Midwest Seminar/ Get together

Originally posted by arnisador
I don't care about the money. We'll make sure the up-front out-of-pocket costs are covered first. I'd also like to see the MartialTalk site get a cut!

Advertising in Black Belt can get expensive but a basic listing might have some value. I don't know what the price is? Flyers would be necessary. I know we can get the word out to Bloomington, Terre Haute, and Indianapolis in Indiana by sending them to the appropriate people. At UIUC there's a group. Where else?

I'd be happy to teach some Modern Arnis or just participate.

If this is a Martial Talk Event, I would have no problem with Martial Talk getting a cut ot piece of hte action. If there is any action. Expenses must be paid first. After, I am open to discussion.

It's easy for me to be cavalier about costs because I can commute to the event.

Kaith, are you going to drive on down for this?
I'm a definate maybe. I need to check the transportation issue. (My having a vehicle at the time is currently in limbo..long story)

Definately interested, and if funds permit, may take a train/bus or rent a car. This sounds like way too much fun! :D
Originally posted by arnisador
It's easy for me to be cavalier about costs because I can commute to the event.

Kaith, are you going to drive on down for this?

Yes, if I could break even, this would be a plus to me :D

Sleeping on someone's Floor, and making enough to cover food and maybe gas, would be nice. Yet Like I said, only after theother expenses have been paid. :D

BTW: Arnisador, how far are you? Could I crash at your Place? Floor Space would be fine. I know you may not have enough for me ;), yet I am asking :D
I already made the offer in the lounge, before seeing this! We have one spare bedroom plus my den, both of which have very comfortable futons (really, these are very good comfortable ones). I'm an hour to an hour and a half away along I-70 and we could commute.
Originally posted by arnisador
I already made the offer in the lounge, before seeing this! We have one spare bedroom plus my den, both of which have very comfortable futons (really, these are very good comfortable ones). I'm an hour to an hour and a half away along I-70 and we could commute.

Thank You! :asian:

It would be a pleasure to meet your Wife and Family :D
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Do you guys want me to advertise and where at, ie BB Mag. Also email or PM, how you want me to describe the art/style plan on teaching. Plan on putting some flyers together to send out to local schools also. Last how much do you want to charge $$$. You can email me that info if you want to keep it private.
Bob :asian:

Well, my specialties are:
locking & disarms (with or without weapons)
trap hands & flexible weapons (the clothes I'm wearing or the other guy's wearing - make sure to tell people to wear shirt/jacket they don't mind getting ripped)

I could focus on one thing or hit a couple of areas, depending on how much time I'd have to teach. Let me know what you'd like me to do and how much time I'll have :)

Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Do you guys want me to advertise and where at, ie BB Mag. Also email or PM, how you want me to describe the art/style plan on teaching. Plan on putting some flyers together to send out to local schools also. Last how much do you want to charge $$$. You can email me that info if you want to keep it private.
Bob :asian:

I teach Modern Arnis - A Filipino Martial Art. It uses a Single Rattan Cane and has aspects that include the double stick and knife work as well as Empty hand techniques.

If I had a choice, I would work on, or instruct with the single cane. No experience required, yet if you have it, fine tuning and subtitles will be discussed.

My Bio is quite simple:
Guro Rich Parsons
Lakan Tatlo Modern Arnis 1986 to present
Student of Balintawak, 1998 to present.
for those concerned with transportation issues.... think GREYHOUND!! Buy in advance, save a ton! Its not the best way to travel, but its cheaper than paying for gas, and you can sleep while someone else does the driving. Just a suggestion.
Im game for anytime as long as I know in adavnce to schedule myself off... Im only a few hours from there, so Im totaly up for learning new stuff.
Here is what I have as of July 7th Seminar in Effingham, IL October 24-26, 2003. People who have email me or confirmed they will be here to teach. If any of the info is wrong please let me know, I am going by what you have sent to or what is on your profile or web sites.

Mike Casto-Arts Ranked in Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. Plans on teaching locking and disarms with and without weapons. Trapping hands and flexible weapons.

Rich Parsons- Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis. Plans on showning techniques for the single cane.

Jerome Barber-6th Degree in both Escrima and Kenpo. Will teach the Filipino palm stick and Kobutan key chain and the relationship to some empty hand self defense applications.

Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.

Bob Thomas (Host) 4th Degree in Kempo-Jujutsu. Plans on teaching takedowns/sweeps/throws and grappling techniques both sport and combative.

Friday nite 6:00 to ? Martial Talk get together . For MT people only to meet, have dinner and maybe show techniques to each other.

Saturday Day Open Seminar Start at 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is 7 hours to play with. Each person may teach for 1 hour each. that is 5hours then 1 hour for cater lunch, which will leave 1 hour left. Maybe have a question and answer for 1 hour? Later that nite another MT get together. say 6:30 to ?

Sunday I am not sure what we want to do. Maybe small seminar from 10:00 to 1 or 2. let me know. I don't have to travel you guys do. I don't know when you want to get home?

Cost for both days $100.00 which includes a cater lunch for both days.
Sat only $80.00
Sun only $40.00
( for the public only) What do you think?

Also any of you who have video tapes, t-shirts that want to sell them I don't have a problem with it does any one else?


Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Here is what I have as of July 7th Seminar in Effingham, IL October 24-26, 2003. People who have email me or confirmed they will be here to teach. If any of the info is wrong please let me know, I am going by what you have sent to or what is on your profile or web sites.

Mike Casto-Arts Ranked in Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. Plans on teaching locking and disarms with and without weapons. Trapping hands and flexible weapons.

Rich Parsons- Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis. Plans on showning techniques for the single cane.

Jerome Barber-6th Degree in both Escrima and Kenpo. Will teach the Filipino palm stick and Kobutan key chain and the relationship to some empty hand self defense applications.

Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.

Bob Thomas (Host) 4th Degree in Kempo-Jujutsu. Plans on teaching takedowns/sweeps/throws and grappling techniques both sport and combative.

Friday nite 6:00 to ? Martial Talk get together . For MT people only to meet, have dinner and maybe show techniques to each other.

Saturday Day Open Seminar Start at 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is 7 hours to play with. Each person may teach for 1 hour each. that is 5hours then 1 hour for cater lunch, which will leave 1 hour left. Maybe have a question and answer for 1 hour? Later that nite another MT get together. say 6:30 to ?

Sunday I am not sure what we want to do. Maybe small seminar from 10:00 to 1 or 2. let me know. I don't have to travel you guys do. I don't know when you want to get home?

Cost for both days $100.00 which includes a cater lunch for both days.
Sat only $80.00
Sun only $40.00
( for the public only) What do you think?

Also any of you who have video tapes, t-shirts that want to sell them I don't have a problem with it does any one else?



Sounds pretty good to me. As far as Sunday goes, personally, I'd be open to pretty much anything. But I don't really have to get back to Louisville until Monday evening which gives me plenty of time.

Heck maybe I can get monday off and we can workout later? I have been looking into improving my escrima and maybe even getting offically ranked in some kind of style? I know one or two days won't do it, but it is a start.
Bob :asian:
I also plan to attend. If you can fit me into a slot to teach that would be great, and if not, I will enjoy the opportunity to learn from you all. I teach a combination of karate and jujutsu (karate blocks, kicks and strikes coupled in combinations that include a variety of locks, chokes and throws.)

I too would like a place to crash. The floor is great, I have some foam mats that work great. After a day's drive/workout, and a good day of working out, the surface I sleep on makes no difference.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Heck maybe I can get monday off and we can workout later? I have been looking into improving my escrima and maybe even getting offically ranked in some kind of style? I know one or two days won't do it, but it is a start.
Bob :asian:

Absolutely. Sounds good to me :) I love training.

Also, crash space would be very useful for me. And, like others, I'm not at all opposed to sleeping on a floor somewhere.

Mike E. I will make room for you to teach. Is that the subject you want to teach. What you have listed on this thread? If you want Email or PM me.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
I have a pop-up tent that will sleep 6. If you don't mind sleeping together.:rofl:


I'll share space with anyone -- sleeping with people is an entirely different subject.

Anyone who wants to teach at this first of it's kind Martial Talk Seminar. You need to let me know ASAP. I am trying to get a list put together of who is teaching and what they are planning on showning. If you are not planning on teaching. You do not need to let me know just yet. I am off this week (Vacation at home the best) I am trying to get things shaping up.