Michael Moore Doesn’t Speak for Me

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Michael Moore Doesn’t Speak for Me

by Alfonzo Rachel
Big Hollywood EXCERPT:

I found myself in a bit of a grouchy mood when cud-chewer Michael Moore said something to the effect of White America bein’ all mad about a black president.
Really? It was the white vote that got him elected. And if you’re so sure about your statement, then does that mean you (Michael Moore) have a problem with Obama based on his ethnicity?

Is there somethin’ you’re trying to avoid telling us? Looks to me like you’re trying to mitigate your own bigotry by broad-brushing everybody with your disposition. That’s right. You’re projecting, you miserable jackass; which makes sense because you’re a socialist and you expect people to share in a miserable existence.
I’m sick of white liberals like Michael Moore who patronize black people and try to stay in their good graces by falsely accusing white people of racism, and then try to further validate it with some bogus display of self effacement. This joker is a prime example of how white democrats feel that they’re the ones who are tuned in to the black community. They can speak for us. They know us, and where that notion comes from is due to them thinking that they own us.
And the sadder part is, is that too many black people are suckered by this pandering, and shack there shackles like it’s a damn tambourine, singin’ the praises of Democrats.
Michael Moore goes on to say some junk about Obama getting the youth vote and not the vote of the older folks.
You know? It should speak volumes that Obama got the youth vote, and not the vote of the matured. Hello! The matured have had some time to think through some things, live through some things, learn from some things.
This is the backwards mentality of the Left. Why doesn’t our government show the kind of zeal they’re demonstrating with airport security and do that with border security? The liberal government wants us to learn how to live with terrorism like herpes.
Yes, yes, please don't paint Republicans with the same generalizations. Just because some right wingers are racist, doesn't mean they all are. However, if Michael Moore says something then he represents ALL white Democrats. Then it okay to generalize, instead of critisizing the one man. Gimme a freaking break...
I remember getting into a discussion with a black American who moved to Africa (not sure what he prefers to be called). But, his claim was that it was the african-american vote in America that got Obama elected, because white's are actually the minority in Amercia and the US Census just keeps lying about the actual percentages so the whites can stay in power.

I also remember during the election that many people would claim that if you didn't support Obama that it was because of his color, no matter if you agreed with his political views or not. It's hard to have an intelligent discussion with anyone if that is where their argument starts and stops. I have also had discussions with people about Thomas Sowell and his conservative views, and the response is that "he's a sell out". It's sad that blacks that don't agree with a more liberal viewpoint are labeled as "sell outs" and whites who don't hold that viewpoint are called "racist".

Michael Moore is a moron that just claims outrageous things to get attention and sprinkles some facts in to give credence to what he says. I'm sure that unfortunately, there are people who don't like Obama based solely on his color. But, that is the minority of people who don't support Obama and is based on his policies etc.
Yes, yes, please don't paint Republicans with the same generalizations. Just because some right wingers are racist, doesn't mean they all are. However, if Michael Moore says something then he represents ALL white Democrats. Then it okay to generalize, instead of critisizing the one man. Gimme a freaking break...

It looks like you missed a few key words before posting your rant.

"white liberals like Michael Moore" != all white liberals
Michael Moore Doesn’t Speak for Me

by Alfonzo Rachel
Big Hollywood EXCERPT:

I found myself in a bit of a grouchy mood when cud-chewer Michael Moore said something to the effect of White America bein’ all mad about a black president.
Really? It was the white vote that got him elected. And if you’re so sure about your statement, then does that mean you (Michael Moore) have a problem with Obama based on his ethnicity?

Is there somethin’ you’re trying to avoid telling us? Looks to me like you’re trying to mitigate your own bigotry by broad-brushing everybody with your disposition. That’s right. You’re projecting, you miserable jackass; which makes sense because you’re a socialist and you expect people to share in a miserable existence.
I’m sick of white liberals like Michael Moore who patronize black people and try to stay in their good graces by falsely accusing white people of racism, and then try to further validate it with some bogus display of self effacement. This joker is a prime example of how white democrats feel that they’re the ones who are tuned in to the black community. They can speak for us. They know us, and where that notion comes from is due to them thinking that they own us.
And the sadder part is, is that too many black people are suckered by this pandering, and shack there shackles like it’s a damn tambourine, singin’ the praises of Democrats.
Michael Moore goes on to say some junk about Obama getting the youth vote and not the vote of the older folks.
You know? It should speak volumes that Obama got the youth vote, and not the vote of the matured. Hello! The matured have had some time to think through some things, live through some things, learn from some things.
This is the backwards mentality of the Left. Why doesn’t our government show the kind of zeal they’re demonstrating with airport security and do that with border security? The liberal government wants us to learn how to live with terrorism like herpes.
... But Obama did get the youth vote, and then you go on to make conclusions about why. How is it Junk? You bought it.
I also remember during the election that many people would claim that if you didn't support Obama that it was because of his color, no matter if you agreed with his political views or not. It's hard to have an intelligent discussion with anyone if that is where their argument starts and stops. I have also had discussions with people about Thomas Sowell and his conservative views, and the response is that "he's a sell out". It's sad that blacks that don't agree with a more liberal viewpoint are labeled as "sell outs" and whites who don't hold that viewpoint are called "racist".


Thank you. I used to get so tired of having people assume that because I`m white, Chistian, and conservative that I MUST be racist/sexist/stupid/hateful or any of several other unpleasant things. That seemed to be the whole theme of the 90`s, the myth of the 'Angry white male'. When I talk politics with others it always seems to come as a great shock to them that I actually want to hear the reasons behind why they believe what they believe. They seem to think I`m trying to set them up with some trick or trap. The truth is that I realize I`m not perfect, and if they have good reasons for disagreeing with me they might change my mind.But they rarely try. And they start to get worried when I agree with them on some things that they assumed all conservatives must oppose. (Maybe I`m more libertarian. Either way, I generally figure my choices are my own and if someone disagrees that`s thier right. I respect thier choices more if they have a valid reason for thier opinion....but even if they don`t it`s thier choice as long as it doesn`t hurt me.)

I guess the only way to ever come close to making people abandon those assumptions is to live your live above reproach and be an example of what you believe. I still recall years ago at work a young black guy on my crew called me "a racist cracker" because he thought I was "treating him like an ignorant *******". Before I could say anything a very conservative older black guy on my crew told him "Hold on,Dave`s if he treats you like an ******* it`s not because he`s racist. It`s because he thinks that you ARE, in fact, an *******. You, individually and in particular. You think I`d have had him in my wedding party or invite him to my home on the weekends if I ever thought he was like that?" I`ve never seen a young guy shut up so quickly. And it felt good to look around and see everyone else nodding thier heads. Made me realize I must be doing something right.
I don't get much into a discussion when the subject matter is preceded by name calling.
I am pretty sure that Mr Moore, no matter how big, only sports one stomach.
I am not his fan but you should give him credit for one thing. He does get many people who, otherwise would sit on the side lines, so fired up that many get off the side lines and become active.
There are to many on the sidelines.
There are to many on the sidelines.

A noble sentiment, but based on my personal life experiences, some of those on the sidelines... are better off there! I mean that sometimes no vote is better than a truly ignorant vote. And I say this knowing that it often works against what I believe. For example, exit polling from the last election suggests that there was not so great a shift in the total electorate to the Republican right as claimed, but rather that much of the Democratic base simply stayed home. If every eligeable voter had gone to the polls, the results may have been very different. For those of you tea-partiers who can't wait for 2012, this is something you might want to factor in. That Democratic base will likely turn out in much larger numbers during the next Presidential election.