Barack the Magic Negro'-gate

i just want to throw in that, as a moderate, palin scared the hell out of me. i didn't vote for obama because the 2nd amendment is important enough to me to lose my vote if a candidate doesn't support it. i didn't like that both candidates supported the bailout because it flies in the face of capitalism & fiscal conservativism. so i'm not speaking as someone coming from the far left here.

any chance mccain had of winning my support went out the window when he selected palin. she does come off as down to earth, & i'm sure she would make a fine neighbor. but she had little experience, is married to a succesionist & spoke in support of that group, & said that the iraqi war was a task appointed to us from god. anytime a politician starts citing god as a source of authority, i get twitchy. & it's not because i'm not a christian. if you look at the bible, the rulers that god worked through weren't exactly benevolent (herod, the pharoahs, etc).

above that, she's an airhead. i can kind of understand choking on national tv & not being able to name a single newspaper or news magazine. but not naming one when you graduated with a degree in communications & journalism is a bit much. really, nothing about her inspired any faith in her ability to lead. for my end, it has nothing to do with elitism & everything to do with not believing she is competent, informed, or capable.

just my $.02,

Palin's experience was more extensive than Barry' those attacking Palin based on her experience have to do some real logical gymnastics to argue their support for Barry.

A lot lies began flying around as soon as Palin was announced......I wouldn't just buy all the campaign BS hook, line and sinker.

And let me make clear......I don't represent the religious right......i'm agnostic myself. But I don't buy in to the Dimocratic Underground/Daily Kook demonization either of those candidates who do actually believe in god.

This isn't directed at you, as you clearly aren't expressing a support for Barry......but I find a great hypocrisy in Barry fans who deride Palin's lack of opposed to their junior Senator from Chicago who's only PAST experience is a vague reference to 'Community Organizing'......and as to pointing to Palin's husband, and the nebulous tied to a decade and a half dead Alaska seperatist......that's humorous given Barry's long relationships with racist anti-government types, one of whom was his pastor and religious adviser of 20 years, who is quite clear in his black liberation theology views.

That having been said......I would have voted Libertarian if that party had enough support that it wouldn't be throwing the election to the leftists.
Moral conservatives perhaps. She alienated everyone else.

I truly dearly hope she sticks around for 2012.
She may.....but I doubt Papa Doc Barrack is going to be sticking around past 2012 though. ;)

Jimmy Carter's second term in progress as of January 20.
Palin's experience was more extensive than Barry' those attacking Palin based on her experience have to do some real logical gymnastics to argue their support for Barry.

A lot lies began flying around as soon as Palin was announced......I wouldn't just buy all the campaign BS hook, line and sinker.

like i said, obama wasn't the candidate for me either. but it was kind of b.s. for mccain to call o obama on experience then select palin. iirc, the repubs started the whole experience critique. less than two years as gov. of alaska doesn't qualify her for much.

as for the other stuff, it's pretty well documented.

here's the war & god comment, for instance.

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Given Caroline Kennedy's impending nomination to be the next NY senator, it would appear that inexperience is only a criticism of Republican candidates.

Of course, if Sen. McCain had chosen a more experienced running mate such as Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), she may have been dismissed as "another beltway insider".

Of course that would have subjected all of us to several news cycles of bad kneeslapping jokes about how the state of Maine has a "Senator Snowe" ;)
Given Caroline Kennedy's impending nomination to be the next NY senator, it would appear that inexperience is only a criticism of Republican candidates.

Of course, if Sen. McCain had chosen a more experienced running mate such as Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), she may have been dismissed as "another beltway insider".

Of course that would have subjected all of us to several news cycles of bad kneeslapping jokes about how the state of Maine has a "Senator Snowe" ;)
Snowe would have been a less surprising choice than Palin, just because a whole lot of republicans see both of them as RINO's
as for the other stuff, it's pretty well documented.
here's the war & god comment, for instance.
Oh. You are another one of those...
You hate and deride Republicans like Palin, Bush and Ashcroft when they make religious statements, because they actually believe in following the tenets of their religion. Yet, when Ted Kennedy, who professes to be Roman Catholic and yet, divorced and remarried, that is A-OK, because using religion to get votes is different than actually believing. Or when Obama is, for TWO DECADES a member of a black church whose pastor says nice little things like "God Damn America" that has no bearing on Obama, because no one expects democrats/liberals to believe in or to try to live up to the tenets of their religion. But, boy oh boy, let a Christian Republican stumble and fall and you are all over them like stink on ****... Bill Clinton had Jesse Jackson for his spiritual adviser during the Monica Lewinski incident, and only republicans found a minister who in his adultery fathered a child, counselling a President whose adultery was open and notorious, funny.
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Oh. You are another one of those...
You hate and deride Republicans like Palin, Bush and Ashcroft when they make religious statements, because they actually believe in following the tenets of their religion. Yet, when Ted Kennedy, who professes to be Roman Catholic and yet, divorced and remarried, that is A-OK, because using religion to get votes is different than actually believing. Or when Obama is, for TWO DECADES a member of a black church whose pastor says nice little things like "God Damn America" that has no bearing on Obama, because no one expects democrats/liberals to believe in or to try to live up to the tenets of their religion. But, boy oh boy, let a Christian Republican stumble and fall and you are all over them like stink on ****... Bill Clinton had Jesse Jackson for his spiritual adviser during the Monica Lewinski incident, and only republicans found a minister who in his adultery fathered a child, counselling a President whose adultery was open and notorious, funny.

try again don.

i was very critical of clinton during the lewinski debacle, & i'm very critical of political pandering on any level, religious included.

lol at "believe in following the tenents of their religion". yeah jesus was a big fan of war. people are absolutely free to follow the tenents of their religion as far as i'm concerned. they are not entitled to lead this nation by the tenents of their religion, however.

you know don, it's not always useful to categorize people so narrowly as "one of these" or "one of those". there are all kinds of in betweens, & i think that's what lost this election for the republican party. i like my church & state seperate, period. it's just as big an issue to me as 2nd amendment rights.

well, you may be right jarrod, but you are a victim of apress crorps that flat out lied to you,.

niether Palin nor McCain EVER, as in NEVER NOT EVEN ONCE tried to enact law based on thier religious views.

that little tidbit was never covered, but the Palin comment about god and war sure was.....

you claim to be an open minded guy, so clearly you were a victim of propaganda carried out by a 100% partisan press
She may.....but I doubt Papa Doc Barrack is going to be sticking around past 2012 though. ;)

Jimmy Carter's second term in progress as of January 20.
It'll be funny if you're right. By then, you'll have no guns, and will be living in communal housing to boot. (The unisex paper toga only law of 2010 will further enhance our environmentalism and combat global warming.) The terrorists will also apparently have taken over the parts of the country that refused to go communist, so I'm not sure how we'll manage elections in that environment.
Warning: rant ahead ;)

IMO The McCain campaign failed for deeper reasons than personal likes/dislikes.

2004: The GOP had the better, more organized campaign
When President Bush ran for reelection in 2004 he was running heavily on a platform of defense and security...which, alone, may not have been enough for him to score the 270 electoral votes needed for re-election. With the nation still digesting the impact of gay marriage being legalized in Massachusetts, Karl Rove put a lot of outreach efforts in to states that had gay marriage issues on the ballot in an attempt to bring out religious conservatives that typically vote Republican.

2008: The Democrats had the better, more organized campaign
The McCain campaign copped the same strategy and failed. Our military gains in the Middle East meant Sen. McCain's message about defense was met with voters thinkking "It's the economy, stuipid". The gay marriage issue was still one of controversy, but the shock value has worn off. This was met with an Obama campaign that spoke more to the economic concerns, with talk of increasing the regulation of corporation and rolling back the "Bush tax cuts for the rich." The message was enough to inspire a lot of volunteers. For the 6-8 weeks before the election, there were Obama supporters literally coming to my door to canvas and campaign (even when they were told they were not welcome).

Which...coming back to the topic of the thread....brings me to why I didn't like the song. When listiening to the Rush Limbaugh show in 1998, Rush was talking about the importance of being positive about issues. He was essentially lambasting some gloom-n-doom lib'ruls about sticking to and their "America sucks" message. In his commentary, he said "Optimistic people get more done than pessimistic people." I stopped what I was doing at that moment and put that quote up on my office wall. why the parody (and its CD) falls flat. The CD smacks of self-indulgent hand-wringing rather than the strong, proudly positive messages espoused by Limbaugh et. al. a decade ago.

End rant. :D
Yeah I know its supposed to be Sharpton...and I get that its a jab at how someone with a strong, positive message defeats the victimhood-style politics of Sharpton et. al. But there was an overall undercurrent to the CD that I found a bit depressing.

Enough negative talk from me though. ;) I'd rather practice what I preach. :D
well, you may be right jarrod, but you are a victim of apress crorps that flat out lied to you,.

niether Palin nor McCain EVER, as in NEVER NOT EVEN ONCE tried to enact law based on thier religious views.

that little tidbit was never covered, but the Palin comment about god and war sure was.....

you claim to be an open minded guy, so clearly you were a victim of propaganda carried out by a 100% partisan press

i'm not going on what the press said, i'm going on what palin said. "iraq is a task appointed to us by god". that's not what god told me.

Way to totally ignore what he said, and the point!

swing & a miss!

thanks for playing don.

be sure to turn in your losing ticket for the second chance drawing!


i guess i have a hard time taking your criticism of deflection super-serious, for some odd reason...

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like i said, obama wasn't the candidate for me either. but it was kind of b.s. for mccain to call o obama on experience then select palin. iirc, the repubs started the whole experience critique. less than two years as gov. of alaska doesn't qualify her for much.

as for the other stuff, it's pretty well documented.

here's the war & god comment, for instance.

Certainly the PRESIDENT needs more experience than his the hypocrisy is more imaginary than anything else. ;)

If Barry had been running for VICE-PRESIDENT you might have had a point.....but historically there are many vice-presidents with no experience as the REVERSE is actually the's ASININE for the DEMOCRATS to hit Palin on 'experience' when she's running as VP, and has at least as much experience as their candidate for top man.
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Given Caroline Kennedy's impending nomination to be the next NY senator, it would appear that inexperience is only a criticism of Republican candidates.

Of course, if Sen. McCain had chosen a more experienced running mate such as Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), she may have been dismissed as "another beltway insider".

Of course that would have subjected all of us to several news cycles of bad kneeslapping jokes about how the state of Maine has a "Senator Snowe" ;)
Experience only matters when it's a Republican without any. If the Republican has PLENTY of experience, John McCain, then 'youth and freshness' are what matters.

I take offense less that the Democrats use those arguments, as it should be expected that they will say what is necessary to win.....what I take exception to is people actually believing it!
try again don.

i was very critical of clinton during the lewinski debacle, & i'm very critical of political pandering on any level, religious included.

lol at "believe in following the tenents of their religion". yeah jesus was a big fan of war. people are absolutely free to follow the tenents of their religion as far as i'm concerned. they are not entitled to lead this nation by the tenents of their religion, however.

Unless that religion is 'socialism' of course. ;)

I firmly believe that the left despises the religious right because they rightfully see it as a competing religion!

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