Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis. Plans on showning techniques for the single cane.

Jerome Barber-6th Degree in both Escrima and Kenpo. Will teach the Filipino palm stick and Kobutan key chain and the relationship to some empty hand self defense applications.

Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.

Bob Thomas (Host) 4th Degree in Kempo-Jujutsu. Plans on teaching takedowns/sweeps/throws and grappling techniques both sport and combative.

Friday nite 6:00 to ? Martial Talk get together . For MT people only to meet, have dinner and maybe show techniques to each other.

Saturday Day Open Seminar Start at 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is 7 hours to play with. Each person may teach for 1 hour each. that is 5hours then 1 hour for cater lunch, which will leave 1 hour left. Maybe have a question and answer for 1 hour? Later that nite another MT get together. say 6:30 to ?

Sunday I am not sure what we want to do. Maybe small seminar from 10:00 to 1 or 2. let me know. I don't have to travel you guys do. I don't know when you want to get home?

Cost for both days $100.00 which includes a cater lunch for both days.
Sat only $80.00
Sun only $40.00
( for the public only) What do you think?

Also any of you who have video tapes, t-shirts that want to sell them I don't have a problem with it does any one else?



And for something I read on the CanAm Site :

(Seminars & Tournament Weekend)
October 25th - 26th, 2003

Seminar Location: Kai Shin Karate (Hombu) Dojo
966 Dundas Street East
Mississauga, Ontario Canada

Seminar Date: October 25th, 2003
9 am - 6 pm

Pre-registered $65 / At-the-door $85

Featuring: Masters International Seminars Tour (M.I.S.T.)
" Out of the mist, the dragon arose to summon his warriors... Great masters from around the world, were gathered together in a place never before traveled... There, they taught their renowned skills to the warriors who were assembled..."

Our M.I.S.T. Instructors include:

1) Gm Dano Meadows-Kenpokido (Kenpo's Destructive Strikes & PPCT) & (Canemasters - Self Defense Cane)
2) Gm Dexter L. Cockburn-Jiu Jitsu (Kadojitsu Jiu Jitsu for the streets)
3) Dr. Jerome Barber-Escrima/Arnis(Contrasting Palm Stick w/ Largo Mano)
4) Sensei Monty Guest-Chito Ryu (Chito Ryu Basics-Techniques & Applications)
5) Gm Daniel Verkerke-Seicho Jutsu (The Emblem Theory)
6) Sensei Karl Yaneff - Kenpokido/Kosho Ryu (Kenpokido Clock - Self Defense & Evasive Movements)


For Further information or registration contact:
Gm Dano Meadows (905) 751-8363 jadedragon@sympatico.ca
Website Updates: www.jadedragonmartialartsacademy.com

Gm Dano Meadows

What is common between these two posts?

Jerome Barber is teaching at both.

I find it poor taste that the good Ed D. can have people post for him here on MT, and yet he cannot contact the seminar host, nor anyone here about this event and or his other engagements.

Very poor taste in my mind.