All of this is such a catch 22. You make a lot of valid points. But as a fellow countryman who is seriously concerned about the health and well being of my home, concerned enough to consider moving my family if the outlook doesn't get better, I feel very strongly that we need to do everything we can to oppose this war. We need to vote for people who will end it. We need to protest and make our voices heard. We need to stop aiding a system that sucks up our children and spits them into the places the elite wants them in order to grease their money wheels with blood.
Grydth, my children are 6 and 3. They are not at the point where they could be pulled into this system. Yet, I am afraid that I somehow do not make a stand or do something to pull my family out of this system, I risk having the government pull them into the war machine. Our leaders have told us to expect war for the rest of our lives. We are being prepped with slogans and other propaganda to sustain a multigenerational conflict...for what?
I have no fear of UBL or any of his CIA contrived thugs. None what so ever. I am more afraid of getting in my car and driving to work then I am of them. So, what am I risking my children for?
The truth is not something anyone wants to face in this country. We have created a monster where private corporations bleed off our hard earned income and have created a market for...war.
Think about that for a minute. Think about how sick and disgusting that is. People are making billions of dollars off of bogus wars from money that is forcibly taken from us and our children, if they don't pay with their lives, they pay with their standard of living.
This some seems especially appropriate now...
With all of this at stake, is amazing that more people are not out on the street and tossing bricks into this war machine. Your enumerated list is chilling...
I post it now as a repose to some of the thoughts that I have shared...
All of these need to be weighed against what our future holds. Especially the last one that I have bolded. I cannot imagine anyone supporting any action this government does if they remotely believed that the bolded was a possibility. I am not intending to inflame. Only to provoke thought. Just think about the nature of the beast that we, as fellow citizens, are dealing with.
ps - I would truth Obama more if were not such a panderer. That is my impression. He will not do damned thing to really change unless his rhetoric really gets serious.