MBTI Typology and Political Leanings

Do you think the results of the two tests are linked?

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  • Yes, weakly

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Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
The following websites have two tests.

The first is a typology personality test that classifies ones personality with four Aristotelian catagories...Extroverted/Introverted, Intuitive/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Percieving.


The second test will classify a person on a cartesian plane with left and right corresponding to Liberal and Conservative and up and down corresponding to Authoritarian and Libertarian.


Is there a correllation between the scores? Please take the test, post your scores and explain whether or not you think there is a link between the two. This could be kind of fun!

Here are my scores...

1. My typology is INFJ. Weakly Introverted, Strongly Intuitive, Moderately Feeling, and Weakly Judging.

2. My political leanings are - 4 Liberal and -9 Libertarian.

I think the intuitive and feeling part of my personality definately contributes to my liberal leanings, but the judging part of my personality realizes that freedom is probably the best way to go. This explanation could shift based on who takes the test, so I think they are loosely linked.
So, I just took this test and my scores shifted from ENFP to INFJ. I have always swung like that though. Extroverted/Introversion and Judging/Perceiving are nearly tied when I do this on paper.

Here is my current typology description...


Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who are activists -- INFJs gravitate toward such a role -- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power.
INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ.

"There's something rotten in Denmark." Accurately suspicious about others' motives, INFJs are not easily led. These are the people that you can rarely fool any of the time. Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends. Such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words.

INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be known by others intimately.

Writing, counseling, public service and even politics are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche.

hmmm...go figure.

Economic Left/Right: 0.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.87

I still dont like the phrasing of the questions of the test and there are many where my answer should have been "it depends" rather than agree/disagree.
Oh good. I'm evolving. A few years ago I was a solid ESTJ, now I'm a ENTJ.
Any Internet tests are going to be less than thourough. You are going to be prone to answer questions the way you think you should, rather than the way you really are many times. The psych tests I had to take for my job numbered in thousands of questions, many the same question rephrased in different ways (many related to the same question but "different") to account for that fact.

And while Im sure that personality and political leanings must have to be related, Im on the fence on the accuracy of these tests. But in general, I guess they give a rough estimation so I answered "yes-weakly".
Took the officers test in Vt. when I was a C.O. Still tied for the highest score after twenty three years.
After having studied Psychology for some time I think I can say that Typology is a very interesting way to guestimate on someones general outlook on things, but you can't really pigeon-hole someone like that. It's too inconsistant.

Your Brother
[size=+1]Your Type is
[size=+2]ENFP[/size][/size][size=+1]ExtrovertedIntuitiveFeelingPerceiving[/size][size=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/size] [size=+1]1881222[/size]<LI>slightly expressed extrovert
<LI>very expressed intuitive personality
<LI>slightly expressed feeling personality
<LI>slightly expressed perceiving personality

And I got 0.38 economically conservative and 1.38 libertarian. Pretty central, so I put no relation between the two scores.
upnorthkyosa said:
So, I just took this test and my scores shifted from ENFP to INFJ. I have always swung like that though. Extroverted/Introversion and Judging/Perceiving are nearly tied when I do this on paper.

Here is my current typology description...

Believe it or not, upnorth, I guessed you as an idealist. That's why I described you as highly empathetic. I've been using the MBTI/Meyers Briggs type indicator so long, i've gotten pretty good at guessing people's types, even online. When I give the test to people, I usually guess their type before they take it. It really goes a long way toward showing the power and validity of the type indicator.

When I was in college I shocked one of my psychology professors who was discussing the MBTI by guessing her type (INFP) in class. She looked at me and said "How did you know that?".

Tgace said:

hmmm...go figure.

I still dont like the phrasing of the questions of the test and there are many where my answer should have been "it depends" rather than agree/disagree.
Most police officers are ESTJ's or ISTJ's, what Keirsy calls "Guardians". Most police officers are also the oldest children in their families (I have to wonder if the two are connected), and are used to taking responsibility for others.

I myself am an ENTP http://typelogic.com/entp.html . It shouldn't suprise anyone to discover they are the most debate oriented of any type, seeing nearly every conversation as an up/down contest.

Further, on the four prong axis, the Thinking/Feeling duality probably isn't the sole divider. No doubt there is a shift between Judging/Perceiving modalities, with those that would be considered judging take more of an authoritarian view (with thinking authoritiarian's moving to the right, and feeling authoritarians moving to the left.)

Perceivers would tend to be more Libertarian in outlook, allowing as they do for a more open mind and being more accepting of other possibilities. That would put them to the left or right depending on the thinking/feeling duality.

This occurs where political ideology is a concious choice. Many times peoples political decisions are driven by more than just an understanding of the political views of one ideology or another. Many times political views are driven by convention and habit. Many people belong to the same party as their parents, or reflect the political views of their communities and collegues. But where politics is driven solely by personal views, I have found this to be mostly true.

Keep in mind, also, that some people's dualities are closer together than others, for example, someone might be slightly more T than F, or slightly more P than J, meaning that their positions relative to each other would be much closer to the dividing line.

Further, practice using an aspect that isn't normal to you, will result in a political outlook slightly skewed. For example, as an ENTP my natural inclination is toward Libertarianism (Libertarian Right). However, as a police officer of nearly 10 years, I have had lots of practice utilizing the Judging decision making process, moving my political ideology slightly more toward the Authoritarian Right, though I still exhibit many Libertarian views.
As a college student I was FAR more liberal than I am now. For some reason after military service, marriage and going to work full time I had a fairly seismic shift. Personally I think it was the shift from the cloistered college student to seeing how the "world really worked" (to my eyes at least) that accounted for it.
Tgace said:
As a college student I was FAR more liberal than I am now. For some reason after military service, marriage and going to work full time I had a fairly seismic shift. Personally I think it was the shift from the cloistered college student to seeing how the "world really worked" (to my eyes at least) that accounted for it.
Most college age people tend to be more open to varied experience, and more tolerant of alternative views and positions than the normal population. For many, however, post-college experience moves them further in the direction of their natural inclinations, which often means further to the right. Very few people are as left leaning as they are in college.