Martial Talk Midwest Seminar Oct 24-26

3 Weeks and counting down:D

May have slight change of plans. It is getting cold here. Almost having November weather now. So instead of meeting at a park may have to meet at my school instead on both Friday and Saturday night.
Thats fine. Either way, it'll be fun. If we can't do a park cookoutty type thing, theres always pizza/wings/subs/etc.

If one was to come to this event.... which airport would you fly into?

And........ how far is the site from the airport?

Willard Airport is in Champaign IL 60 miles away

Coles County is in Matton IL 25 miles away this is a local airport have small air planes and jets fly in. Nothing really big

Indy is 2 hrs away

St. Louis is 2 hrs away

Bloomington, IL is about 1.5hrs away

Terra Haute, IN is about 1 hr away

Both airports have International flights. Some of the bigger planes do fly out of those two airports.
It's not realistic to fly into Terre Haute, I regret to say.

If you fly into Indianapolis though I'll come get you!
Originally posted by arnisador
It's not realistic to fly into Terre Haute, I regret to say.

If you fly into Indianapolis though I'll come get you!

Does this mean I get the floor ? ;) :D
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Does this mean I get the floor ?

I was saying last night to my wife that we might not have a bed big enough for you!

We'd work it out somehow! The kids enjoy sleeping in their sleeping bags if it comes to that. Right now we have spare beds for everybody who is coming. We can get one more in.
Originally posted by arnisador
I was saying last night to my wife that we might not have a bed big enough for you!

We'd work it out somehow! The kids enjoy sleeping in their sleeping bags if it comes to that. Right now we have spare beds for everybody who is coming. We can get one more in.

Well, The floor is good for me, it is firm and I can always find it. ;)

We had a low number of registrations, as well as a few logistical snafus. We will be rescheduling the event and announce it shortly.

How many months has this been on track and now 4 days before showtime, nobody wants to play? Strange, can't help but think negative thoughts. Sorry for the one's that really wanted to attend. :shrug:
The idea isn't dead. We are going to examine this one, and figure out why we had such poor pre-reg. I'm looking at main-stream magazine advertising for the next ones which are already under planning.

It would have been alot of fun, but theres little sense (in my opinion) for the instructors to spend the time/$$ traveling just to hangout with the other instructors and myself.

Kempojujutsu is to be thanked for running with this one. Its a shame that those who said they would go, never registered.


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