Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Here is what I have as of July 7th Seminar in Effingham, IL October 24-26, 2003. People who have email me or confirmed they will be here to teach. If any of the info is wrong please let me know, I am going by what you have sent to or what is on your profile or web sites.
Mike Casto-Arts Ranked in Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. Plans on teaching locking and disarms with and without weapons. Trapping hands and flexible weapons.
Rich Parsons- Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis. Plans on showning techniques for the single cane.
Jerome Barber-6th Degree in both Escrima and Kenpo. Will teach the Filipino palm stick and Kobutan key chain and the relationship to some empty hand self defense applications.
Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.
Bob Thomas (Host) 4th Degree in Kempo-Jujutsu. Plans on teaching takedowns/sweeps/throws and grappling techniques both sport and combative.
Friday nite 6:00 to ? Martial Talk get together . For MT people only to meet, have dinner and maybe show techniques to each other.
Saturday Day Open Seminar Start at 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is 7 hours to play with. Each person may teach for 1 hour each. that is 5hours then 1 hour for cater lunch, which will leave 1 hour left. Maybe have a question and answer for 1 hour? Later that nite another MT get together. say 6:30 to ?
Sunday I am not sure what we want to do. Maybe small seminar from 10:00 to 1 or 2. let me know. I don't have to travel you guys do. I don't know when you want to get home?
Cost for both days $100.00 which includes a cater lunch for both days.
Sat only $80.00
Sun only $40.00
( for the public only) What do you think?
Also any of you who have video tapes, t-shirts that want to sell them I don't have a problem with it does any one else?