Barack the Magic Negro'-gate

It'll be funny if you're right. By then, you'll have no guns, and will be living in communal housing to boot. (The unisex paper toga only law of 2010 will further enhance our environmentalism and combat global warming.) The terrorists will also apparently have taken over the parts of the country that refused to go communist, so I'm not sure how we'll manage elections in that environment.
Oh, there'll be guns......and terrorists......but in true leftist fashion, Obama will have turned HIS attention toward 'the enemy within' it'll be American citizens who are declared 'terrorists'.

Get ready for more American children 'saved from abuse' by being burned alive in their own compounds. ;)
Oh. You are another one of those...
You hate and deride Republicans like Palin, Bush and Ashcroft when they make religious statements, because they actually believe in following the tenets of their religion.

They may have believed they were following the tenets of their religion, but Bush's actions of Ashcroft's support of them certainly weren't Christian.

There is not one Bush policy or ideology that cannot be found to be contrary to basic Chrisian tenets and scripture:

Bush’s budget and tax policies reward the rich;they do not show compassion for poor families. (Matthew 25:35-40, Isaiah 10:1-2)

Bush’s policies did not protect the earth;they serve corporate interests that damage it. (Genesis 2:15, Psalm 24:1)

Bush’s policies pursued "wars of choice" , and do not respect international law and cooperation in responding to real global threats. (Matthew 5:9)

Bush may well not have told the truth in justifying war and in other foreign and domestic policies. (John 8:32)

Bush confused the roles of God, church, and nation and saw evil only in our enemies but never in our own policies. (Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 8:12-13 )

His positions on weapons of mass destruction, HIV/AIDS-and other pandemics-and genocide around the world did not obey the biblical injunction to choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

And, Don't forget, WWJT?

Who Would Jesus Torture? :lfao:
Experience only matters when it's a Republican without any. If the Republican has PLENTY of experience, John McCain, then 'youth and freshness' are what matters.

I take offense less that the Democrats use those arguments, as it should be expected that they will say what is necessary to win.....what I take exception to is people actually believing it!

point taken. still, i look at the v.p.'s experience a little more closely when the top man is a 74 year old cancer survivor. but yes, obama's experience leaves a lot to be desired. nevertheless, he's elected & i'm willing to let the man be in office for a few days before i start tearing him down.

Unless that religion is 'socialism' of course. ;)

I firmly believe that the left despises the religious right because they rightfully see it as a competing religion!

i see the far left as a bunch of elitist over-spenders trying to tell me how to live, as opposed to the far right which is a bunch of religious fundies trying to tell me how to live.

furthermore, both sides show near-equal socialist tendencies so far as i can tell. the bailouts are as socialist as it comes

like i've said before, these issues really aren't so simple as left vs. right. the great tragedy is that the powers that be have everyone thinking that it is.

Oh, there'll be guns......and terrorists......but in true leftist fashion, Obama will have turned HIS attention toward 'the enemy within' it'll be American citizens who are declared 'terrorists'.

Get ready for more American children 'saved from abuse' by being burned alive in their own compounds. ;)

right you are...sadly bush laid the groundwork for this to be done with the patriot act. roving wire taps & no legal rights for enemy combatants in the war on terror...leaves a pretty frightening range of power for any future adminstration that chooses to target "the enemy within"

wrong again elder, Bush spent more on african AIDS than any other president

the tax cuts created jobs, and boosted the economy, thats being pretty nice to the poor

as far as that genocide rap goes, i guess saving muslims in bosnia (clinton) is ok, yet saving kurds in Iraq is not ok, somehow?

you are playing fast and loose again elder, when you are smart enough to know better.

i suspect you are just playing devil's advocate to try and stir things up again
my point jarrod is that never as in not even ONCE had either Palin or McCain tried to make thier religious beliefs into LAW

THAT is the point.

and maybe god didnt tell you the war in iraq was your duty to him

so what?

you wernt in charge. You think God has to give the same message to everyone?

thats pretty damned presumptous............

i'm not going on what the press said, i'm going on what palin said. "iraq is a task appointed to us by god". that's not what god told me.

She personally supports a ban on gay marriage, but ended up voting against a ban on gay marriage for Alaska because she found it to be unconstitutional.
my point jarrod is that never as in not even ONCE had either Palin or McCain tried to make thier religious beliefs into LAW

THAT is the point.

and maybe god didnt tell you the war in iraq was your duty to him

so what?

you wernt in charge. You think God has to give the same message to everyone?

thats pretty damned presumptous............

so what? so god told ME that he didn't want this war, & what he tells me is the truth! are you calling god a liar? talk about presumptuous.

no, palin never tried to pass a law based on religious beliefs. you don't need to pass a law to continue an unjust war. i'm not comfortable with her potentially governing based on what she thought god told her, since i KNOW for a fact god didn't say that!

wrong again elder, Bush spent more on african AIDS than any other president

Actually, on the one hand, you're quite right-this is one part of his "legacy" that's nothing but positive. On the other hand, his insistence upon "abstinence only" sex-ed inour country, and cutting of funding for programs that get condoms to kids is hardly supportive of HIV prevention.

the tax cuts created jobs, and boosted the economy, thats being pretty nice to the poor

Ri-ght. I suppose that's why we have the highest unemployment rate in more than 25 years....:rolleyes:

The Bush administration and Congress have scaled back programs that aid the poor to help pay for $600 billion in tax breaks that went primarily to those who earn more than $288,800 a year.

To offset the loss of the tax revenue, the administration has amassed record federal deficits and trimmed social spending.The affected programs — job training, housing, higher education and an array of social services — provide safety nets for the poor. Many programs are critical elements in welfare-to-work initiatives and were already badly underfunded.

A six-month Detroit News investigation showed that as a result of the withering government assistance, working poor and destitute Americans are increasingly likely to be placed on waiting lists for help, receive reduced services, or be denied service entirely.

The News, after interviewing scores of people across the United States and examining thousands of pages of federal and state financial records, determined the loss of services cost many poor Americans more money than they saved from the tax cuts.

as far as that genocide rap goes, i guess saving muslims in bosnia (clinton) is ok, yet saving kurds in Iraq is not ok, somehow?

One could probably argue that his father was responsible for the Kurdish genocide in Iraq-not to mention that there was no genocide taking place when he invaded.

you are playing fast and loose again elder, when you are smart enough to know better.

i suspect you are just playing devil's advocate to try and stir things up again

Not "stirring things up," just pointing out that, contrary to what Big Don posted, Bush's policies aren't in alignment with Biblical teachings. By your acts,He will know you... and all that...:lfao:
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VBack on topic, though-this was a very dumb thing for him to do:

Chip Saltsman's CD gift containing a parody song called "Barack the Magic Negro" may have upped the candidate's profile in the coming Republican National Committee chairmanship race but the attention may not be the kind or amount Saltsman needs.

The former Tennessee Republican Party chairman drew considerable focus to himself after the gift, with its controversial song, was first reported by news media, but much of it was critical.

Saltsman showed he doesn't have "what it takes" to expand the party by reaching out to black and Hispanic voters, Republican strategist Margaret Hoover told

As seen here from Fox News

One has to wonder as well, which of the people it was that received the CD and leaked it to the press....:rolleyes:
I didn't realize "God" actually was on record as supporting a candidate, the war in Iraq, or anything else for that matter.

I we have it on DVD, CD, DVR, VOD...anything? Pardon me for not taking your word for it, but I'd prefer to hear the gospel straight from the horses mouth.

...and...I don't know about the rest of you...but...if/when my leaders start following ANY voice they hear only in their head..well...I say it's time they checked into a padded cell.

Anyway..O-Back on O-Topic....

"Magic Negro" is just childish and a reflection of just how far we haven't come as a species it ain't even funny. What's Biden supposed to be then? The Mystic Cracka'? I'm far from PC, but this is ridiculous.
I didn't realize "God" actually was on record as supporting a candidate, the war in Iraq, or anything else for that matter..



God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." --George W. Bush Ha'aretz,

the New York Times reported Bush as saying, "''Events aren't moved by blind change and chance''..., but by ''the hand of a just and faithful God.'' From the outset he has been convinced that his presidency is part of a divine plan, even telling a friend while he was governor of Texas, ''I believe God wants me to run for president.''
Get ready for more American children 'saved from abuse' by being burned alive in their own compounds. ;)
There's a reason they're called "Kids on fire" I guess.

(Really though, if you don't want to die in a fire, don't pour gas on your head then play with a Zippo. Pretty simple.)
As usual, your opinions are blessedly free of actual empirical backing. Even in October she had a 44/49 favorable/unfavorable rating. I guess half of America are now hardcore liberal partisans.

and that poll was from......?

thats right, the MSM, who were so Obama the Lewinsky that they lied, omitted, failed to do thier job, however you want to put it, they flat out LIED about anything and everything related to the campaign.

even IF the poll is accurate, all it proves is how well the midia was lying to the public
and that poll was from......?

thats right, the MSM, who were so busy....

Not quite.

The Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. We are best known for regular national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and for our polling that charts trends in values and fundamental political and social attitudes. Formerly, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press (1990-1995), we are now sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts and are one of seven projects that make up the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

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