Midwest Seminar/ Get together

Originally posted by pesilat
Of those, the ones that work for me are:
Sep 12 - 14
Sep 26 - 28
Oct 3 - 5
Oct 24 - 26

Are you thinking something in the lines of an open-to-public seminar? Or more in the lines of a private MT get-together? Just curious.


I was planing emailing everyone. I didn't want to offen anyone by having a public seminar. By no means am I trying to make money at it. If it is open to the public. What ever we charge would be split with who ever taught? Does that sound fair or am I off my rocker? I would like my students get some exposer to some of the stick arts
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
I was planing emailing everyone. I didn't want to offen anyone by having a public seminar. By no means am I trying to make money at it. If it is open to the public. What ever we charge would be split with who ever taught? Does that sound fair or am I off my rocker? I would like my students get some exposer to some of the stick arts
Bob :asian:

Yup. That's perfectly fair. What I'd recommend would be to get the money, take out the amount of the venue (whatever it costs to rent the training space, if renting is necessary), then divvy up the remaining money (if any) between the organizer and the instructors who teach. Personally, I'll go into it with the attitude that it's volunteer work. I'd even be willing to pay the standard entrance fee (to cover the time that I will be training instead of teaching). That way, if there's any money coming my way, I'll be pleasantly surprised :)

Originally posted by arnisador
I like Mike Casto's attitude and would say the same.

I agree with this attitude,

If everyone broke even I would consider this a win :D

I would have no problems, sponsoring/volunteering my time, and paying at the door also ;)

Depending on the attendance sizes and weather conditions, was planning on either at my school, or local park. Other possiblities could be local gymnastic school or park district building. The first two options would be free, the last two would have to pay for rent space. Would also have more space.

Was also thinking about Friday and or Saturday cookout? At lease for the members of Martial Talk.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Depending on the attendance sizes and weather conditions, was planning on either at my school, or local park. Other possiblities could be local gymnastic school or park district building. The first two options would be free, the last two would have to pay for rent space. Would also have more space.

Was also thinking about Friday and or Saturday cookout? At lease for the members of Martial Talk.
Bob :asian:

Yup. I think a cookout thing should only be for MT members and invitees. I think it's a good idea. It would give us MT folks a chance to meet each other and play (if we're so inclined) in a more relaxed atmosphere.

I would also recommend that the price you set be dependent on the venue. If you're not paying anything to rent the space, then you can afford to charge less. If you need to rent space, though, then take the rent into consideration. We want the worst case scenario to be a break even for the host. And, of course, anything better than the worst case scenario means that there's some money made along the way.

Originally posted by pesilat
Yup. I think a cookout thing should only be for MT members and invitees. I think it's a good idea. It would give us MT folks a chance to meet each other and play (if we're so inclined) in a more relaxed atmosphere.

I would also recommend that the price you set be dependent on the venue. If you're not paying anything to rent the space, then you can afford to charge less. If you need to rent space, though, then take the rent into consideration. We want the worst case scenario to be a break even for the host. And, of course, anything better than the worst case scenario means that there's some money made along the way.


I am trying to keep the cost down at least for the Martial Talk Folks. My have two prices for the seminar. One price for Martial Talk People and maybe instructors who bring several students. The other for the average joe who shows up. in either class money made will be split.

Side note you don't have to be from the midwest to attend. Heck if a couple of you can fly into Indy or St.Louis I could probably pick you up. I really don't want to go to Chicago it is little farther.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
I am trying to keep the cost down at least for the Martial Talk Folks. My have two prices for the seminar. One price for Martial Talk People and maybe instructors who bring several students. The other for the average joe who shows up. in either class money made will be split.

Side note you don't have to be from the midwest to attend. Heck if a couple of you can fly into Indy or St.Louis I could probably pick you up. I really don't want to go to Chicago it is little farther.
Bob :asian:

Yup. And if people fly into Louisville, they should be able to ride up with me (unless there's a boatload of them).

Out of the 4 weekends listed which one do we want? I am off next week. will start trying to piece this thing together.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Out of the 4 weekends listed which one do we want? I am off next week. will start trying to piece this thing together.
Bob :asian:

Oops! I just noticed that I'm an idiot (it happens occasionally and, being an idiot, I can't ever seem to remember it). Oct. 3-5 is out for me, too. I'll be teaching/training at a seminar down in Texas that weekend.

Of the remaining weekends, I'd personally prefer Oct. 24 - 26 because the other weekends fall between two other busy weekends for me. But if either of the other 2 dates work better for others, then that's fine. I'll just be busy for 3 weekends in a row (nothing new there ;) )

Has given me his 2cents. How about you other guys what dates work best for you. Need to get started on this. If not me and Pesilat will do something.
Bob :asian:
As of Today :)

October 24-26 looks good. I might not get in too early on the 24th, yet I am up for the trip :D
Do you guys want me to advertise and where at, ie BB Mag. Also email or PM, how you want me to describe the art/style plan on teaching. Plan on putting some flyers together to send out to local schools also. Last how much do you want to charge $$$. You can email me that info if you want to keep it private.
Bob :asian:
I don't care about the money. We'll make sure the up-front out-of-pocket costs are covered first. I'd also like to see the MartialTalk site get a cut!

Advertising in Black Belt can get expensive but a basic listing might have some value. I don't know what the price is? Flyers would be necessary. I know we can get the word out to Bloomington, Terre Haute, and Indianapolis in Indiana by sending them to the appropriate people. At UIUC there's a group. Where else?

I'd be happy to teach some Modern Arnis or just participate.